starting a diet in the middle of the week

do you find it hard to start dieting in the middle of the week? i do. why do i?


  • JayAlexander
    JayAlexander Posts: 268 Member
    Wait till Monday! =)
  • hollandlop
    no...if i miss it on monday i will not do it the rest of the week! yeah know
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Why wait until Monday? It's a psychological game we play with ourselves to put it off as long as we can.
  • Tamishumate
    Tamishumate Posts: 1,171 Member
    I think its just silly to wait. People do it all the time, they mess up on one meal, and they think they have blown their "diet" for the week, and wait till Monday to start again.
    First off. This isnt a DIET, it is a life style change, TRUST ME, if you think of it as a diet, you will end up failing sooner or later. so you have to get your mind out of thinking its a diet. do that , and your 90% there.
    Second, if you screw up and overeat one meal, its just one meal, it just has to be that one meal. it doesnt have to be your whole week! get right back on track with the next thing you put in your mouth!
    Does it mean you have to eat perfectly every single meal, no, not every meal, but its all about choices, and making the right choices every day.

    dont wait till Monday, your new lifestyle starts with your next meal.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: stop looking for loopholes.......just do it.....start this minute.....take baby steps....don't expect to be perfect at the beginning.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • kiffypooh
    kiffypooh Posts: 1,045 Member
    I think its just silly to wait. People do it all the time, they mess up on one meal, and they think they have blown their "diet" for the week, and wait till Monday to start again.
    First off. This isnt a DIET, it is a life style change, TRUST ME, if you think of it as a diet, you will end up failing sooner or later. so you have to get your mind out of thinking its a diet. do that , and your 90% there.
    Second, if you screw up and overeat one meal, its just one meal, it just has to be that one meal. it doesnt have to be your whole week! get right back on track with the next thing you put in your mouth!
    Does it mean you have to eat perfectly every single meal, no, not every meal, but its all about choices, and making the right choices every day.

    dont wait till Monday, your new lifestyle starts with your next meal.

    I couldn't agree more! Once it stops being a diet and starts being a lifestyle it becomes way of life.
  • Tiddle
    Tiddle Posts: 762 Member
    I hate hate hate when people say "I'm starting a diet tomorrow" just start NOW! :drinker:
  • supercool111
    If you're really serious this you wont let anything stand in your way!
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    There's always an excuse not to start. My friend wanted to start before Thanksgiving. I had all kinds of excuses not to do it but since our rules said we got one cheat day a week, we went ahead. I lost over the holidays. You do need to look at it as getting healthy. Weight loss is just a nice side effect of your new healthy lifestyle. It's never too late or too early to commit to making yourself as healthy as you can.
  • CityGirlatHeart
    I messed up my diet yesterday! But when I came to your post I realized I always look for reasons to put it off, so I am still going on with my diet, you should too =)
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    i can empathize. perfectionism can be really frustrating - especially when we mess up and then give up.

    i have an 'all or nothing' mentality too. for example, i work out using the wii fit on monday and wednesday, the wii biggest loser on tuesday and thursday, and wii gold's gym on saturday. friday and sunday are travel days and therefore 'free'. last week, i missed working out on the wii fit on monday, thursday and saturday. i look at the missed stamps on each program and i cringe. i messed up the pattern. it makes me want to stop working out on those programs until next month so i can get it looking 'perfect' once again. i am not letting myself, but it is hard.

    be kind to yourself. allow yourself to make a mistake every once in a while. give yourself permission to start now instead of monday.