Ready to Commit

So i have had a MFP before but i never committed to it. Well now i am really stepping it up. i am tired of being fat, tired of not being able to do everything i want to do with my child, and im changing for the good... Starting 45 minutes ago!!!! I would love some support, i need all the support i can get! so if you would like to add me i would appreciate it. i have 80lbs to lose, and hoping to lose 16-20 lbs by thanksgiving. that is about 2lbs per week. I know i can do it. I got the totalgym today and it is the best investment i have made so far.. i love it.


  • candctaber
    Welcome to MFP! You can do this!!!
  • MrsScheidt
    MrsScheidt Posts: 207 Member
    I will help you with your journey! I have 100+ pounds to lose, and I am in it for the long haul! I'll add you.
  • yvilla363
    yvilla363 Posts: 22 Member
    Congrats on taking the first step! I just re-joined 5 days ago and the support is WONDERFUL! I'm addcited to MFP now!
  • RunMegRunRed
    Welcome back and here's to commiting to our goals. :drinker:
    I have just re-commited myself and have about 35 pounds to lose to my goal. This is a hard time of year as a devoted fat kid, but with a little support and some self control we can do it!
  • MrsScheidt
    MrsScheidt Posts: 207 Member
    Welcome back and here's to commiting to our goals. :drinker:
    I have just re-commited myself and have about 35 pounds to lose to my goal. This is a hard time of year as a devoted fat kid, but with a little support and some self control we can do it!

    I agree!! This is a hard time of the year for those of us who love to eat, but we can do this!!! We can work together!
  • changingforthegood
    thank you all for the support. i realized i had to do something, when my daughter said she wanted more to eat so she could be big like her mama.. i knew at that point that it was truely time for a change. and im committed to changing myself from the inside out.. i thank you for all the support and encouragement. we can do this!!
  • lucysmommy
    welcome and good luck - smaller goals seem much easier than one bigger goals - you can do this x
  • VastBreak
    VastBreak Posts: 322 Member
    Awesome, way to commit! I just started a few days ago and am committed too, add me as a friend if you want! I am thinking that I want to be into some good routines before the Holidays get here!
  • pascorra
    HI guys - I am just starting this TODAY - and I am very excited. I know, I feel my best when I eat well, exercise and here is to this new journey! I know I have to be consistent!!
  • HypersonicFitNess
    HypersonicFitNess Posts: 1,219 Member
    You can add me; I like to help others with their weight loss journey. I've already been there and done that. I lost 35 lbs previously and kept it off for over 4 years. I will send you a friend request.
  • ldr310
    ldr310 Posts: 3 Member
    You can do it! I joined Weight Watchers in 2008 to lose 80lbs. So far I have lost 50 and was close to 60 lbs lost when I let my weight creep back up a little. Even though, it has taken me longer than I wanted, I still celebrate that I haven't gained the 50 back and that I have made serious improvements in my diet and overall lifestyle. Keep up the good work!!!
  • soultrain1913
    soultrain1913 Posts: 33 Member
    I'm in. Been bouncing back & forth myself. I want to lose 20 lbs before the end of this year so I would love to join forces with you!
  • kdzi
    kdzi Posts: 78 Member
    I'm ready, too. I have over 70 pounds to lose. I am a 46-year-old single mom, and I want to be around and be healthy to be with my son. I started on Saturday, and I am already feeling more alert and that I'm sleeping better. I love all the data...especially on the nutritional profile of what I'm eating. I'm in this for the long haul, and would be glad to encourage and have some encouragement!
  • changingforthegood
    YAY! i am so excited to have all of your support, and i will help support and encourage you as well along with your journies. You are all awesome, and thank you