Are there foods that you just don't log when you're tracking



  • mbowen
    mbowen Posts: 16
    I was guessing on my coffee creamer and sugar, but the other day I measured it and realized I was using 2-3 times what I was logging in. So now I am logging everything!!! If I would have measured and logged in the creamer/sugar accurately I may have been over on my calories. I think it is important to log everything to make sure you don't go over daily intake goals.
  • pannellkat
    pannellkat Posts: 709 Member
    I log it all. If it enters my mouth, it is being logged in. Even my equal or splenda with zero calories get logged. I like to keep myself accountable for everything.
  • mbowen
    mbowen Posts: 16
    I don't log my Nicorette - which I chain chew! It probably adds another 100 calories a day, but you know what? I don't wanna
    All right - I'll start.

    how long have you been chewing nicorette? Is it working for you or are you now addicted to the gum? Just curious as I have a friend who needs to quit and has set a date at the end of the month to give it a shot.
  • junipuni
    junipuni Posts: 264 Member
    Log everything! Especially pickles - even if they don't have many calories they are loaded with sodium and can put you way over your sodium allotment for the day. Plus, all those little calories throughout the day do add up...

    I haven't been logging in my chewing gum though...perhaps I better start?
    ITA with logging EVERYThing. One of the things I am keeping track of is sodium and even if there is something with no calories or fat it has sodium. :)

    I don't log my gum though. But I rarely have it.
  • kiffypooh
    kiffypooh Posts: 1,045 Member
    I don't log diet soda or veggies on my sandwiches. If I make a sandwich at home and put a leaf or two of lettuce on it or a couple tomato rings I don't normally log it. I figure I didn't get to 250 lbs eating lettuce and tomatoes :laugh:
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,118 Member
    Okay, so I entered a can of Diet Coke, one 1oz Claussens Garlic Pickle and 1 serving (2Tbsp) Half and Half into my diary just now.


    Cals 44 total
    Carbs 2
    Fat 3...............................(In 2 Tablespoons of Half&Half - most of us use 4 or more as a "serving")
    Protein 1........................(I need to get to 58g, so can't have all from animal sources with 15g Sat Fat allowed)
    Sat Fat 2........................(I'm only allowed 17g daily - pretty much ALL Fat in Half&Half, and 2g Saturated!)
    Calcium 3......................(Just from the cream - there are lots better ways to get calcium: my Goal is 100g daily)
    Cholesterol 11mg.......(I can have 300mg)
    SODIUM 322mg..........(Recommended is 1500 or less)

    The biggest problem with Diet Pop is that it leeches Calcium from your bones, ladies!

    Do the research, I think you'll find that Diet Pop is a waste of your money, the earth's resources, and there are tastier and more nutritious ways to hydrate without all that SODIUM! Cheaper ways, too. Like water and green tea.

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
  • Wolfena
    Wolfena Posts: 1,570 Member
    I don't log diet soda or veggies on my sandwiches. If I make a sandwich at home and put a leaf or two of lettuce on it or a couple tomato rings I don't normally log it. I figure I didn't get to 250 lbs eating lettuce and tomatoes :laugh:

    Same for me
  • dogmeat
    I don't log gum and I have estimates for some things like coffee with milk (based on a few measurements).

    Coffee was a bit of a surprise, I drink it with 1% milk and no sweetener, and 1 mug contains about 60 Calories. Since I drink anywhere between 5 and 12 mugs a day, that can be a significant portion of daily energy intake :) At least I'm getting enough calcium!
  • Wolfena
    Wolfena Posts: 1,570 Member
    I was guessing on my coffee creamer and sugar, but the other day I measured it and realized I was using 2-3 times what I was logging in. So now I am logging everything!!! If I would have measured and logged in the creamer/sugar accurately I may have been over on my calories. I think it is important to log everything to make sure you don't go over daily intake goals.

