8 glasses of water per day

How many people actually drink the reccomended 64 oz of water per day? I find I have a lot of trouble drinking even 16! I usually only drink water through out the day and 1 cup of tea in the morning and maybe some juice with dinner. I bring my water with me everywhere and I sip often. Im simply not thirsty enough to drink that much, and I swear I pee more than I drink already! How is everyone else with water?


  • sk2010
    sk2010 Posts: 17 Member
    I do my best, but I haven't been consistently drinking the 64 ounces of H2O either. If I drink herbal, self-brewed decaf tea, then I count that as a water serving. That seems to help....
  • lunglady
    lunglady Posts: 526 Member
    The recommendation of 8 glasses per day has not actually been studied in a prospective manner. As far as I can tell, there is no true evidence behind it. I personally don't bother.

    Since my kidneys and brain are perfectly capable of regulating my sodium and water balance and sending me the proper signals, I drink when I feel like it.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    64 oz? You're kidding, right? I drink close to a gallon a day (90-120 oz). A person should be drinking half their weight in ounces.
    It's easy if you just get a 30 oz mug, fill it, chug it till it's gone-- no stopping, no moving away from the area where you filled it-- then refill it and repeat again in a few hours.
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    I agree with DrBorkBork. I drink 4 32 oz. containers a day. I refill them constantly and just keep them chilled in the fridge. At first it was hard, but now it's easy. I could even drink more water if I wanted. I figure it does nothing but good....keeps my body in good working order and helps my kidneys to keep my electrolytes balanced.
  • oats4breakfast
    I think you're doing it the right way, Taking water and sipping it often. I bet it's more than 16 though. Not sure about how healthy or effective chugging a gigantic glass of water is in no time. Small constant sips is best IMO so that you don't overwhelm your body with an "rapid influx". There is such a thing as too much water too, but I beleive it's a lot and depends on what you're doing.... especially if you're exercising and loosing nurtrients without replacing them, but diluting your body with copious amounts of h2o. But I'm not sure really either.

    I get through about 7-8 glasses a day, often it's because I had a 20 ounce water bottle during work out. My strategy is that I'm lucky enough to have a small fridge at work by my desk. I have a brita jug which I fill up, and just keep sipping and filling my glass throughout the day. I don't drink much coffee at all .. maybe one or two a week, but since I started to drink more water in this way, (I do it at home too) I've all but cut out my desire to drink any soda (diet).
    Somedays, I pee more than I drink too LOL. A lot more !! Helps me not sleep in too LOL.
    Also, remember that you water intake is also through food. I don't think it's 8 glasses a day in addition to what you eat. I think that number is just a generic guideline .... where some of that water intake can and is from your other foods. i.e. Eat a lot of dry food = more water via a glass.
  • Dom_m
    Dom_m Posts: 336 Member
    I drink a lot. I get about 8 glasses per hour when I'm at the gym.

    On Saturday I had 2L of water at gym and still lost about 5LB over 3 hours. That's about 4 letres of sweat. Most of it was in the first hour during cycle training.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    I've upped my fiber, so I have no choice but to increase my water or suffer the consequences. :) I usually get about 64 oz / day lately.
  • LivyJo
    LivyJo Posts: 355 Member
    I think a Sigg bottle is 32 oz, and I try to drink 2 of those per day. The taste is great from the Sigg bottles. I also make myself drink a glass of water first thing in the am while I am brewing my coffee. Every little bit helps!
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    I have a nalgene bottle at my desk that is always full. If anything its an excuse to get up and go to the water cooler when I need a break. I drink at least a half gallon a day, usually a bit more. Remember, water also displaces volume in your tummy - it keeps you more full.
  • smae1980
    smae1980 Posts: 794 Member
    I hate to be gross but if your pee is yellow and smells like pee you're not drinking enough water. Pee should be clear and not smell much at all.. Personally I feel i need at least the 64 oz a day to achieve that
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I drink a minimum of 4 19 oz bottles a day. At first I didn't like it, but once my body became hydrated again, it craved water.

    So now I crack open a bottle and drink down 1/2 before my coffee is done!

    Mmmmmmm crystal clear water..........(oh, and I refill the one bottle 3-4x a day with my filtered water!)
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    64 oz? You're kidding, right? I drink close to a gallon a day (90-120 oz). A person should be drinking half their weight in ounces.
    It's easy if you just get a 30 oz mug, fill it, chug it till it's gone-- no stopping, no moving away from the area where you filled it-- then refill it and repeat again in a few hours.

    I agree with this also................

    From everything I researched, weight watchers, any low carb plan, my own doctors all say to drink a lot of water. In the Atkins book, Dr Atkins mentions drinking half of your weight in water everyday because the body needs to rid itself of the toxins from burning calories and fat, this helps to remove it from your system and keeps you detoxified. My naturopath says the same thing...........

    So, the 64 oz is not a given for everyone, each person has its own set amount of water you should typically be consuming each day.

