Trade off Between fat Loss & pounds



  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Thank you! I am also trying new types of cardio. I have a treadmill at home and go to the track. I have added the rowing machine this past month, gone back to using the elliptical machine and some weird machine that seems like an elliptical in reverse?

    Variety is great, because it keeps all those different muscles working, even if not so hard that they improve greatly.

    Now, you are still training your body to burn more carbs than you did prior to exercise, and as such it will start storing more glucose for energy for when you need it.

    So in addition to not increasing the cardio pace or intensity, not the length of time either.
  • Eddie274
    Eddie274 Posts: 156
    Maybe lay off the weights and use a resistance band instead, it'll tone without building muscle. The muscle you've built will mean you look amazing when you shed the last of your weight, and I don't mean like a bodybuilder. The body analyzer scales are great, I've got some Salter ones that measure fat, water, muscle, BMI and BMR and use them weekly. If I don't see a drop in weight then I sometimes see the stats go down.

    Another good tip is to use a tape measure and get a boost from lost inches.

    Hope this helps.
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    Hello group. I have lost weight before and know it is a lifestyle change that is not instant. I lost a lot of ground after I had surgery last fall and am working on diet and back exercising to get back to where I was. Looking to drop 15 minimum, 20 maximum.

    I am getting discouraged because I do cardio & weight training and I am at that stage where I can see and feel changes in my body because my clothes are looser and my silhouette is smoother but the scale is barely budging.

    How can I jump start a loss in pounds as my fat is being replaced by the heavier muscle?

    I'd say to rid yourself of the scale. It isn't helping you to stay the course and feel great. Obviously changes are happening and that's what matters most.
  • o2bADyer
    o2bADyer Posts: 208
    Stay off the scale. That's my advice. I'm boycotting my scale for October. I didn't lose a single pound in September, but I lost 8 inches total. That's progress for me. My clothes fit better, I can almost fit into another size smaller (I've already gone down one size). Who CARES what the scale says!!!!??? Focus on losing those inches and reshaping your body.

    Yes...absolutely agree!
  • crazylovergrl
    crazylovergrl Posts: 97 Member
    I was just a big ole pile of mush when I started here. I would say it's taken a good two, maybe three months of lifting and cardio to see my results on the scale... But my body changed a TON before I lost any weight. Keep it up, it'll happen and that pesky number isn't worth a lot of worry if you're looking good!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I am getting discouraged because I do cardio & weight training and I am at that stage where I can see and feel changes in my body because my clothes are looser and my silhouette is smoother but the scale is barely budging.

    I fail to see a problem.

    Losing pounds is like getting a promotion with a big fancy job title, but no pay raise.

    Losing body fat without the scale budging is like getting a big pay raise, but no title.

    Which is going to matter more in your day to day life?
  • megamie
    megamie Posts: 8 Member
    I felt the same way, but then I remembered that muscle weighs more than fat. As long as your clothing is getting
    looser it will happen. Don't give up. I have been at this since the end of December and I hope to reach my goal
    before January! The important thing is the lifestyle change will bring it all together. I am determined to NEVER
    gain the weight back! At least I know what I am eating and can make better choices!!

    DON'T GIVE UP!!!
  • Hellguy76137
    Hellguy76137 Posts: 53 Member
    If you really want to jumpstart you have to cut calories.....but be careful, your body needs good fuel to exercise and build muscle.

    Cutting calories is very important. Cutting too many will cause your body to go into starvation mode. On average, no more than about 500 per day AFTER you calculate your total need which includes exercise. One other important thing to remember: Have a cheat day. If you eat the same calories each day your body will adapt. Go for a higher calorie day once a week to help keep the body guessing.
  • Quibeful
    Quibeful Posts: 29 Member
    When I first started I was discourage by the slow progression as well. It is necessary to take an off day so that your body rest and can get rid of the store water from the muscle repair. As well watch your sodium and fat levels. Sodium makes you swell as it throws off your patassium/sodium balance and causes water weight. it takes more 9 cals to burn 1 gram of fat....vs fewer to burn a carb... Evaluate what you eat, not just how much you eat.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    I am getting discouraged because I do cardio & weight training and I am at that stage where I can see and feel changes in my body because my clothes are looser and my silhouette is smoother but the scale is barely budging.

    I actually like this effect even more. You get a lot of comments "have you lost a lot of weight", to which you can respond, "no, just 5 lbs", and the look they give, and usually follow up questions too.
  • RozWynn
    RozWynn Posts: 30
    Maybe lay off the weights and use a resistance band instead, it'll tone without building muscle. The muscle you've built will mean you look amazing when you shed the last of your weight, and I don't mean like a bodybuilder. The body analyzer scales are great, I've got some Salter ones that measure fat, water, muscle, BMI and BMR and use them weekly. If I don't see a drop in weight then I sometimes see the stats go down.

    Another good tip is to use a tape measure and get a boost from lost inches.

    Hope this helps.
    Thanks, I did measurements this week and will be checking once a month for progress. I think that will take some pressure off, not doing it every week.
  • RozWynn
    RozWynn Posts: 30
    I was just a big ole pile of mush when I started here. I would say it's taken a good two, maybe three months of lifting and cardio to see my results on the scale... But my body changed a TON before I lost any weight. Keep it up, it'll happen and that pesky number isn't worth a lot of worry if you're looking good!

    Thank you. And you look great!
  • RozWynn
    RozWynn Posts: 30
    I am getting discouraged because I do cardio & weight training and I am at that stage where I can see and feel changes in my body because my clothes are looser and my silhouette is smoother but the scale is barely budging.

    I fail to see a problem.

    Losing pounds is like getting a promotion with a big fancy job title, but no pay raise.

    Losing body fat without the scale budging is like getting a big pay raise, but no title.

    Which is going to matter more in your day to day life?

    You are right in that it is the long run that really matters in health. I was feeling a bit discouraged because I have "bigger" friends than I that keep talking about weight that they've lost although they look just the same to me, while my pants are sagging in the front and back and my scale has only moved 2, 3 pounds.
    I do realize though that the more a person has to lose, the quicker their initial weight loss is so I will just continue at my turtle pace confident that I will arrive at the finish line!
  • RozWynn
    RozWynn Posts: 30
    I would like to know too! I lost 10 lbs in the first 2 weeks of dieting. And continued to consistently lose 3 lbs a week in July and Aug through calorie counting and exercise. Lotsa exercise! But once my strength training took off I noticed my weightloss slowed waaaaaayyyy down. I was so bummed in Sept because I only lost 7 lbs the whole month. I felt like that was about half of what I shoulda lost. But when I took my measurements this past weekend I realized I had replaced fat with lean muscle. I lost 14 inches from various body parts in one month! (Well, technically more than 14 since I only measured 1 calf, 1 thigh, and 1 upper arm.) I think it will all shake out in the end and people are noticing I'm slimming down so I'm happy with it. I hope you are taking measurements so you don't get discouraged. Good luck! From what I hear if we keep doing all the right things, we will eventually get past any plateaus we face. Be patient and keep up the good work!

    That is awesome and very encouraging for me! Thanks!
  • RozWynn
    RozWynn Posts: 30
    Thank you! I am also trying new types of cardio. I have a treadmill at home and go to the track. I have added the rowing machine this past month, gone back to using the elliptical machine and some weird machine that seems like an elliptical in reverse?

    Variety is great, because it keeps all those different muscles working, even if not so hard that they improve greatly.

    Now, you are still training your body to burn more carbs than you did prior to exercise, and as such it will start storing more glucose for energy for when you need it.

    So in addition to not increasing the cardio pace or intensity, not the length of time either.

    Thanks and will do!