Looking for the mothers out there!

Hey! My name is Lauren, and I am a 24yr old mother of three. My youngest is still breast-feeding, so I can't restrict my calories to much and I am having a hard time losing weight. Part of it is my fault to though, I must admit. Oreo's are not my friend! I am looking for some supportive friends that are familiar with the difficulties of losing weight, while also being a homemaker and raising three kids. Trying to find time for myself is difficult, let alone filling it with exercise. I know I have to do it though! So I am working at it by changing things a little at a time. If you think you are interested in forming a group, let me know! I think if some of us could work on this together it would help us all. We could set goals with each other, and challenge ourselves along the way. For example, maybe one week we could make it a goal to run 5 miles by the end of the week, or give up soda for a month, things like that. I am looking forward to seeing who is interested. Thanks for your support!


  • Binah8605
    Hi Lauren! I'm Lisa. I'm 32 and have two kids (ages 5 and 2). I work part-time, go to school part-time, and am home with my kids part-time during the school year and full-time during the summer, so I totally get the struggle of trying to find time to diet and work out with little ones underfoot. I'd love to be part of a group with you and other mamas!
  • melissafaith24
    melissafaith24 Posts: 251 Member
    Im 31. Mother of a 3 yo...work full time, school part time. Feel free to add :)
  • maspicantexfa
    maspicantexfa Posts: 73 Member
    I'm Meredith, I am 34 and have a 4 year old and a 9 month old. I go to work super early in the mornings so I can be with my kids in the afternoons, and my husband is with them in the mornings and works nights. I have really terrible eating habits and I hate to take the kids to the gym because the baby doesn't like to be away from me when I'm there.

    I just bought a really nice stroller for the baby though, so maybe I can talk the older one into bringing her scooter and we can do walks together.

    Not sure what to do about the eating habits. I resolve every morning that today will be different, but it never is. It's getting to a critical point though because I can't really afford to eat what I have been eating every day, the money is running out :)
  • jenndear09
    jenndear09 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Lauren
    My name is Jenn I am 31 mother of a 14 month old. Still trying to get back to prepregnancy weight. I work full time, so does my husband and he goes to school two nights a week. So it's hard to have some ME time to do much of anything let alone work out! Also looking for a support system in this weight loss battle!! Feel free to add me!
  • jgm379
    jgm379 Posts: 97 Member
    I'm in. Mom of 6 and a homemaker/homeschool teacher.
  • natalienicole502
    natalienicole502 Posts: 268 Member
    Hi Lauren! I am a 26 year old mom of 4!!! I have a bout 100 lbs to lose and just stopped bf'ing my own about a month ago. It seemed no matter how much I worked out or ate right, the weight wouldn't budge while I was still bf'ing.

    I have a blog at: www.skinnychicago.blogspot.com

    And you can feel free to add me as a friend on here if you'd like! :)
  • bigfatmommy
    bigfatmommy Posts: 5 Member
    I'm a BFing mom too. Done in a month though! yay! I work full time and try try try to carve out 20-30 minutes per night after the 3 kids are in bed. But you're right, it's hard. As for cutting out soda - I found that switching to seltzer gives me the fizzy fix without the calories. (I won't do diet. it's gross and full of nasty chemical sweeteners yuck)

    anyway, add me if you like!
  • lrhess2
    lrhess2 Posts: 11 Member
    It is so nice to meet all of you ladies!! I look forward to getting to know all of you better. I created a group called "Getting Our Bodies Back", and I believe that I sent all of you invites. If I missed you I apologize, but look up the group and add yourself! I would love to see all of you join! I am thinking of keeping this group small, maybe 25 people tops? How do you all feel about that? It isn't that I don't want to support lots of women, but I sincerely want to get to know all you ladies and I feel like if we add hundreds to the group it will be really hard to do that. I think if we keep a smaller, closer group we will be more successful at supporting each other and reaching our goals. Let me know what you think!
  • lrhess2
    lrhess2 Posts: 11 Member
    So nice to meet all of you! I am with you on the diet soda. I am trying to quit soda completely, but If I do drink it I have to have the real stuff. lol
  • Raylea00
    Hey there! I am a mother of a 7 year old and a 2 year old. I am struggling to eat better as I have a bottomless pit for a stomach. Love to eat but I am trying to train myself to make better choices. Love to be inspired! Feel free to add me!
  • BioShocked89
    BioShocked89 Posts: 330 Member
    22 year old mother of a beautiful little girl who is turning 1 in 10 very short days. :D
  • rhinesb
    rhinesb Posts: 204 Member
    I do believe you are right about trying to get to know each other. It really help to get to know people.

