What is YOUR Dream?

Why are you here? What vision do you have for yourself and your future? What motivates you every day to fight? What do you first think of when you get out of bed? What do you tell yourself when you look in the mirror? What inspires you to pick up the pieces when you fall down?:flowerforyou:


  • SocWkrBee
    SocWkrBee Posts: 374
    I haven't figured it out yet. I am here for pure vanity at the moment and that has not been enough to keep me going.
  • Iron_Maiden
    Iron_Maiden Posts: 326 Member
    I haven't figured it out yet. I am here for pure vanity at the moment and that has not been enough to keep me going.
    I think you're on the right track by acknowledging it and you're still here! You really are beautiful and there's nothing wrong with wanting to look that way. I understand the vanity bit - I'm here partly because I want to feel worthy of the kind of man I want to attract. (SO sad that I just admitted that out loud). I think as women, we are pressured to look our best. We do, however, need to dig deeper and figure out why we should continue the journey and you're right - in the end, it needs to be about more than vanity.
  • Iron_Maiden
    Iron_Maiden Posts: 326 Member
    ....Here's an example: I paint (I hesitate to say I'm an artist). I have quite a few pieces in my collection and one of my dreams is to have a gallery evening and a photo shoot of me with some of my pieces. When I see myself doing this, I envision a much sexier, more svelt looking version of me. I use this image (though it might be vain) to help pull me through. I also want to run a half marathon and visualize myself doing it. It all helps. :wink:
  • Great post!

    I'm here to be more aware of my exact intakes. My goal is to compete in a fitness competition next year sometime. I'm really excited for it; regardless if I win or not, just putting myself through the discipline and dedication aspect of it is a winner in my book for anyone who does it. My long term goals are to continue to educate myself in the health and fitness industry and hopefully make an impact on people's lives.

    This website has helped me tremendously with really tracking my food. I love being able to calculate my own recipes, adding all my foods and my exercises for that day. It's really the perfect website for what I was looking for.

    Anytime I "fall down" I remind myself it's not the end of it. Just get back on track the next meal and continue on, keeping in mind the end goal. Visual aids of people I look up to always help motivate me as well as bodybuilding.com.

    How about you rweventhorizo? What are some of your goals and motivations?
  • Nufraser
    Nufraser Posts: 87 Member
    Love this post! I hear it's important to have a vision and to write it down. I want to finally finish what I've started and see results. I tend to throw in the towel when it's uncomfortable or difficult. But this is worth having( a healthy, sexy me) so it's worth fighting for. It is no way an easy process and I get discouraged when the scale doesn't move and like this week has gone up. But I am fighting the good fight and I will finish the race!
  • Why are you here?

    Because I have no other options left.
    What vision do you have for yourself and your future?

    I see me with shiny new pink lungs, healthy, no longer attached to oxygen tubes. I see myself working and being a productive part of society, I see me living life without such extreme limitations.
    What motivates you every day to fight?

    My friends, my family, my LAM community. I think of others who are sick and it forces me to soldier on.
    What do you first think of when you get out of bed?

    Usually, my lungs and breathing Or, "I have to pee." Lol.
    What do you tell yourself when you look in the mirror?

    I generally try to tell myself that I am beautiful, but I have to admit I'm more critical of myself than I'd like to be. There are times where I get so disgusted and frustrated with myself that I turn away. Generally though, I accept myself.
    What inspires you to pick up the pieces when you fall down?

    My best friend. He is always there and encouraging me, and when I can't fight anymore, he picks me up and forces me to go on while standing by my side. I wouldn't be here today without him.

    (I know I'm not a typical MFP user, as I'm trying to lose weight to be within an acceptable range for lung transplant -- but I wanted to answer these questions. :flowerforyou:)
  • Angie__1MR
    Angie__1MR Posts: 388 Member
    I'm here because I want to look like this (minus the bad boob job):
  • amylovescupcakes
    amylovescupcakes Posts: 146 Member
    I'm here cause I wanna look incredible on my honey moon, and have lifelong health and live longer than my parents did. :(
  • To be able to lose the weight to make me feel more confident and to be able to keep that weight off in the future. I definitely need discipline when it comes to how I eat, where I eat, what I eat and how often I eat! I also want to get back into exercising through my sport hobbies which I have missed dearly due to other commitments but I've realised if you want something you have got to make time for it no matter what and work damn hard at it!

    Oh and I so badly want to impress a guy. Yes I said it haha x
  • RoxMyWorld
    RoxMyWorld Posts: 127 Member
    Why are you here?

    Because I have no other options left.
    What vision do you have for yourself and your future?

    I see me with shiny new pink lungs, healthy, no longer attached to oxygen tubes. I see myself working and being a productive part of society, I see me living life without such extreme limitations.
    What motivates you every day to fight?

    My friends, my family, my LAM community. I think of others who are sick and it forces me to soldier on.
    What do you first think of when you get out of bed?

    Usually, my lungs and breathing Or, "I have to pee." Lol.
    What do you tell yourself when you look in the mirror?

    I generally try to tell myself that I am beautiful, but I have to admit I'm more critical of myself than I'd like to be. There are times where I get so disgusted and frustrated with myself that I turn away. Generally though, I accept myself.
    What inspires you to pick up the pieces when you fall down?