    This is important... especially if you use creamers! One tablespoon (even of the fat free or sugar free varieties) have anywhere from 25-60 calories per TABLESPOON. If you are just dumping in what seems like a little bit, it could easily be 2 or 3 or more tablespoons and should be logged. My coffee every morning is almost 100 calories (for a 24 ounce cup) I use artificial sweetener for it, but now I also use some regular milk along with LESS fat-free vanilla creamer - because I realized just how much creamer I was dumping in one time when I measured it at home - and not necessarily for flavor, but because it wasn't the shade of brown I preferred. :tongue:

    I wish I could just give the stuff up but can't seem to do it! :blushing: & Yes, I've tried vanilla flavored sugar free syrups, they're okay - but just not the same.
  • kiffypooh
    kiffypooh Posts: 1,045 Member
    I don't log my Nicorette - which I chain chew! It probably adds another 100 calories a day, but you know what? I don't wanna
    All right - I'll start.

    how long have you been chewing nicorette? Is it working for you or are you now addicted to the gum? Just curious as I have a friend who needs to quit and has set a date at the end of the month to give it a shot.

    My aunt has been chewing the Nicorette gum for about 28 years and my mom has been chewing it for about 25 years. I did the patch and I've been nicotine free for almost 5 years. I did use the second level patch one packet longer then they called for because that's where I feel off the wagon and started smoking again the last time I had quite.
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    I don't log my tea or my diet soda or my chewing gum. If I ever get to the point where I'm not losing, I'll start logging them. These things are sugar free and basically calorie free so I don't worry so much.
  • mmccurrach
    mmccurrach Posts: 50 Member
    The only thing I don't log is my drinks and really the only thing I feel like I should is my coffee because I put skim milk in it but it's not worth it to me to add that little bit of milk.
  • Emilydmo
    Emilydmo Posts: 101
    I don't log mints (tic-tacs) or the spinach and 0 cal brown mustard I put on my daily sandwich. Oh, and I don't log diet cokes. I bought a 90-day fitness planner at Barnes and Noble to coincide with my P90X journey, so I've been doing all my logging in there the last few weeks and for that I will log EVERYTHING just because it's easier to write it then to search for it.
  • ccounts
    I try to log everything but generally take one day off a week from logging. I try not to sit at the computer too long, as it slows my momentum, which is very important for me to keep. Anyway, I usually add the mustard, mayo, whatever I'm putting on my sandwich, even the lettuce, etc., because I want to keep track of all my choices, good or bad. I've cut waaaay back on diet sodas and usually only have them when I'm out at lunch or out with friends in the evenings. I don't keep it at home anymore. I drink tea regularly, but rarely add anything to it at all, yet again I keep track of it because I want to keep from going overboard on caffeine. When I have coffee, I taste it before I add any half and half. If it's good rich coffee, fragrant and wonderful, I don't add anything. If it tastes a bit raunchy, I add half and half and usually only drink a few sips before I dump the whole thing down the drain. So, coffee, yes I track it.
  • catherine1979
    catherine1979 Posts: 704 Member
    I don't log tea or coffee when I drink it black.
  • lilshorde56
    i never log what i eat on sundays!! it prob would be an embarrasment to myself for ppl to see! lmao
  • THuffers
    I don't log my tea. I never add sugar or milk to my tea so I figure the 15 calories per bag won't hurt me. :-) Otherwise I try to log everything. I'm still new here and have had to learn that if I don't log the smallest things I want to cheat more. It helps me to be more conscience of what I grab to eat. :-)
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    When I'm on track and doing super well, I log every substance that enters my mouth.

    When I'm idling along, not losing much, maintaining my own, I leave out a lot of low calories foods:
    most raw veggies
    diet sodas
    kool aid or water flavor packets
    pickles, mustard, vinegar

    They do add up, probably to 100 calories a day, but my daily caloric intake here is a guestimate, so I don't stress to much about these.
  • Jerzeebabie04
    I guess I should start logging my gum too! It's sugar-free, but I chew a lot of gum throughout the day, it definitely helps me not to eat something else, but I chew enough pieces a day that it probably could count. Less than 5 calories a piece, but it could still add up.
  • Jerzeebabie04
    I do take phentermine diet pills prescribed by the doctor and a multivitamin each day.... is there a way to log those? Is it even important to log those type of things?