just wondering what everyones thoughts are on diet pills - not illegal ones or anything - the ones prescribed by doctors?? IE - Orlistat??

love to hear your thoughts



  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    If they worked long term, there wouldn't be so many overweight people still walking around. Save your money and don't contribute further to the big pharma diet industry.
  • i havent used them but my sister used Orlistat from her gp - and lets just say they made her life difficult - having to look at packaging to ensure she wasnt eating somethjing with too much fat and worrying in case she got caught short for the toilet if she accidently ate something over her fat quota - the best way is eating healthly and exercising
  • If they worked long term, there wouldn't be so many overweight people still walking around. Save your money and don't contribute further to the big pharma diet industry.

    im Not planning on buying them - i was just wondering on peoples stories and thoughts about them as i was curious - im sticking to this & gym :)
  • julieh391
    julieh391 Posts: 683 Member
    If diet pills worked none of us would be here counting calories. And I sure as heck wouldn't be waking up at 5am to go to the gym. Stick to something that's sustainable like MFP. Log what you eat and how much you move, and you'll be pleasantly surprised by how easy it is. :smile:
  • I have done many different diet pills prescribed by my doctor. I have lost weight and I have gained it back. I find they don't help me make wise food choices either. They curb my appetite, but then I wait until my body is starving to eat; and then I start craving all things bad for me. Another bad side effect I have had on diet pills is my mood. They would send me spiraling out of control, one minute happy, the next mad, and then to crying for no reason. I wish diet pills "cured" obesity, but it is just another diet fad. Healthy and slow is the way to go. Good for you doing it that way!
  • LittleMissDover
    LittleMissDover Posts: 820 Member
    The way Orlistat and many other legal weight loss pills work is by making you too scared to eat fat in case you *kitten* yourself!

    I'd rather know I can work in the odd take away if I want one without worrying that I'm going to have greasy residue leaking from my bum!
  • Roderunr
    Roderunr Posts: 65 Member
    If they worked long term, there wouldn't be so many overweight people still walking around. Save your money and don't contribute further to the big pharma diet industry.

    OMG - THIS :)
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    Orlistat specificaly is a horrible idea. Firstly, who wants to "carry around an extra pair of dark pants or jeans until you know how this medicine will affect you". I'm sorry, I'd rather not have explosive diarrhea when i'm working or something.

    Secondly, How do those aid in long term compliance? How do they teach you proper eating habits for the long run?
  • Although I have never taken it - I know that a doctor can prescribe Phentermine which can help with appetite suppression and is usually used to help very overweight people kickstart their weightloss. I know some people have success with it, but it isn't meant to be taken long term and you obviously have to follow up with a diet and exercise plan and ultimately a lifestyle change.

    Reading the reviews of Alli on Amazon is enough to scare me out of ever trying that or Orlistat...
  • Lyssa_Herrera
    Lyssa_Herrera Posts: 11 Member
    I have been on phentermine phendamendazine ( not sure that is the correct spelling) HCG otc diet pills. They are all like crash diets. The phentermine and phendamendazine totally screwed up my cycle.
  • chynatowngirl44
    chynatowngirl44 Posts: 94 Member
    Here is a great rule of thumb to follow, anything that artificially raises your metabolism or heart rate is not a good idea. When I mention artificially raising your metabolism and HR I mean without any effort on your part. The possible side effects of these types of medications range anywhere from headaches to heart attacks, and run the gammet from kidney failure to reported deaths. It is the lazy person's quick fix to losing weight, without actually teaching them the importance of eating properly in order to increase their metabolism naturally and exercising to increase their HR to the fat burning maximum thus increasing strengthening their heart and other components of the cardiovascular system. It didn't take overnight to gain the weight, so it shouldn't take over night to lose it.