Water Intake

I am 49 year old male , weigh 142 lbs and probably burn on average 7000 calories a week through exercise.

It has suddenly dawned on me that I drink far too much water and have done so since I increased my activity level 6-12 months ago. I probably drink 3-4 litres of tap water a day, possibly more, and drink 1-2 diet cokes, and at least 6-8 mugs of tea/coffee, not counting the significant water content in my 3000 calorie food intake. I would normally add 1 sometimes 2 High 5 - Zero tablets to a litre of water to replace electrolytes through exercise.

I bought in to the myth that you need to drink large quantities of water daily, particularly when doing intense exercise. Clearly I now recognise that I have been overdoing it somewhat!

I do however feel fit and healthy although my blood pressure is a little high. As you can imagine I also frequent the bathroom often, perhaps every hour while awake and every 2 hrs when I should be sleeping.

This frustration led me to investigate further to establish whether this could be causing me some harm. I do intend to get some blood tests done in the immediate future but wanted to chuck this out there to the mfp community. I really like an 'informed' opinion from someone experienced or knowledgeable in this field as to the possible effects, serious and minor, from long term consumption of water of this magnitude.


  • uclown2002
    uclown2002 Posts: 79 Member
    Well it seems the kidneys should be able to process a lot more water than what I take in. I still don't believe my water intake is optimal so would like to know whether such quantities over a long period can put too much pressure on the kidneys and cause an electrolyte imbalance?

    Is this possible, or would another underlying issue have to present to affect electrolytes?

    I'll take this to my doctor as soon as I can but would be grateful if anyone with first hand knowledge could advise.
  • leska1216
    leska1216 Posts: 260
    Not sure if this helps or not, I drink up to 8 litres of water a day. This is not taking into account my pot of coffee every morning. When it gets cold my water intake will drop but then I drink tea. I add nothing to my drinks. My kidney function is fine and my creatine levels are where they should be. I am not a frequent user of the bathroom!! and never get up at night. I am a 58 year old female and workout 3 days a week.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    more than 2 or 3 litres a day is probably pointless unless you have a high rate of loss through sweating etc. Having to pee in the night without a bladder problem would point to excess consumption over that required for adequate hydration.

    Unless you pee out pure water there's a loss of electrolytes, maximum safe intakes around 10 litres/day pop up in the literature for example www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/internalmedicine1962/26/2/26_2_249/_pdf

    Someone with high blood pressure might not be advised to take several electrolyte tablets with 0.25g of sodium each but that's above my pay grade and qualifications - check with a doctor.
  • uclown2002
    uclown2002 Posts: 79 Member
    Thanks guys.

    Went for a blood test today and will get results on Wednesday.