
I keep cheating.. It only happens at night. I will get hungry around dinner or after dinner and just want to eat whatever is quickest, which is most likely never healthy. Our house is packed with health foods so I end up going straight to the worst stuff. For instance, I keep craving sweet stuff like chocolate. We bought pudding, fruit, and the special k chocolate cereal and bars.. I just end up eating too much of the bad. Or I don't want to cook that day and we end up eating out. I've lost 3 pounds but it's like I eat unhealthy one night and then the next morning I completely regret it. What do I do?.. I want to lost weight but when it comes to night time, my values of healthy food go out the window.
Does anyone else have that problem?


  • Whiskybelly
    Whiskybelly Posts: 197 Member
    I've got this exact same problem, so I know how you feel.

    There's only really two ways of dealing with it; the first is to just get rid of all of the bad stuff. If others in the house want it, they need to keep it in their room to help you out. The other way is to try and have your dinner a little later, and have a bigger breakfast. Sounds weird, because why would breakfast the next day make a difference? But I've found that my cravings were occuring because the next morning I might skip breakfast altogether, and now my body probably knows that in about 8 hours it's going to get a load of food - so now I don't feel the need to grab something out of the fridge at 10pm.

    Hope this helps.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    print this post and put it on your fridge and cupboard
  • Whiskybelly
    Whiskybelly Posts: 197 Member
    print this post and put it on your fridge and cupboard

    Yeah, this sounds good actually.
  • I definitely have this same problem. I always want to eat late night. I try to keep eating fruit and string cheese at night but I usually want the worst thing available. I so know the feeling.
  • Marquism123
    Marquism123 Posts: 152 Member
    print this post and put it on your fridge and cupboard

    This is truly a great idea. I might go post something similar just so I will have something to pin to my cupboard!
  • LoveMyLife_NYC
    LoveMyLife_NYC Posts: 230 Member
    I grew up in a house where you pig out on junk food late at night. That's just what a nighttime snack was. So, I started planning to eat protein filled healthy snacks about 2-3 hours after dinner. Now I'm rarely hungry for all the sugary stuff.

    Also, healthy substitutes for junk food never work for me. If I'm craving chocolate, and try to combat the craving with chocolate flavored healthier things, I'll just eat way more calories trying to satisfy the craving. For me, it's way better to eat that filling healthy snack, and top it off with a small real piece of chocolate.
  • kel665
    kel665 Posts: 401 Member
    This is a problem of mine too. I find planning what I am going to make for tea during the day (and even making it early to heat up later) is really helping me. I don't get to that hungry stage around tea time and then eat everything in sight while I am trying to decide what to cook.
    I am making sure I eat plenty of food so I don't get to the stage that I feel really hungry.
    Keep some healthy snacks ready that you can just pick up and eat if you feel the need.
    Clean your teeth and go to bed early with a book. I find if I am sitting watching tv I just want to snack constantly.
  • grammysboy
    grammysboy Posts: 151 Member
    I find myself wanting to "graze" most evenings too. I've found that raw veggies help me a lot. Cauliflower, carrots or broccoli. You can have about as many as you like. I cut them up into bite sized pieces and keep them in the fridge. They're filling and fill that craving to be eating something. Lots of water seems to help too.
  • Pizzagirl50
    Pizzagirl50 Posts: 112 Member
    I'm the same way and agree with eating dinner later than normal. I've been doing this and it really helps because I'm physically full so my brain doesn't tell me to eat. I only moved meal time by an hour but so far no after dinner/before bed cravings and /or binges. Good luck to you on your journey!
  • panamasammii
    panamasammii Posts: 22 Member
    Definitely agree to eat dinner later. I normally eat around 8.00pm when the girls have gone to bed! (much more peaceful!!) and so much less time to want to eat anything else before I go to bed!

    I have also found that these following ideas have really helped me stay on my diet and not cheat with crap food!

    1. I no longer have bad food in the house. If its not there I cant eat it!! Putting it another room wont help with me, I know its there!
    My Husband and girls are on board with that too..... If they want a healthier, Skinnier Mommy/Wife, then they have to be supportive!!

    2. If I do feel that I am hungry, I have a cup or tea or coffee.

    3. I also have an Oatmeal Cookie withmy tea or coffee. Great for Dunking! I have found these 57 calorie cookies from Bio-Land. Cant beat that!!

    I found that if I really must eat something else after dinner, then these low cal snacks really are the best option.

    I dont know where you live, but perhaps next time you are out grocery shopping, check out the "Diet Food".. you may just find a gem. Remember to read the label! Some foods that say Low Fat are high in Carbs and Sodium.!

    Before I started this diet and MFP, I used to eat packets and packets of "Low Fat" Pretzels.... never realizing that these things are packed with calories, carbs and sodium!

    Hope this helps?
  • Make/Eat J-E-L-L-O :-)
  • meer__kat
    meer__kat Posts: 16 Member
    I also have the same problem and for me, a two-step solution works:

    1. Don't keep the bad stuff in your house (as many others have said already)
    2. Build the snack into your diet plan. Every night around 9pm, I eat a half serving of healthy "chips" (like trader joe's soy/flaxseed chips) or organic popcorn, 7 to 14 almonds (i like the salt and vinegar or soy and wasabi ones) and 1 to 2 squares of chocolate. Because I know I get to eat it, it's easier to resist the urge to graze after/before dinner. And it totally fulfills my craving for anything salty or sweet.

    One note - I usually eat this right before or right after I get into bed to read, and I try to really focus on it and eat it slowly (rather than mindlessly bolting it down while watching TV).
  • mollybee06
    mollybee06 Posts: 1 Member
    yeees!!! i totally have that problem but when you are tired your body craves carbs (to your body carbs are quick fuel. usually bad kinds like sweets and pasta) the best thing to do is to drink a protein shake right when you get hungry or even a slim fast if you have one i always keep both in the house it helps me to stay on the right path it totally works! then you will think more clearly and be able to make a better decision on whether you are really hungry and what you really need :)... also if you crave ice cream sometimes you can put a little greek vanilla yogurt, ice cubes and protein powder (whatever flavor you like) in a blender and it feels like ice cream. it wont be the same but it will totally help! Body For life is a great program for fitness and nutrition it has helped me tremendously! i hope this helps!!!