Ok, so i need to talk to someone about this, and you guys are all i have right now, i can't tell my family, cause they never thought i could lose weight in the first place.... So it's just me and you, ok?

So here's the deal, I posted something similar to this a few days ago. The past week or 2, i've been eating like crazy, i don't know what came over me, i'm just out of control. I gained 1.3 kilograms back, or in other words, 3 pounds.. i've lost 24 in all, but now i'm back to 21 POUNDS LOST, I feel so bad and i can't seem to adjust back to the determined person i was. All i see is food, and candy, and Chips, and cookies, and mcdonalds, and Steaks!! I'm so angry at myself!! I GAINED THE WEIGHT I WORKED SO HARD TO BURN OFF!! Please, please, please help me! What can i do to be that person i was 2 weeks ago? The person that stuck to his goal and never missed a workout?! Please help me! I just,,, don't understand what's happening.....

I need help


  • SoViLicious
    SoViLicious Posts: 2,633 Member
    I think you need to relax and take it easy.
  • PittShkr
    PittShkr Posts: 1,000 Member

    i've been eating like crazy, i don't know what came over me, i'm just out of control.. All i see is food, and candy, and Chips, and cookies, and mcdonalds, and Steaks!!! Please help me! I just,,, don't understand what's happening.....

    I need help

    There is your problem.....
  • crazyellybean
    crazyellybean Posts: 999 Member
    Well only you have the ability to change the things you put into your mouth, and it sounds like you know that those things are no good for you.. so next time you go to pick something up that is not good for you, ask yourself, is it worth the stress later? ..
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    did you drop your calories too low to begin with? were you losing weight with the typical diet mentality of completely cutting out certain foods that you normally love to eat?

    if so, this is why you failed.

    just get back up on that horse and dont be so extreme this time.

    this is coming from someone who's lost weight and is still losing weight all while eating food, and candy, and chips, and cookies, and mcdonalds, and popeyes.. in moderation.
  • kellicci
    kellicci Posts: 409 Member
    It's only 3 punds. Dont; beat your self up you've lost 21! That's awesome! Just dust yourself off and get back tot he healthy foods and it will come back off. No one is perfect everyone falls off the wagon (I know did last week too!). You CAN do it!
  • moseler
    moseler Posts: 224 Member
    Sounds like depression to me... I can't imagine having no one in my family supporting my weight loss and feeling defeated by them everyday. Take a GOOD look at yourself. You are better than what they say you are... you are stronger than what you believe you are. Take a deep breath, throw out the garbage foods and drink water when you feel those cravings. You can get back on track, you just have to believe in yourself and your abilities to overcome this minor set back. Don't beat yourself up over a measly few pounds... just focus on losing them again.
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    I feel ya. I run so hot and cold myself and I don't have a cure.

    But I do know you have to love yourself enought to feed yourself nutritious food. Choosing good food is actually loving yourself. You are worth it. One good choice at a time. :wink:

    Remember to eat enough as eating too little can result in ravenous food cravings.
  • Zainia
    Zainia Posts: 59 Member
    Once you go back to a higher calorie intake after a diet, you will gain more weight than someone who has consistently been eating that much since you're body isn't used to eat. It sucks because I went home for four days and ate like a normal person. (as in not under 1000 cal) and I gained 3 pounds.
    If you want to start going back to eating steak and whatever (preferably not so much fat and sugar though), just introduce it gradually to your diet as long as you aren't going over your maintenance calorie amount and are still working out.
  • mininipuce
    mininipuce Posts: 50 Member
    Take a big breathe. That can happen. This happens to me from time to time when I am too hungry. Did you eat enough before doing this? You cannot forbid yourself from eating that kind of food from time to time, but it is about portion and frequency. Allow yourself to have a few meals that are "unhealthy" per week, and that will remove this barrier in your mind.
  • salcha76
    salcha76 Posts: 287 Member
    what do you need a bandaid for, and why are you choosing food? whatever emotions you have think food will numb just adds to the pile of crap to deal with later. first of all, relax, take a breath.....become aware of why you are doing yourself & start over tomorrow , believe in your are ok. this is a bump in the road, get over it & move on.
  • did you drop your calories too low to begin with? were you losing weight with the typical diet mentality of completely cutting out certain foods that you normally love to eat?

    if so, this is why you failed.

    just get back up on that horse and dont be so extreme this time.

    this is coming from someone who's lost weight and is still losing weight all while eating food, and candy, and chips, and cookies, and mcdonalds, and popeyes.. in moderation.

