New to My fitness Pal !

Hi..Just wanted to say hello. I am just starting this Today! Any tips to get a good jump start?


  • jodiepodie89
    Make sure you download the my fitness pal on your phone if possible this really helps when your on the go then you no how many calories you have left :-) also take a photo of yourself once a month you will notice the difference more looking at a picture
  • emma7437
    emma7437 Posts: 225 Member
    Welcome. This is an amazing site.

    Take measurements as well as photos, they just add to the overall picture along with weight loss.

    Take your time, and enjoy the lifestyle change, don't view this as a diet.

    And most of all, enjoy the journey and don't be too hard on yourself.
  • karion1990
    karion1990 Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks...Unfortuanatley I dont have a phone that has those capabilities. Maybe that will be my next step ! Just went to Doctor today. Had My thyroid removed may 31. My doc recommended this site. As I am gaining fast since the surgery. My Vitamin D is really low so need suggestions with food that have Vitamin D in as well
  • snaxandpop
    snaxandpop Posts: 71 Member
    Invite your friends and make plenty of new ones. They will become your mfp family and they will delight in your successes and hold you accountable for your failures. They will become your biggest fans and have amazing advise.
  • Izzwoz
    Izzwoz Posts: 348 Member
    Log everything you eat, it can be a bit annoying, but it does really help to focus on what you put in your mouth. Measure/weigh in in regular intervals and don't get disheartened if the progress is slow - slow progress down is always better than quick progress up :-)
  • karion1990
    karion1990 Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks will do the measurements later today...I hate Pictures but Maybe it will help me get to goals faster! Or at least see the progress..
  • janjoy50
    Welcome. Im a relative newbie myself having started 2 weeks ago. We all have the similar stories to tell - trying every diet going etc. I love this site and a bit addicted to logging on every day. I think its very important to log everything you put in your mouth because its so easy to forget the little things - like that odd sweet, or the little bit of relish etc. We all do it ! Also make a note of any exercise you do because even if you just walk to the town or cycling down the road - its calories being burned. Ive joined all the slimming clubs going here in the UK but never actually calorie counted. Its going amazingly well and in the last two weeks have lost 9 lbs so Im off to a good start. You will too. Just expect slow progress and dont lose heart. Tell yourself you will be healthier, fitter and most of all in control of your eating. Its so worth it. This is not really a diet its just a healthy way of eating. Good luck.