Time to take charge...

Hi Everyone!

I'm new today to MFP and am joining your group because I think I have a lot in common with many of you, based on some of the posts I've read. I am 49 years old and want to take back control of my eating habits (too much) and exercise (lack of). My big 5-0 will be in July 2013 and my goal is to embrace it feeling happy, healthy, & fit. I want it to be one heck of a celebration!!

As stated above, a huge part of my problem is a lack of motivation for exercise. I live in Mesa, AZ so there really is no good excuse for not being able to be active year-round. I tend to go gung ho and exercise in spurts, lose interest, and remain idle. Consequently, I overeat and gain weight again. It's a vicious cycle that I need to break. When I consider joining a gym, I usually tell myself that I will do it once I lose 15 lbs. so I won't feel as self-conscious. Ridiculous, isn't it? :-)

I'm excited to get started on becoming "the new me" and to be a part of your group. I look forward to hearing from you!

Michelle :-)


  • katevarner
    katevarner Posts: 884 Member
    Always looking for more friends. Completed my weight loss journey in July--now just trying to learn how to maintain. I go to the gym 5-6 days per week (but didn't until I had lost the first 20 lbs, so understand your qualms) and walk my dog every day, even if only for a little bit.
  • Congratulations on your weight loss, Kate, and I know you will shine as you continue to maintain. I do plan on joining a gym in the next few days, despite my insecurities. I figure if I can face this challenge, the rest will hopefully follow! :-)
  • Every gym I've been a member of has had normal everyday people in it. Im big, but so many people have been bigger than me, and I have nothing but respect for them for being pro active with their health. Before I joined, I too was intimidated, I thought everyone would look muscley, tanned and without an ounce of fat on them! I was pleasantly wrong :tongue:
  • I appreciate that! It's usually the anticipation that makes me the most apprehensive and uncertain. Once I actually take the step and just do it, I'm sure I'll be fine. That's the hardest part for me, even more than the workouts themselves! :tongue:
  • SopranogirlCa
    SopranogirlCa Posts: 188 Member
    Welcome aboard. Best of luck to the new you! Feel free to add me, I like to get support and be supportive to others.
  • Thank you so much! I'm on my 2nd day only & the support I've received has already been so amazing! I'd like to reciprocate! Will definitely add you as my friend. :smile:
  • Laureegi
    Laureegi Posts: 15 Member

    I just joined MFP today and read your post thinking how it sounded like some of the very things I would write. I have been eating too much for too long and detest exercising and only do it in spurts, then once I miss a couple of times, I'm done for awhile and basically not all that active. I would love some fellow pals here on MFP so can you count me in as a friend too?

    I lost 20 pounds earlier this year and put back on 5 but I need to lose another 60 pounds. I lack energy, feel achy all the time and generally disgusted that I haven't stuck with a good program and exercised to tone up along with it, so that's why I'm here because as you said so well it's "time to take charge". I wish you all the best and hopefully when we reach our goals we can champion others just beginning with their weight and exercise goals.

    Regards, Laura