

  • Webona293
    Webona293 Posts: 39 Member
    I think you'll be okay. I've lost about 23 lbs too, and you gotta treat yourself once in a while. after 2 weeks of only losing a 1lb a week I knew I'd hit a plateau so I had a weekend where I ate whatever I wanted to get my metabolism back up and now the weight is coming off again. your weight fluctuates 2-3 lbs during the day anyway so chill out, go for a run, and you'll be fine.
  • natachan
    natachan Posts: 149
    A cookie here or there is not going to kill you. McDonald's once or twice a month is not a bad thing. Unless it's rat poison cookies your body will just take it in stride.

    Point: allow yourself to indulge. Either plan it into your calorie intake or allow yourself a day or two every once in a while where you indulge. Just keep it in context.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,131 Member
    First of all, are you really 18? Your goal is to "Become a model"?

    That's a very dangerous and slippery slope, my friend. You are already thin. It's possible you are undereating, and that's why you're so hungry. If you were eating sufficient calories, and plenty of protein and healthy foods like vegetables, you would not find yourself hungry to that extreme.

    Rethink this. It's not healthy, and your body and brain are still developing. You have to have health, above all else. Do not starve your brain. You'll pay for it later.
  • chsmith79
    chsmith79 Posts: 240 Member
    Don't go so long without a treat. Work a cheat day in once a week and (in my opinion) you stay stricter longer, and stay on a diet longer. I have lost weight on an Atkins type low-carb diet(40lbs twice and 25lbs once) and end up gaining it all back. If you are counting calories And have done real good M-Sat. treat yourself on Sunday, Then go right back Monday to being strict. You could also look at your calories on a weekly basis. If you have been under 200cal/day for 3-4 days and you really want that steak on day 5 eat it. Everything in moderation. Don't get discouraged you still have lost 21lbs. AND drink LOTS of water.
  • Rachlmale
    Rachlmale Posts: 640 Member
    You're clearly not 18 and your dream to become a model is a slippery slope of eating problems if you don't teach yourself a healthy lifestyle.
  • Angie_1991
    Angie_1991 Posts: 447 Member
    take a second and BREATHE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! relax, don't kill yourself working right, increase your calories a bit and you'll be fine. Friend me if you want.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    The reason you want to eat all this stuff is because you are starving yourself... eat a healthy number of calories to start with and u wont crave food so much....
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    Ok, so i need to talk to someone about this, and you guys are all i have right now, i can't tell my family, cause they never thought i could lose weight in the first place.... So it's just me and you, ok?

    So here's the deal, I posted something similar to this a few days ago. The past week or 2, i've been eating like crazy, i don't know what came over me, i'm just out of control. I gained 1.3 kilograms back, or in other words, 3 pounds.. i've lost 24 in all, but now i'm back to 21 POUNDS LOST, I feel so bad and i can't seem to adjust back to the determined person i was. All i see is food, and candy, and Chips, and cookies, and mcdonalds, and Steaks!! I'm so angry at myself!! I GAINED THE WEIGHT I WORKED SO HARD TO BURN OFF!! Please, please, please help me! What can i do to be that person i was 2 weeks ago? The person that stuck to his goal and never missed a workout?! Please help me! I just,,, don't understand what's happening.....

    I need help

    Listen, everyone falls off the wagon along the way. The most important thing I discovered is that falling off the wagon is not fatal so LONG AS YOU GET BACK ON as soon as poosible. Also, forgive yourself. We are doing something we never had the courage to do before and you deserve a break! Don't allow yourself to spiral into self-hate and self-destruction. You accomplished so much already!!!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,131 Member
    Yeah, I just read some of your former posts here. You say you are eating 600-900 calories and exercising on top of that.


    A male model has muscles. Definition. If you are undereating (you ask if 1000-1200 is ENOUGH - No. It is not nearly enough.) Your body is cannabilizing your muscle right now, because you are undereating. Guess what's a muscle??? Your Heart.