    Think of it this way.. if you can't eat like this the rest of your life.. you're going to gain it ALL back. "Dieting" is a terrible expression.. Thas has to be a lifestyle change. Moderation is the key.
  • crazybusymara
    crazybusymara Posts: 22 Member
    I have been there - as much as I hate to admit it...I do really good for a few days but then crave what I have been limiting. For example - the past few days have been good eating days for me - but I have learned that after 2-3 days I go CARB crazy - so today I made sure to add more, like crackers or noodle soup so I wouldn't tank like I have in the past like eating bread and butter for dinner:) You have to learn your body and what cycles it may show you. Most important - take it as a bad week, acknowledge it, and move on...don't dwell on it. We are just human after all...take care
  • mcpjan
    mcpjan Posts: 76 Member
    Try to think about what you think caused this change. Are you stressed, nervous, sleeping. Something changed which made you change. Figure out what it is and you will get control again. I personally sit myself down and try to figure out what my issue. I am a stress eater so it is normally related to stress. I try to exercise every time I think about butting something in my mouth. Sorry, I know this is not what you are looking.
  • Aquarian
    Aquarian Posts: 1,094 Member
    Congrats on losing 21! I think it might help you to throw all junk food you have with you into the garbage can (I did that with my chocolates and almost cried). Also, if there is any particular shop where you buy junk food from, you could always make sure you don't take your credit card with you and only have exact change for the things you need - like vegetables or whatever. Or you could actually take a leap of faith, tell your family, and see if they would support you. Or you could do this - stand on a weighing scale when you crave junk food - it has often helped me hold on to my motivation! I have also been known to wear my new smaller sized clothes when I feel like I just "neeeeeeed" some chocolate! I then usually feel that I need these clothes and this body more. :) Besides, you could drink water when you crave junk food.
  • momof3and3
    momof3and3 Posts: 656 Member
    Losing motivation is very, very will be ok! Go back to the very beginning, look at pictures of yourself, out on some of the "fatter" clothes, look how far you have come. You have 2 choices, to go back to that person or to keep moving foward with your new and improved lifestyle.

    Make sure you ar not depriving yourself of food and calories. It is ok to have a treat. Figure out what you want that to be and pre-count it into you daily calories, that way you can "have your cake and eat it too!" :laugh:

    You lost 21 lbs, celebrate all that you have done. Now pick yourself up and make your choice. I vote for the new you!
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    Stop messing up your body.
    Go get the book "The Smarter Science Of Slim" by Jonathan Bailor.
    It is NOT a diet book, but rather the actual science behind how your body works with food and exercise.
    Otherwise you're just gonna yo-yo the rest of your life~
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    Good news? Most was likely water weight because of sodium. Water weight is stupid easy to lose. It's very unlikely that you consumed 10,500 calories MORE than you burned over such a short time.

    Up your calories to allow for the OCCASSIONAL treat. Treat, by definition, means once in while.

    Just remind yourself why you started this and then get back on the horse.
  • trickyfoxster710
    trickyfoxster710 Posts: 151 Member
    I second this! But just in case you might want to up your water and get a little more exercise in. The only way to do it is to do it... sounds simple but can be hard especially when you feel like you are in a downward spiral. I think the best thing right now is to do something so you feel more in control. Once you do it should build some more momentum so you feel more motivated and in control again! Hope this helps! I think we have all been there!
  • Thanks for all the feedback guys! I can do it! I am good enough :) Thankyou!!
  • DeathKitty23
    DeathKitty23 Posts: 64 Member
    First off I'd say you really need to calm down about it
    The more stressed out you get the les likley you are to solve your problem in my opinion
    Just chill look and what you have done as a learning curve and start over fresh in the morning
    I keep a foulder of inspirational pictures on my desktop to look at when i feel like giving up - maybe thats something to look into
    Just remember its a lifestyle change so yeah your gonna mess up every now and again just draw a line under it and start over :)
    Good luck