
anyone got some good advise for a long term smoker and effective techiques to quit, I'm 50 now in great shape underweight love cycling etc. But havent been able to give up the dreaded cigarettes


  • chicbuc
    chicbuc Posts: 477 Member
    I'm 40 and just quit in March. The only thing I can tell you is to just do it. When you have cravings, keep busy...and just do it.
  • persuader1
    persuader1 Posts: 40 Member
    I went from smoking 30 cigarettes a day to zero after reading "allan carr's easy way to stop smoking." Absolutely 100% recommended, and only the price of a packet of cigs!! I've been stopped since Feb 2008. Good luck with it!!
  • hughtwalker
    hughtwalker Posts: 2,213 Member
    chew licorice root at the times when you would have lit up.

    It is more habit than addiction.
    i.e. "This is the time when I have a cigarette"

    Expect to feel a temporary sense of bereavement and an equally temporary loss of "identity". The cigarette is so often a tool, a baton to emphasise a gesture or, lighting up gives thinking time - stalling for an answer.

    Suddenly this 'prop' is gone - find others, take a deep breath in those situations where you would have taken a long drag. (and not having a coughing fit can only enhance the reputation for deep, contemplative wisdom)

    good luck!
  • histogal99
    histogal99 Posts: 45 Member
    My husband and I quit (again) today. We quit last year, but had a relapse. The patch really helps us keep the urges down and not kill one another. Good luck!!
  • kayl3igh88
    kayl3igh88 Posts: 428 Member
    I'm 40 and just quit in March. The only thing I can tell you is to just do it. When you have cravings, keep busy...and just do it.

    This is pretty much it. All it is really is the willpower to keep saying "no" to them. As it says on my profile I cheated & took Champix from the doctor's, but if that makes you poorly maybe you could try the patches, the gum, or the lozenges or even a mix. I smoked for 11/12 years and didn't have any willpower to just throw the damn things away. There's also the vapour cigarettes; I had a tutor that used that & it worked wonders for him. Please bear in mind, you'll only quit (and stay quit) when you really want to.
  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    HI it is 1330 here and I am day 1 without a cigarette..... I have a patch on but still had a wave of??? dunno what, unpleasantness? need for a *kitten*? anyway it has passed, for the moment. I just did the 30 day shred and am looking forward to getting back into shape. Unlike you my fitness levels have gone too recently, I am giving myself two weeks then I plan to start running again, I think it would be disastrous at the mo. Have you quit the weed or about to? let's do it eh? the more the merrier I say. It stinks, is antisocial, winter is coming here and the thought of standing outside in the cold and rain to smoke is ludicrous, c'mon let us get rid of this nonsense.
  • c2111
    c2111 Posts: 693 Member
    im a struggling on again off again goodluck i know darn hard it is, I found some free hypnosis apps for my phone they help alot, and patches x I have cut down a lot and my new quit day is next monday, I now smoke about 5 a day 2 weeks ago it was 25 a day. Goodluck and keep trying xx
  • histogal99
    histogal99 Posts: 45 Member
    HI it is 1330 here and I am day 1 without a cigarette..... I have a patch on but still had a wave of??? dunno what, unpleasantness? need for a *kitten*? anyway it has passed, for the moment. I just did the 30 day shred and am looking forward to getting back into shape. Unlike you my fitness levels have gone too recently, I am giving myself two weeks then I plan to start running again, I think it would be disastrous at the mo. Have you quit the weed or about to? let's do it eh? the more the merrier I say. It stinks, is antisocial, winter is coming here and the thought of standing outside in the cold and rain to smoke is ludicrous, c'mon let us get rid of this nonsense.