    My best friend. He is always there and encouraging me, and when I can't fight anymore, he picks me up and forces me to go on while standing by my side. I wouldn't be here today without him.

    (I know I'm not a typical MFP user, as I'm trying to lose weight to be within an acceptable range for lung transplant -- but I wanted to answer these questions. :flowerforyou:)
  • RoxMyWorld
    RoxMyWorld Posts: 127 Member
    Sorry I did that wrong but to the above poster, sure you are just like all of us, we all have reasons we want to or need to lose the weight and motivation and support is what we are all looking for! GOOD LUCK TO YOU!
  • wrevhn
    wrevhn Posts: 864 Member
    I'd like to say to eventually look like Coco or Jessica Rabbit, is my dream. But they are more half dreams, since not really obtainable without $$$ for surgery.

    So I guess my motivation is to jiggle less in the wrong places, then later if I have money, I can buy jiggle for the right ones.

    (I actually have a big butt and C cups. But I want a rounder butt, not just heart shape, and DD boobs)

    Also big time to repair my body and its health, I have quite a few little issues like systemic candida and intolerances and occasional hbp.

    plus when your at a HEALTHY WEIGHT ...you feel better, happier.
  • know_your_worth
    know_your_worth Posts: 481 Member
    I don't want to be fat anymore. Sounds simple, but it's true. It's something that I'm insecure about and it's always on my mind. By now, it's part of how I view and define myself. That definition needs to change. I'm already gaining confidence and that's what keeps me going.
    Overall, I don't want to look a certain way for anything. I'm content with my appearance (other than the weight) so it's whatever. I'm not big into attracting guys....I'd much rather find one NOW verses after the weight loss when I'm "worthy" (not quoting you there, I'm thinking of the man's standpoint) In fact, I think just the opposite will happen. I've come across a lot of shallow dudes lately. Once I reach my goal weight, if guys start hitting on me I'm sure I won't be flattered at all. It disgusts me. But I'm better so, meh.
  • wanda9501
    wanda9501 Posts: 114
    I'm here because I am tired of carry this weight around.
    I'm here because I want to be a healthy exam for my 10 year old daughter.
    I'm here because I want the old (150 lb ) me back and this time I will appreicate her.
  • Iron_Maiden
    Iron_Maiden Posts: 326 Member
    You are all wonderful - thanks for sharing your dreams! They are beautiful and help motivate me as well! Aside from my art/photo shoot dream (listed above) I have a dream of falling in love. I know this is corny and blah but it's honest. I have so much to offer and feel I want to be my best when my "bestie" comes along!
  • slynnalex
    slynnalex Posts: 38 Member
    I'm here because I am tired of carry this weight around.
    I'm here because I want to be a healthy exam for my 10 year old daughter.
    I'm here because I want the old (150 lb ) me back and this time I will appreicate her.

  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    Why are you here?

    I am here for help in losing 108 pounds. I started in June at 238, joined MFP at 214, and now I'm 181 pounds! Thanks to the help and encouragement I've found here.
    What vision do you have for yourself and your future?

    My vision is that I will reach my goal weight of 130 pounds! This will also help me reach my other goals.
    What motivates you every day to fight?

    My health! I was born with a mild heart condition that is aggravated by excess weight. Obesity was really hard on me. I will NEVER go back to that. I WILL reach my goal weight.
    What do you first think of when you get out of bed?

    You weigh less today than you did yesterday, you wonderful woman! Good job!
    What do you tell yourself when you look in the mirror?

    You are worth everything!
    What inspires you to pick up the pieces when you fall down?:flowerforyou:

    My family! I have a wonderful husband and fantastic kids, I love them very much and they love me! I want to be around for them, I want to enjoy life with them. I've been blessed and it's time for me to fire on all cylinders.
  • Iron_Maiden
    Iron_Maiden Posts: 326 Member
    ^---^ YOU ARE AWESOME!!!!!!! :drinker:
  • RedFeffer
    RedFeffer Posts: 25 Member
    Why are you here?

    Because I have no other options left.
    What vision do you have for yourself and your future?

    I see me with shiny new pink lungs, healthy, no longer attached to oxygen tubes. I see myself working and being a productive part of society, I see me living life without such extreme limitations.
    What motivates you every day to fight?

    My friends, my family, my LAM community. I think of others who are sick and it forces me to soldier on.
    What do you first think of when you get out of bed?

    Usually, my lungs and breathing Or, "I have to pee." Lol.
    What do you tell yourself when you look in the mirror?

    I generally try to tell myself that I am beautiful, but I have to admit I'm more critical of myself than I'd like to be. There are times where I get so disgusted and frustrated with myself that I turn away. Generally though, I accept myself.
    What inspires you to pick up the pieces when you fall down?

    My best friend. He is always there and encouraging me, and when I can't fight anymore, he picks me up and forces me to go on while standing by my side. I wouldn't be here today without him.

    (I know I'm not a typical MFP user, as I'm trying to lose weight to be within an acceptable range for lung transplant -- but I wanted to answer these questions. :flowerforyou:)


    Power to you, friend!!! You CAN do this!!!! :)

    May you reach your goal swiftly and safely... :)
  • abs, abs, abs-- like I had less than a year ago. I am actually regressing. nothing good has come from my time here except the friends I've made. My body has suffered and it sucks.