This site is great for calorie counting! I think I'm obsesse

Wow, 506 Calories for a Costco Hotdog! I'm so glad I checked before popping over to the warehouse in my lunch break.
Sadly I will have to watch my colleague wolf one down. Perhaps I should go through my last shopping bill and work out the calories before I go shopping at the end of the week. I Might save some money as well as calories.

I think I'm getting obsessed!



  • annieray1999
    I think this site is awesome too!! I went to Red Robin last weekend. And when I got home I checked this site to see if anything from Red Robin was in the database. To my surprise it was!! And Thank God I was watching the menu for something I thought would be low in calories...cuz I was thrilled when I noticed how little calories I ate and what a good choice I made.

    I am a bit obsessed too!!

    Have a good day!!
  • arfrazee
    arfrazee Posts: 518
    I wish I would have checked before going to the mall yesterday. I ate a burger and fries from Five Guy's...1000 calories!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!! And then when I got home my friend had made I ate 2...I still stayed under my calories for the day but only because I got in 20 minutes of excercise.
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    I always try to look them up before I go out to eat. I plan my whole day around that one meal out. I also let myself go crazy for one day every 2 weeks. I've consistently lost so this apparently works for me.
  • tjjennifer
    Great thing about where I live is that any "chain" restaurant is required by law to post the calories right on their menu! That made me start thinking twice about what I ordered even before I discovered MFP. I don't think I'm obsessed yet, but getting very close. Lost 21 lbs so far, 9 since starting MFP.
  • mvl1014
    mvl1014 Posts: 531
    Wow, 506 Calories for a Costco Hotdog!...

    While that's a lot of cals, it's really not that bad. It's a huge dog and a big bun. Half the dog is probably enough to take care of you and I'll bet it's one of the better choices at Costco!
  • workingitout
    workingitout Posts: 105 Member
    What did you order at Red Robin? I have promised to take my daughter and her friend there over Spring Break because it is her friend's favorite place. I've only eaten there once, didn't love it, so I would love to go in and at least order something healthy!
  • alimac92
    alimac92 Posts: 705 Member
    Wow, 506 Calories for a Costco Hotdog!...

    While that's a lot of cals, it's really not that bad. It's a huge dog and a big bun. Half the dog is probably enough to take care of you and I'll bet it's one of the better choices at Costco!

    I transposed my number it was 560 calories. Must have been the shock :tongue:
    They are big hotdodgs and fortunately there was a massive queue so my work colleague didn't get to eat one. :laugh:
    I'm now sipping my cuppa soup (cajun spicy vegetable) and cultivating looking busy working at my desk. :wink: