Over 40-2 kids-have lost & gained and am trying again

I am over 40, have two kids (7 and 3), and weigh 260 lbs. At the end of last year I was closer to 290, started dieting on and off at the beginning of this year and have had success, but am so afraid of yo-yo dieting. I ended high school at about 160 lbs, thought that was bad but thought to myself "at least I'll never see 200". by the end of college I was at 205. Got dx with PCOS which could possibly be partially to blame for my drastic weight gain over the years. 10 years ago my heaviest was 228, I lost 20 lbs, then gained back 40. Had my first child (reached almost 300! but lost it pretty quickly after I had her) the at 250 lbs I joined weight watchers, lost 35 but gained back 60. Had my 2nd child (did reach 300lbs, but didn't lost all of it). Then I went on Nutrisystem at a weight of 268, lost some, than stalled, but picked up and joined a gym, did really well for a while, think I got down to 235. And then back to 290 by end of last year (about a year later). Since the start of this year I've lost 35 pounds, then gained 10 and lost 15 and gained it back. I started to think that dieting was worse than not dieting! I know it needs to be a life change and a slow process, and am smart enough to know HOW to do it, butjust get off track easily. But now I have no excuse. My husband purchased exercise equipment so we have a small gym in our basement, so I have no reason not to exercise (but I sure find them!)

My two children were c-sections and because of my weight had to be a vertical cut. I have stomach fat that hangs over my thighs, it's all very disgusting. I can only imagine what I'll look like when I do lose weight! But still know I need to do it. I read success stories, but then sometimes stop being motivated when I see they are in their 20's (although I struggled in my 20's too). It seems so much harder now that I'm older, and despite having the convenience of exercise equipment in my own home, I still have such a hard time organizing my time to make this all successful! would love to share with someone who is like me! I too love food, and have found myself binging. But I know when I have successfully dieted and exercised, I actually love that too. and I always think "I can do this, I can live this life" but then somewhere along the way I fall back. so I'm struggling to keep losing and trying not to beat myself up too much because I am still 25 pounds less than a year ago. I like this website, I've had all my success when I tracked eating and this site is great and easy! hoping for this time to be the last time I begin a "diet". Would like to be the weight that is on my license again! :) I don't even want to weigh what my "ideal weight" is, but would love to be under 200, Setting my goal to lose 100 lbs. Trying not to think about how long it'll take, that's my problem I want quick results, but I know that is why I keep gaining it back too....I've goten temporary results because I haven't made permanent changes. Here I go again!


    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    YOU CAN DO IT! YOU CAN ADD ME!~ I am over 40 with 2 kids!
  • Litlbeast
    Litlbeast Posts: 340 Member
    You can add me too. I'm 42 w/ three boys. I've had two c-sections, and in the past 4 years have gone from 225 to 150. I was scared of the same thing regarding the results of the surgery, but as I got smaller, the abs and chubbiness got smaller too. True we'll never be perfect there, but don't give up hope. :) You have to find the way to lose that suits you, and stick with it - it will get easier and feel more comfortable over time.
  • daisiemae123
    daisiemae123 Posts: 277 Member
    40 years old with one little guy that is 18 months. I had lost 50+ lbs before I got married 5 years ago and put back some but pregnancy and bad eating with a new baby was the kicker. Definitely seeing the results of c-section as I am trying to lose weight this time. Stick with it! We can all do this together.
  • jakidb
    jakidb Posts: 1,010 Member
    Feel free to add me--I'm 42, 3 kids, and a grand dtr :)
  • elle0567
    Lets go girl! We'll all support each other! Strength in 40's!!!
  • ccreflections
    You can do it!!!
  • mackee1230
    Please add me to your group. I am new to this and am trying very (VERY) hard to stay (get?) motivated. I am 43 and have 2 children under 5, both C-sections. After the first was born I got up to 285 pounds. Lost 60 (my goal was 85), then got pregnant with #2, and 2 years later, I am back up to 240. I seem to lose and gain the same 15 pounds every 6 months or so and really need stop the yo-yo and just lose the weight. I want to be able to play with my kids without my body getting in the way. I need to be healthy for them and be able to set a good example of what it means to be healthy. Any support or motivation that you can offer will be more than welcome, and I am happy to return the favor!
  • Smokey19
    Smokey19 Posts: 796 Member
    Hi, my name is Kimberlee, 49. I've had 2 verticle abdominal surgeries that extend from my sternum to my belly button in the period of a yr. (the last surgery was 3 wks. ago tomorrow). I understand the difficulty of taking off this abdominal wt. I lost my wt. in the period of 14 mos. so I know that it can be done. You can do it too. I am married, but with PCOS and being overweight I was never able to carry children to term. Please feel free to add me for support and encouragement. I am on here everyday and have an open diary.