    I'm a 31 year old mother of 4 girls. I was a stay at home mom for years, but I have recently gone back to work and school. My husband is currently a stay at home dad. I get up early to get to work. I get home at 5:30 on T-F and 9 p.m. on Mondays. When I get home hubby goes to hide. And I am in charge of the kids and any cleaning that hasn't been done. By the time they get to bed I'm not very motivated to working out. I'm trying to find enjoyable ways for me to work out that doesn't feel like a punishment. So right now I watch netflix while strength training.
  • kersgj
    kersgj Posts: 3 Member
    I am a 32 year old Mom of 3. I am home with my youngest (2) and run a home daycare with 3--4 other little guys every day. My older 2, (5&7) are at school. I would love to join as I also find it hard to find time for me. Between demanding schedules, meetings (we send to a parent-run private school), extra curricular activities for the kids, fire department commitments (my hubby, not me!), church responsibilities, and life in general, our calendar is always jam packed full!!! I have good intentions of exercising every day, but when I get a minute to myself, I would much rather be lazy and enjoy a hot coffee (not a soda drinker). I need other Moms to get my butt up of the couch and get moving so I reach my goals!! I have gained 70 lbs since my wedding (10yrs ago) and I want it off!! I just want me back!
  • boricua3177
    boricua3177 Posts: 192 Member
    Hey! My name is Lauren, and I am a 24yr old mother of three. My youngest is still breast-feeding, so I can't restrict my calories to much and I am having a hard time losing weight. Part of it is my fault to though, I must admit. Oreo's are not my friend! I am looking for some supportive friends that are familiar with the difficulties of losing weight, while also being a homemaker and raising three kids. Trying to find time for myself is difficult, let alone filling it with exercise. I know I have to do it though! So I am working at it by changing things a little at a time. If you think you are interested in forming a group, let me know! I think if some of us could work on this together it would help us all. We could set goals with each other, and challenge ourselves along the way. For example, maybe one week we could make it a goal to run 5 miles by the end of the week, or give up soda for a month, things like that. I am looking forward to seeing who is interested. Thanks for your support!

    Hey Lauren! I'm Monica & I am a first time mom to an 18 month old toddler. I have 64lbs that I want to lose so that I can be at my goal weight, get energy, & finally feel good about myself again. I find that I don't set time aside for myself to exercise. I feel so drained by the end of the day, but I must push myself.

    So I am in!!! Would love to join your group. Other mamas can friend request me too, the more friends the better I can be held accountable.
  • kristyoconnor
    kristyoconnor Posts: 19 Member

    I'm a 30 yr old mother of 3 (7yr, 4yr, 6mo). I a stay-at-home mom/homemaker and child care provider for a couple of friends. There is rarely a quiet moment at our house! I have about 22 lbs left to lose. I've found the weight loss to be EXTREMELY slow since I'm still breastfeeding.

    Feel free to add me, I love having other mommy friends :)
  • gottaluvya
    Hi! I am a 38 y/o mom to 4. I had 3 by the time I was 24 too :) Mine are all older now (21, 15, almost 14 and 9) so I can find a little time for myself. (what, son has practice? cool, I can go to the gym/walk wile he is there. what, daughter is staying after school? maybe I'll hit the gym and then go pick her up from her activity. things like that). But then again, I don't want to spend ALL of my free time at the gym or working out! I'd like to, oh, I don't know...REST every so often! The kids are active in sport and such so we are always on the go. Sometimes it makes it hard to eat right too :)

    I know that I always heard when you BF it is easy to lose weight, but when I was BFing, I swear I was hungry all the dang time! it makes trying to lose weight kinda hard :) To be realistic, I know I SHOULD lose about 65lbs to be near normal. But I have been a big girl all my life, I can't imagine being that "small" lol. But I'd be happy to lose 15 and go from there.
  • nturner612
    nturner612 Posts: 710 Member
    im Nora. I have a 6yr old and a 2yr old. Work Full time, 6yr old is active in sports and after school activities, and i need to lose 30 lbs. and i am tryin to stay motivated.
  • Em_runs_away
    Em_runs_away Posts: 194 Member
    I'm breastfeeding my 15 month old and have a 4 year old too. If you typr "breastfeeding" into the normal food search on your diary you'll get the option to add calories back for feeding depending how much you're doing. I started at -400 cals and am on about -200 now because she's older.
  • bogo_baby
    bogo_baby Posts: 82 Member
    Hi! My name is Amy, I am a single mother of a 1 year old boy. I work full-time, go to school full-time (starting again in January), and ATTEMPT to lose weight full-time (or at least it seems that way... lol).

    It's a long road, but with some dedication we can get there :)
  • HealthylivingTIG
    HealthylivingTIG Posts: 174 Member
    Lauren, I am a mommy too. I have a two year old son.. and believe me with him and all his ENERGY, I feel like I have three boys :)

    I love being a mom and I love those days when I get everything done and a smile is on his face BUT I have to say, it is very challenging. I work full time, I raise my child, I cook, clean, (home maker) PLUS I have a boyfriend.. LOL which can be like having another child sometimes. All that to say, I know you are busy. But the reality is, your family-- you children and YOU deserve a healthy and happy Lauren.
    Start small... but do something. Action is what will get you to your destination. This journey takes time and requires patience, commitment and will power. You can add me a friend. I have been logging on consistently for the last 35 days.. so feel free to send me a message. Take care and good luck.