    I generally drink no less than 100 oz. Anything less than that i feel like poo-poo.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    I think you're doing it the right way, Taking water and sipping it often. I bet it's more than 16 though. Not sure about how healthy or effective chugging a gigantic glass of water is in no time. Small constant sips is best IMO so that you don't overwhelm your body with an "rapid influx". There is such a thing as too much water too, but I beleive it's a lot and depends on what you're doing.... especially if you're exercising and loosing nurtrients without replacing them, but diluting your body with copious amounts of h2o. But I'm not sure really either.

    I get through about 7-8 glasses a day, often it's because I had a 20 ounce water bottle during work out. My strategy is that I'm lucky enough to have a small fridge at work by my desk. I have a brita jug which I fill up, and just keep sipping and filling my glass throughout the day. I don't drink much coffee at all .. maybe one or two a week, but since I started to drink more water in this way, (I do it at home too) I've all but cut out my desire to drink any soda (diet).
    Somedays, I pee more than I drink too LOL. A lot more !! Helps me not sleep in too LOL.
    Also, remember that you water intake is also through food. I don't think it's 8 glasses a day in addition to what you eat. I think that number is just a generic guideline .... where some of that water intake can and is from your other foods. i.e. Eat a lot of dry food = more water via a glass.

    It takes a WHOLE LOT of water consumed very, very quickly to cause any problems..................The whole water intoxification has been blown way out of proportion. It is nearly impossible to do as the human body is made up of mostly water anyway.

    Why would anyone not want to replenish what they lose through moving, sweating, breathing, etc................
  • Jerzeebabie04
    Sometimes I find it difficult to drink a lot of water in the winter, I can drink like a gallon a day in the summer. And I don't drink too much while I'm at work, because then I have to pee a million times a day, and I'm a dispatcher so I can't leave the desk until an officer has time to come in to let me go.
  • semperfiwife
    I typically try to get in my 8 glasses a day. I did start using the crystal light flavored packets for 2 16.9 oz bottles a day. I get bored with just water, so at home I add a squeeze of lemon. At work I use the crytal light. I do try to drink at least 2 bottles of plain water a day, usually first thing in the morning I like it best. 64 oz is a lot since I sit at a desk all day, but at the same time I feel really good when I am hydrated. I cut out soda about a week ago and I feel amazing, I havent weighed in yet, but I'm hoping it made a difference in my first weeks weigh in :)
  • oats4breakfast

    It takes a WHOLE LOT of water consumed very, very quickly to cause any problems..................The whole water intoxification has been blown way out of proportion. It is nearly impossible to do as the human body is made up of mostly water anyway.

    Why would anyone not want to replenish what they lose through moving, sweating, breathing, etc................

    OK, whatever. I don't beleive I did blow it out of proportion nor did I poo poo the need for water.
    I do not believe for one second that drinking an entire 1 litre glass of water, which was thrown around in here, wil do any good. I bet dollars to donuts that your body will flush most of that out and you'll receive less than the full benefit of drinking 1 liter of water over time.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I do not believe for one second that drinking an entire 1 litre glass of water, which was thrown around in here, wil do any good.

    According to what I read here, the majority of these folks have 1 liter containers they refill throughout the day so they can keep track of their water intake. Not everyone immediately chugalugs the entire liter as soon as they refill it.

    Like other folks, I keep a 1 liter container at my desk to keep track of my water throughout the day. I normally drink 2-3 liters in the 8.5 hours I'm at work. Then I go home or to my 2nd job and drink about another liter. I rarely drink less than 80oz of water a day.

    I don't usually feel super thirsty except after I run but I have no problems sipping the 3-4 liters of water throughout the day. If I don't have my water bottle filled on my desk, I don't drink the water. Just having the water right here next to me makes it so much easier to drink enough. If I don't drink enough water, I feel horrible. I used to get awful headaches & thought there was no way they could be from dehydration before. But now on days after days I drink very little water, I feel horrible -- headache, fatigue, bloated, etc. So, drink up! :drinker:
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I never really measure how much I drink per day, but it has got to be in the upwards of minimum 50 oz a day, probably more.

    I find if I am low energy in the afternoon or start to get mild tension headache feelings that if I drink some water I immediately feel better.

    One thing to think about: if your tea is caffinated, it doesn't count.
  • AKosky585
    AKosky585 Posts: 607 Member
    I think I am addicted to water...not because I enjoy it, but because I feel guilty NOT drinking it. I drink upwards of 128oz per day (8 16oz bottles)
  • jbuffan218
    jbuffan218 Posts: 275 Member
    I've been at this for 44 ? 45 days and I've done 10 glasses every day except 2 days.
    Water is the first thing I get a handle on, then the food, then the dreaded exercise ( still haven't fallen in love) yuck!
    If it helps any I cant "sip" all day. I have to fill a big 16 oz glass and just chug it all at once.
    I do that every time I walk by the sink and no problem. Done.
    I also pee everytime I walk by the bathroom but hey ! I notice my belly flatter within days.:love:
    It's worth it to me.