    Stop. No one wants a teeny weeny skinny model. Eww. We want to see healthy muscles, only made by eating enough food and lifting weights. Undereating and exercise will kill you..make no mistake.

  • DivaMoe40
    DivaMoe40 Posts: 159 Member
    Thanks for all the feedback guys! I can do it! I am good enough :) Thankyou!!

    You are good enough and like everyone said, you have to continue to believe that and use that as motivation. Congrats on the 21 lbs lost. You have done it and will do it! :wink:
  • Rachlmale
    Rachlmale Posts: 640 Member
    Yeah, I just read some of your former posts here. You say you are eating 600-900 calories and exerciseing on top of that.


    A male model has muscles. Definition. If you are undereating (you ask if 100-1200 is ENOUGH - No. It is not nearly enough.) Your body is cannalilizing your muscle right now, because you are undereating. Guess what's a muscle??? Your Heart.

    Stop. No one wants a teeny weeny skinny model. Eww. We want to see healthy muscles, only made by eating enough food and lifting weights. Undereating and exercise will kill you..make no mistake.

    ^^^ listen to this person
  • bsilk
    bsilk Posts: 1
    I have been there time and time again. I lost the weight and looked great, and then this summer I lost focus and gained it back and then some. The anger takes over a paralyzes you. I am starting over now. to regain what I have accomplished so many times over. Don't let the 3 pounds take over you mind so it increases. Go back to logging your food, it always helps me to do this. It makes me stop eating. I know for sure what my calories are . And of course keep working out. That also helps with those ugly food cravings. I am trying to modivate you and me both. I hope it helps.
  • LisaJD
    LisaJD Posts: 3
    Don't beat yourself up over it now; what has already happened is over - move on and next time you are looking to indulge in all the things that you are beating yourself up over think of how you feel right now.

    Controlling our weight and living a healthy lifestyle is a journey and a lifestyle, not a quick fix or a temporary state. We all indlulge now and again (if you don't you should), the key is not to overindulge or to indulge too often.

    Right now you can change this; don't go back, move forward.
  • XWarzonePrincessX
    You said you've been doing everything perfectly? There's your problem! Of you are too strict with yourself and never let yourself enjoy the foods you like every once in a while then you'll fall into a binge. Trust me- I KNOW!! And I also know that thinking that way when you are trying to lose weight seems stupid, but it makes more sense than putting yourself on a path to binging. Also, have you tried going cold turkey from junk food for 2 weeks? That will stop your brain from craving them, although some people (like myself) dont have the kind of will power to do that.
    Also, here are some good foods I like to sneak into my diet sometimes to make me feel like I'm cheating when I'm not, thus making me feel more free and satisfied. Here are foods I substitute for others. Chocolate: fat free hot cocoa (25 cals) or chocolate covered fruit Potato chips: Plantain chips (tastes basically the same if u buy the lightly salted kind- but watch the fat content cuz some are deep fried!) ice cream: frozen yogurt (if its greek- it really fills you up!) Burgers- Smart Ones mini burgers (tastes like mcdonalds, kills the cravings without the calories! Pop Tarts: Special K crisps (seriously- they taste like PopTarts!-100 cals for 2) Serious sweet tooth: Fiber One Brownies (filling too!) If U want more message me, I got plenty!
    And Last, try doing things to get your mind off it. No, not movie watching or listening to music: call a friend, go for a walk (cant grab food if you're not by any! Take a shower (again, can't eat at the moment!) Drink water (sounds crazy- it works! Drink water and wait 15 minutes, cravings may subside!) Take a nap (You'll be off in dream land not thinking about food, or perhaps you are! Well, eat up! Dream foods of any kind carry exactly "0" calories!)
  • LivingInPuglia
    LivingInPuglia Posts: 122 Member
    did you drop your calories too low to begin with? were you losing weight with the typical diet mentality of completely cutting out certain foods that you normally love to eat?

    if so, this is why you failed.

    just get back up on that horse and dont be so extreme this time.

    this is coming from someone who's lost weight and is still losing weight all while eating food, and candy, and chips, and cookies, and mcdonalds, and popeyes.. in moderation.

