Fat Mama Bear with Emotional Eating Issues.

I've come to the realization that I am an emotional eater.

When I'm sad I want to eat hot, high fat, comfort foods (mac n cheese etc.)
When I'm happy I want to eat sweet foods, like ice cream.

Never do I want to eat healthy foods like lettuce. lol

I'm a mom of two and I'm in horrible shape. I've had two c-sections and I have a terrible belly fat apron hanging down.


  • QueenofScott
    QueenofScott Posts: 305 Member
    Hi, and welcome! I too am an emotional eater. I have a lot to lose but I am on my way, finally. You can do it! I, too am a mom. I have five children, but only two left at home. My oldest son is 26, is married and has given me two precious granddaughters; my second son is 22 and in the USAF (proud mama!), and my third child, a daughter is 20 and in nursing school. My last two kiddies are a 14 yr old boy and 12 yr old girl. I did not have any C-sections, but having five babies, two of which in my mid-thirties, did a number on my tummy (which was certainly never a washboard before!). feel free to add me as a friend. Best of luck to you!
  • suznjane
    suznjane Posts: 10 Member
    I am over 40, have two kids (7 and 3), and weigh 260 lbs. At the end of last year I was closer to 290, started dieting on and off at the beginning of this year and have had success, but am so afraid of yo-yo dieting. 10 years ago my heaviest was 228, I lost 20 lbs, then gained back 40. the at 250 lbs I joined weight watchers, lost 35 but gained back 60. then I went on Nutrisystem at a weight of 268, lost some, than stalled, but picked up a joined a gym, did really well for a while, think I got down to 235. And then back to 290 by end of last year. Since the start of this year I've lost 35 pounds, then gained 10 and lost 15 and gained it back. I started to think that dieting was worse than not dieting! I know it needs to be a life change and a slow process, and am smart enough to know HOW to do it, butjust get off track easily. But now I have no excuse. My husband purchased exercise equipment so we have a small gym in our basement.

    My two children were c-sections and because of my weight had to be a vertical cut. I have stomach fat that hangs over my thighs, it's all very disgusting. I can only imagine what I'll look like when I do lose weight! But still know I need to do it. I read success stories on here, but then sometimes stop being motivated when I see they are in their 20's. It seems so much harder now that I'm older, and despite having the convenience of exercise equipment in my own home, I still have such a hard time organizing my time to make this all successful! would love to share with someone who is like me! I too love food, and have found myself binging. But I know when I have successfully dieted and exercised, I actually love that too. and I always think "I can do this, I can live this life" but then somewhere along the way I fall back. so I'm struggling to keep losing and trying not to beat myself up too much because I am still 25 pounds less than a year ago.
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    been there, done that. I gained 50# in 4 years after my son ( then 19 months) broke his thigh and was in a body cast for 5 weeks. Before his injury I was running 12-15 miles a week and doing *some* strength training. I totally lost my mojo after I had to stay home with him for 5 weeks.

    I had a c-section almost 13 years ago, and I have had a pretty big apron of fat hanging over it the last few years.It took me 6 months or so of jogging on the treadmill and doing strength, but my apron has gotten much smaller! Not sure it will ever be 100% gone due to the way I was stitched, but if I can get it 90% gone, I'll be happy.
  • Pedal_Pusher
    Pedal_Pusher Posts: 1,166 Member
    Is this an admission of guilt or a plea for help?
  • MamaBearRoars
    MamaBearRoars Posts: 11 Member

    Thank you all for responding. I am 33, and my daughters are almost 3 and just turned 1. I have a long road ahead of me!