2 lb gain this week-and the world hasn't collapsed around me

Yep, 2 lb wt gain. Should I feel like a failure? That "this is all for nothing" and I should give up?
Ummmm, NO!
This, for me, is more about consistency and moderation. I looked over my 30 day food/exercise diary...and it is just that- consistent. I have not had 1 day over 2000 cal intake(total, not NET cals, not my "set" 1200+ exercise cals), incl my heavy exercise days. I'm only 6 wks in...I came on here not knowing...well, much of anything. I have in Feb, decided to take sat/sun off from the gym--rest days, to avoid burnout. (I could tell that's where I was headed-needed to find a better balance in that dept.Those are usually my "over by 300 cal days")-I don't have full on cheat days-my personal choice, for now. It's TOM, plus having some GI (tummy)issues. My body is used to fast food, it's kinda confused right now;)
I see so many people, new to this, being so hard on themselves. For me, it took 4 yrs to put on this wt; I realize some people have had lifelong wt issues. The LAST thing I need to be doing is bashing myself. So, this week, I plan on looking more at the TYPE of cals I'm consuming(i.e.sodium ), etc. I feel, that I'll eventually find the right balance that works FOR ME via some trial and error.

It seems as though the people on here who HAVE had success went through some ups and downs(just like real life), and they stayed the course...and were successful. They call it a "journey" for a reason:)


  • beachcrazy
    stay the course. it will pay off!
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    I always gain the week before my monthly. Once it gets going, it comes right back off. Women have hormones and we retain water. It will come off.
  • SugarHi
    SugarHi Posts: 452
    You my dear are inspirational. You are so correct, stay consistent, ups and downs are normal and should be expected. Your post is very motivational and positive. Thank you so much for sharing! :flowerforyou:
  • superschupp
    You have a very healthy attitude. I think it's good to hear from a person who can put things in perspective. Thank you.
  • FireMonkey
    FireMonkey Posts: 500 Member
    You're so right. Great post; thanks for sharing! :flowerforyou:
  • Wolfena
    Wolfena Posts: 1,570 Member
    Great attitude.... and I'd be willing to bet money that your 2 pound gain is caused by TOM hangin' around. When it's gone, you'll probably have an awesome drop.

  • Mommabee
    Mommabee Posts: 103
    You are so right! Thanks for sharing that with us all. I know we all know that deep down inside, we all just need to hear it out loud now and then!
  • SugarHi
    SugarHi Posts: 452
    I was thinkin
  • SugarHi
    SugarHi Posts: 452
    I was thinking about this post as I make breakfast for my family and it dawned on me. Before I started my weight loss journey, the only time I EVER stepped on a scale was during a visit to the docs office. I bet a lot of us never stepped on the scale every week before we started our journey. This to me means - we would never have seen the flux in weekly weigh ins. haha... It's just interesting to think about our mental mind sets before, during and after our own weight loss journey's.
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    You are so right. When I stopped weighing myself regularly, I was shocked to gain 25 pounds. I think we all need to stay vigilent. Even when we reach our goals, we should commit to making sure we check up on ourselves to make sure we're not undoing our hard work.
  • michelleladd
    I didn't even used to OWN a scale! I barely like the thought of weekly weighing in-let alone daily-I'd drive myself nuts/psyche myself out. (I get weighed every 3 month at the cardiologist office, as it is). I am of the notion that this is a weekly snapshot...I'm sure tomorrow a.m. I'll weigh something different, and the next. For me, more of a big picture thinker. Over time, I imagine the numbers will show a progressive decline.
    I think I may just stay off the scale for a bit. In the scheme of things, that's not the "be all and end all" of why I'm doing this: to soley to see my lil frog ticker jump every week;)

    Thanks for all of the supportive words of encouragement, everyone- I'm sure I'm not the only one in this boat. As a matter of fact--still 8 lbs, either way. Def take that! Having lost 4 lbs the first week(water most likely), not surprised to see some of it back.
  • michelleladd
    End of week 7 on MFP. Despite weekly scale fluctuations(NOT daily weigh-ins-)eek! -that'd drive me batty(once a week is plenty, for me- I don't wanna be that results oriented-again, that's just me; I realize some pple wiegh daily, etc. I'd just get too caught up in the minutia of it and psyche myself out, more likely).
    I've met and maintained(for 7 weeks) exerise /calories goals and have eaten "back" on ave 75% of my exercise cals(up to 100%) vs NOT eating exc. cals(like my "instinct " would tell me). Think that's been the difference, as it took the last 3 weeks/weigh-ins(-0.5, +2 back to back weeks...)
    (I went thru my "logs", so I knew was on the right track, basically)
    then today (-3.5), for 2 week net loss of (-2), for everything to even out-glad I stuck to the plan, despite the scale "seemingly" not cooperating.
    More importantly, tho...this IS getting easier, more "natural" to me, as it were. Last couple of weeks or so, I focus on adding ONE NEW thing at a time-this past week, for instance-sodium intake. Last week, I added/substituted more "real food meals"-vs Lean Quisine,etc. So, I gave myself the OK to be "off" on my Food Intake calories. Or, simply the "ok" to go thru the learning curve/trial and error portion of this.
    As long as I generally move forward(NOT just lose pounds), but change my poor eating habits and find a happy and healthy balance, it's all good
  • BlueLikeJazz
    BlueLikeJazz Posts: 219 Member
    I think you have such a great perspective on this whole thing. It is trial and error and finding what works best for you and what makes your body feel the best takes time.

    Congrats on your weight loss this week!