    Think of it this way.. if you can't eat like this the rest of your life.. you're going to gain it ALL back. "Dieting" is a terrible expression.. Thas has to be a lifestyle change. Moderation is the key.

    Agree ... lifestyle change is all ... and if you slip occasionally so be it. Don't beat yourself up, get over it and get back on with it. You know you can do it
  • ILoveTheBrowns
    ILoveTheBrowns Posts: 661 Member
    sack up
  • asitshouldbe
    Great honest, true, calm advice!
  • Gentyl
    Gentyl Posts: 184 Member
    Ok, so i need to talk to someone about this, and you guys are all i have right now, i can't tell my family, cause they never thought i could lose weight in the first place.... So it's just me and you, ok?

    So here's the deal, I posted something similar to this a few days ago. The past week or 2, i've been eating like crazy, i don't know what came over me, i'm just out of control. I gained 1.3 kilograms back, or in other words, 3 pounds.. i've lost 24 in all, but now i'm back to 21 POUNDS LOST, I feel so bad and i can't seem to adjust back to the determined person i was. All i see is food, and candy, and Chips, and cookies, and mcdonalds, and Steaks!! I'm so angry at myself!! I GAINED THE WEIGHT I WORKED SO HARD TO BURN OFF!! Please, please, please help me! What can i do to be that person i was 2 weeks ago? The person that stuck to his goal and never missed a workout?! Please help me! I just,,, don't understand what's happening.....

    I need help

    It sounds like a growth spurt. You stated on your profile that you still have 6 years to grow. If you don't mind my asking, how old are you?

    On the other note, it sounds like you are seriously craving carbs, which means you are craving energy. Increase your intake of protein.... have a homemade hamburger with everything you can think of on it.. without the bread. You need protein and fat and fruit and vegetables.. and lots of it. Realize that bread makes you hungry.. most grains trigger hunger.. decrease them.
  • LeslieC1970
    Sounds like depression to me... I can't imagine having no one in my family supporting my weight loss and feeling defeated by them everyday. Take a GOOD look at yourself. You are better than what they say you are... you are stronger than what you believe you are. Take a deep breath, throw out the garbage foods and drink water when you feel those cravings. You can get back on track, you just have to believe in yourself and your abilities to overcome this minor set back. Don't beat yourself up over a measly few pounds... just focus on losing them again.

    This. Don't beat yourself up and just take a pause. Don't panic. Think about why you started your journey and remind yourself how much you are worth it.
  • crazybookworm
    crazybookworm Posts: 779 Member
    You have to step back and take a look(a hard look!) and figure out what is causing you to fall off the wagon.

    *Did you not allow yourself enough calories in the first place, and now your just binging?
    *Are you just bored?
    *Is there something else your dealing with that is causing you to fill a void with food?

    It could be a number of things. But here is some advice that I can offer.

    A craving lasts an average of 8-15 minutes. If your craving something not so good for you but you know your not hungry, then try to hold off for that time. Do some stretching, some jumping jacks, go for a small walk around the block. Try to take your mind off that craving. If you fill the craving with something else that gets you moving and active, chances are, your not going to want that bag of chips after!

    Change up your workout/diet regime. You may be bored. It's been 2 weeks, you've been doing the same workouts, and eating the same stuff. Your sick of it. Change your workout routine about every 3-4 workouts. Keep that body guessing and don't let yourself get bored by doing the same exercises week after week. Don't be on a diet, just get healthier. It's a known fact that if people say they are dieting, they are more likely to fall of the wagon. Your not dieting, your getting healthier! Portion Control, Moderation. Check healthy recipes out online to keep your healthy eating interesting. So you don't get bored.

    Talk! Whether it's venting on here with us, using a journal or talking to a friend-- Get your feelings out! You don't want to risk emotional eating. If your mad then vent, don't go for the junk food.

    I hope this helps! Good luck!