Looking for people looking to lose 40+ pounds!

And lots of good motivation and support. (: Add me!


  • crazyvermont
    crazyvermont Posts: 171 Member
    Have lost 48 and doctor would like me to lose another 50-60, so guess I have a ways to go lol
  • GnarlyBro
    GnarlyBro Posts: 17 Member
    Aww, well 48 is a good start!! :0 Good luck!!
  • 40 pounds may seem like a lot, but you just have to take it in small chunks. This is unfortunately my third time that I am having to work at losing weight. The first time I lost 70 pounds going from 250 to 180 pounds. I did this by cycling. Unfortunately I wasn't able to maintain my riding and I started in on other sedentary habits (Mainly video games...) that pulled my attention from riding. Over the course of 3 years I had gained 101 pounds and went from 180 to 281 pounds.... Once I got to a certain point where it was getting hard for me to even tie my own shoes I decided to make a change so I got back on the bike. In the spring of 2010 I got back on my bike and by the end of the year I had lost 30 pounds, and by July of 2011 I was down to 205 pounds a 76 pound loss. Great, but once again I was not able to maintain. Last fall and winter I went through some tough times in my life. My wife had a miscarriage in August, and October I was hit by a car while riding my bike. It just took the wind out of my sails and I started gaining weight again. I am a stress eater, and the combination of me not riding anymore on top of my increase of food intake took me from 205 to 250 again.

    I have been working on finding my drive and motivation to lose the weight this third time, but it is slowly coming back to me. Honestly this time has been the hardest so far, but I am determined that this will be my last time.

    One of the most important thing is to surround yourself by people that will help you towards your goal of losing weight. Even one bad influence can hinder your progress to your ultimate goal. Try and find other people around you in your every day life that are trying to do the same thing and work together to keep each other motivated, and stay accountable to each other when it comes to staying on your diet and your exercise routine.

    Just keep at it. If you use this site/app religiously then you WILL loose weight, and cheating on adding all that you eat is really only cheating yourself in the long run.
  • 100+ a few pounds.. will take time, but it will be worth it!
  • Alpina483
    Alpina483 Posts: 246 Member
    40+... that would be me )) more in the 60ish region, though :smile:
  • khuku
    khuku Posts: 2
    Add me too.