Eating Quality Food as Opposed to "Low Cal" Food



  • yourmomdude
    Baby carrots are raw and don't contain chemicals, but they are processed. Like many processed vegetables, baby carrots are washed in chlorine to kill germs. Baby carrots are made out of a variety of carrot known as the Imperator. They are bred to grow faster and ripen quickly, and because of this, they only have 70% of the beta carotene of a normal carrot. They are bred to be larger, have a larger sugar content, and an even color. All of these things make them more marketable to consumers and children who are vegetable adverse. So, the baby carrot is an example to the extreme of how even our produce in grown in order to sell the best, forsaking nutrition for visual appeal and sweetness.

    Here's an interesting blog post about the history of baby carrots:

    And, of course, has a list of sources.
  • careyannal
    Okay people, this is coming straight from the WORLD CARROT MUSEUM (yes, that exists)

    ""Manufactured" baby carrots , or cut and peel, are what you see most often in the shops - are carrot shaped slices of peeled carrots invented in the late 1980's by Mike Yurosek, a California farmer, as a way of making use of carrots which are too twisted or knobbly for sale as full-size carrots. Yurosek was unhappy at having to discard as much as 400 tonnes of carrots a day because of their imperfections, and looked for a way to reclaim what would otherwise be a waste product. He was able to find an industrial green bean cutter, which cut his carrots into 5 cm lengths, and by placing these lengths into an industrial potato peeler, he created the baby carrot.

    The much decreased waste is also used either for juicing or as animal fodder. Perhaps most important, the baby-cut method allows growers to use far more of the carrot than they used to. In the past, a third or more of a carrot crop could have been easily tossed away, but baby-cut allows more partial carrots to be used, and the peeling process actually removes less of the outer skin that you might imagine. They are sold in single-serving packs with ranch dressing for dipping on the side. They're passed out on airplanes and sold in plastic containers designed to fit in a car's cup holder. At Disney World, and MacDonald's burgers now come two ways: with fries or baby carrots."

    The website is here if you care to read more about the intriguing world of all things carrot:
  • yourmomdude
    Girl, you need a freezer! That sucks!
  • yourmomdude
    They started that way, but they aren't made from uggo carrots anymore--at least large national brands. They are grown to be baby carrots now that they are so popular and they are covered with chlorine.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    baby carrots are not actually 'baby' carrots, they are just processed into little nubs/petits and bathed in a solution that often turns them white (ish).
  • cassiepv
    cassiepv Posts: 242 Member
    I also am trying to eat real foods. ..I don't have a perfect diet - I do eat chocolate and mini magnum bars but I am trying to stay away from protein bars and shakes . I just feel bad when i eat them . I want to lose weight but I also want to improve my nutrition and overall health .
    Everyone has to do what's best for them . For me that's eating as fresh as possible .
  • rovernio
    rovernio Posts: 157
    you are right im a student with a job and i workout daily no excuses make ya zelf some real meals
  • rovernio
    rovernio Posts: 157
    well protein bars and shakes are way better then chocolade haha
  • cassiepv
    cassiepv Posts: 242 Member
    well protein bars and shakes are way better then chocolade haha

    I disagree . Calories are calories . If I have to eat all fake foods to hit my macros then overall health is not really the goal .
  • yourmomdude
    haha lol makronutreents r da bomb!
  • keithmustloseweight
    keithmustloseweight Posts: 309 Member
    I'm fascinated. Please elaborate on how baby carrots are "processed."

    They are just cut-down big carrots