    Yes - let's do this. I'm with you! I don't want to stand out in the cold this winter either.
  • Ralfgar
    Ralfgar Posts: 6 Member
    I was a two pack a day smoker into my mid 30s when I quit. Number one, you must have a true reason to quick that means more to you than anything (me it was for making healthy children. could not quit for me, for my health or my wife but my unborn children was all I needed. been smoke free for 11 years). Two, use something for the withdraul symptoms, I usesd the patch which worked for me. three, if you are like me, you will want a smoke everyday for the rest of your life but you CHOOSE not to have one and the craving only last a minute or so. IF you quit, you can never have another smoke or you will have to start all over. If you quite, quite for life! Good Luck Sir and give it hell :)
  • crazylady50s
    i smoked for 45 years
    had a very mild heart attack
    quit in 2007
    not as hard as i thought it would be
    mind over matter sure helps
  • CyeRyn
    CyeRyn Posts: 389 Member
    Chantix worked for me and I've been quit almost 3yrs. Not saying it works for everyone though. Between my mom, my brother and I only my mom and I have stayed away. But she also wen't back to it about 6mo after quitting before she quit for good the last time.
  • cassiepv
    cassiepv Posts: 242 Member
    Smoked for 25 years . I quit in June of last year . I used the patch the first month.
    I wish I would have found Allen Carrs book , several people I know used this to quit . From what I understand it really helps ! Good luck
  • maib55
    maib55 Posts: 1
    I gave up in Feb this year after so many attempts i do know this time will be the last time i try as at this moment i never want to smoke again, YOU HAVE TO BE READY IN YOUR MIND TO WANT TO GIVE UP FOR YOU ONLY i dont have cravings I hate the smell of someone smoking also can even smell the people without a cigarette that smoke think i used to smell like that.... i have had great support from my Gp stop smoking clinic, i had help with patches and also at the same time i had an inhalator both these combined i found great, I used to stand with my friends who smoked and i had my inhalator at the beggining, i did get cravings for the first 2 months but not now and it is the best thing i have ever done, I have 2 granddaughter worth giving up to see them grow :smile:
    Good luck to all who are trying.....if you are ready and really want to give up you can do it :smile:
  • persuader1
    persuader1 Posts: 40 Member
    Smoked for 25 years . I quit in June of last year . I used the patch the first month.
    I wish I would have found Allen Carrs book , several people I know used this to quit . From what I understand it really helps ! Good luck

    Fantastic book!!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    anyone got some good advise for a long term smoker and effective techiques to quit, I'm 50 now in great shape underweight love cycling etc. But havent been able to give up the dreaded cigarettes

    I've never been a smoker, but someone I used to work with quit and part of his strategy was to go for a walk at the time he would usually have a cigarrette. Both my grandparents (who smoked for 40 years) just up and quit cold turkey.

    My grandmother decided to quit and since she was the one who always bought the cigarrettes, when she stopped, my grandfather finished the carton they had and never had another.

    Good luck!
  • floridagirl7264
    floridagirl7264 Posts: 318 Member
    I went from smoking 30 cigarettes a day to zero after reading "allan carr's easy way to stop smoking." Absolutely 100% recommended, and only the price of a packet of cigs!! I've been stopped since Feb 2008. Good luck with it!!


    I stopped smoking 1 1/2 years ago using the book's methods.
  • Bronx_Montgomery
    Bronx_Montgomery Posts: 2,287 Member
    Its a hard battle but it can be done. I wasn't a constant smoker but was a casual smoker and I hated the fact that I smoked. To be honest I found it easier to quit once I focus on eating healthy and hitting the Gym. My urges just went away. Also the fact that I eat every 2 hours or so. I had.......errr have an oral fixation hence why I think I had to urge to smoke. When you get the urge to smoke you should put gum or something in your mouth. After a while your brain will associate that oral fixation from smoking to gum or something else.
  • Gentyl
    Gentyl Posts: 184 Member
    anyone got some good advise for a long term smoker and effective techiques to quit, I'm 50 now in great shape underweight love cycling etc. But havent been able to give up the dreaded cigarettes

    Last December, I quit instantly by using the KGO e-cigarette and flavored e-liquid from myfreedomsmokes. You can get it with nicotine in varying strengths and completely without. All my blood tests show that I am a nonsmoker. It's literally saved my life.
  • makkman
    makkman Posts: 212
    Great book referenced. There are so many stop smoking aids but it really comes down to the mental aspect of the addiction. U need to just do it and don't breakdown and have one. Soon that u becomes ur way of life. Good topic
  • samlankford
    quit back in 2007, use "chantix" meds from the dr... went through divorce from d-bag ex-husband, stated smoking agian but quit again with "chantix"...