Drop 1 Dress or Waist size- September Challenge



  • NGFive
    NGFive Posts: 125 Member
    I'm in! I want to get back into my smaller jeans and work clothes and I'm one size away. I have a gym membership and run at home. I need to eliminate refined sugar just from my "program ". I don't use the extra d word.
  • nbro14
    nbro14 Posts: 3
    Pls count me in as well!! Just starting, and would love a clear goal like this!! Thanks!
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
    Today is the last day to sign up for the challenge. Thanks again everyone for your support. The support has been awesome!!!

  • Caryl62
    Caryl62 Posts: 5 Member
    Whew - I hope I made it in under the wire! Please count me in!
  • bump
  • I'm in:smile:
  • kmac524
    kmac524 Posts: 24 Member
    I'm in!!
  • kmac524
    kmac524 Posts: 24 Member
    Just realized I'm too late, but I'm still going to consider myself IN! :)
  • Sign me up! PLEASE!
  • I d like to join ,
  • I'm in!!!
  • Mojorisen1
    Mojorisen1 Posts: 18 Member
    Ok I have to be honest here - since my last weigh in I GAINED 4 LBS! DOH! and CRAPPITY CRAP! I did a MS150 bike ride this weekend. Rode LOTS of miles (175), but also ate lots of carbs. Hoping some of this is water weight - lol well I just have to work a little harder to reach my September challenge goal. But I WILL! Back on the bandwagon today.:noway:
  • I am doing everything right - eating 1200 or fewer calories, nothing but water, running 5k every second day..playing ringette 1-2 times a week and I haven't lost anything or lost inches. Discouraging!!
  • down to 179.6 and can fit into a couple size 14's
  • Count me in, are we doing anything special besides changing eating hanit and exercise?
  • Count me in. Current dress size 14. would like to lose more but one dress size is a good start :-)
  • As Stownes66 has asked, is there going to be any particular way to do this? details would be good to know as I am completely new to weight loss thing!!! Totally clueless!!!