Cheese and weight loss...

I LOOOOOVE cheese...cheddar cheese if my favorite.

I am only adding a slice of american cheese to a sandwich when i have one...then some days (like today) I want a Sargento reduced fat cheddar cheese stick

I believe it's only 90 calories. I know that I won't go over board with it and have too much...but has anyone had better luck without it?

Or have you seen the same results with it as long as it fits into your diet plans..i'm just afraid i won't see results because of the "fat" of cheese....


  • Elen_Sia
    Elen_Sia Posts: 638 Member
    I eat cheese every day.
  • xPOOKiEx
    xPOOKiEx Posts: 156 Member
    I've just heard some people who can't eat it at all....but maybe that's because they ate too much.

    I think I love it too much to give it up lol. I bought reduced fat...and I won't use that as an excuse to eat more than that in a day.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    If it were me, I'd go with *real* cheese like provolone or Swiss or cheddar, oooh or smoky cheddar.....

    I say "YES!!!" to the cheddar cheese stick, but "No, thanks!" to the processed "cheese product" that is known as American cheese. It isn't real cheese at all.

    Having said all that, I :heart: cheese! I eat it just about every day. But it has to be *real* cheese. I just hate the fake stuff. Kraft singles taste like plastic to me compared to a thick slice of properly aged cheddar!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Oh, also, you will find that the reduced fat cheese probably has a higher sodium count. The fat in cheese is actually a VERY good mix of healthy fat! Just eat it and enjoy! You are not saving yourself very many calories by going for the low-fat version.
  • moomaq
    moomaq Posts: 24 Member
    I used to cook with cheese every day.

    I love cheese,

    But since I started this healthy lifestyle plan, I have 100% stopped cooking with cheese, and dont buy it for my house.
    However if i am out, I will have a glass of wine and help eat the cheese board at the end of the night.

    I have just excluded it out of my daily routine to try to break a habbit of always wanting it.

  • sarahharmintx
    sarahharmintx Posts: 868 Member
    I eat cheese every day.
    If the calories fit, eat it.
  • krbates84
    krbates84 Posts: 96 Member
    I LOVE cheddar cheese...I still eat it. I just watch how much I eat and make it fit into my daily calories. I've lost over 29 lbs all while eating cheese almost daily! :)
  • jonibc
    jonibc Posts: 104 Member
    I had to add low-fat cheese to meet my calcium goals. I eat the Mini Babybel lights for 50 calories and also Frigo Light Cheese Sticks for 50 calories each. Both of those are a good little snack or meal addition and they each give me 20% of my calcium per day. Regular cheese (not low fat) is very high in calories so I avoid it. I'm sure there are some low or nonfat sandwich slices available.
  • supercatie18
    supercatie18 Posts: 82 Member
    Yep I eat cheese all the time... get a food scale and measure it, I usually pack it for lunch and measure ahead of time so I can't eat more than a serving!:laugh:
  • BlueJean4114
    BlueJean4114 Posts: 595 Member
    i myself don't think it's the "fat" in a food,
    it's the calorie total.

    If you are allowed to eat 1500 calories per day,
    but only ate 1400 calories per day, you'd lose weight, even there were lots of fat grams in your calories.

    they are your calories.
    you can spend them any way you choose to.
    Of course, for overall health, you'd want to be spending them on nutritious products, not all weight loss is done healthily.
    By choosing lower calorie items, you get to chew more things each day.

    yeah, i'm with WendyTerry, fake cheese? can't eat it, yuck!
    I eat real cheese.
    On good days, i budget it into my calorie allowance for the day. On bad days (i still have those) i can go over my calorie count on any number of food items, not just cheese.

    Lately, since *I* have portion control issues when i am around cheese, I CAN EAT AN ENTIRE BLOCK OF CHEESE and still want more cheese.

    i have been experimenting with substituting a spoonful of parmesan cheese.
    it's NOT that parmesan has less calories,
    it's that i tend to lose the urge to continue to eat powder on a spoon, lol!! yet, i get that cheese taste....