New and Needing Encouragement from MO

muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
Hello! I just started using MFP a few days ago - I was using another, similar, app - but it wasn't nearly as informative nor free! *sighs*

Big thing - has anyone else gained weight when they first started their regimen? I'm really really hoping that this is just a daily flux and not a genuine gain... I will probably weigh in daily for a while just to see if there's a particular trend or cycle. 1.4# seems a bit for just a fluctuation though.... ?

In any case, I really would like to get close to my goal before summer - for a variety of reasons. One, it just plain looks better! Two, I do alot of heavy duty yard work in the summer and it sure would make it alot easier if I were already in shape! Normally, that's when and how I get in shape for the year. Well, this time, I want to do things right and keep it all year long rather than going through this crazy 15-20 pound cycle. I'm not too pleased with the start... I'm not the most patient person in the world so if I'm going to see some sort of change, I really want it to be in the direction intended! This is not it. So what needs to change? Any ideas? I am ridiculously new at alot of this. I know general health measures but calorie counting and all of that - brand spankin' new. Feel free to educate me!


  • tlgillespie
    tlgillespie Posts: 26 Member
    Hi welcome to the site. I just joined last week and I just love it. I have already lost 4 pounds with a lot of exercise and reading labels on everything to get lower calories. Good luck to you.
  • tlgillespie
    tlgillespie Posts: 26 Member
    Hi welcome to the site. I just joined last week and I just love it. I have already lost 4 pounds with a lot of exercise and reading labels on everything to get lower calories. Good luck to you. OOPS, see I'm new and don't know how to delete this. Didn't mean to send it twice. HE He
  • dadga35
    dadga35 Posts: 3 Member
    Don't be too hard on yourself. That type of weight fluctuation is not uncommon. I have been using MFP for about 3 weeks now and have lost 13.6 lbs. Keeping up with what you put in your body gives you control and will lead to making you goals. You have to be very disciplined and fairly accurate. You can get into trouble when you start guessing about calorie content and just not recording the little things you eat. As to the fluctuations, just between today and yesterday I saw a 1.6 lb fluctuation. Don't sweat the daily changes. It's the weekly totals that tell the true story. Even then, you may see some things that are a little discouraging but just keep on going and you will reach your goal. By the way, I am in Columbia, MO. Good luck and talk at you later.
  • i joined about 1 1/2 ago and have lost 3 lbs....this site is great!
  • jdcole67
    jdcole67 Posts: 108 Member
    I have read in a number of sources that your body weight can fluctuate as much as 2 pounds a day just from normal metabolic shifts...that's why most folks "check in" once a week...not saying I don't look every other day or so, but I only log my weight once or twice a week at the most...I find it encouraging if I post it every 3 or 4 days to see even the small changes...but most people will tell you once a week is all you need long term...
  • chefcc
    chefcc Posts: 143
    Hi welcome to MFP.

    I just started MFP a couple of weeks ago and have lost 4 pounds. I have never tracked my calories before. I was shocked at how many calories I must have been consuming. At least now I know why I have gained so much weight. Tracking calories could not be any eaiser because everything I eat is in the database. If its not, its very easy to add them. Now I just need to start exercising.

    Your weight gain could just be water weight. That happens to me if I don't hydrate enough everyday. I have a good soup recipe that will flush out the water. If you want a copy of it, let me know.

    You will find a lot of support here. Everyone seems to be really eager to help. I love this site.

    Good luck on your journey-Have a great day! :happy:

  • Hi welcome to MFP.

    I just started MFP a couple of weeks ago and have lost 4 pounds. I have never tracked my calories before. I was shocked at how many calories I must have been consuming. At least now I know why I have gained so much weight. Tracking calories could not be any eaiser because everything I eat is in the database. If its not, its very easy to add them. Now I just need to start exercising.

    Your weight gain could just be water weight. That happens to me if I don't hydrate enough everyday. I have a good soup recipe that will flush out the water. If you want a copy of it, let me know.

    You will find a lot of support here. Everyone seems to be really eager to help. I love this site.

    Good luck on your journey-Have a great day! :happy:


    Chris, I'd love that recipe!
  • melbhall
    melbhall Posts: 519
    I joined the site about a week ago. I love it too! I lost 2lbs almost immediatley. I have now gained half a pound back! I'm not seeing this as a set back though. I have managed to stick with my calories almost everyday, I have gotten atleast 30 minutes of cardio 7 days in a row and I now have pants that fit that didn't fit before. Don't stress about a little gain. If you keep gaining over the weeks and months to come then there is probably a problem, otherwise just focus on feeling strong!
  • claire30
    claire30 Posts: 153
    I gained 2lbs when i started going to the gym and eating healthy, apparently its fairly common. I think its from gaining muscle. But dont worry or panic, just keep at it!!
    I have now been going to the gym 4-5 times a week, and eating healthy, for 3 weeks and have lost 5lbs, so dont let weight gain bother you, just carry on doing what you are doing and you will see results!!
  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member
    Thank you so much everyone! Most of it did go away (whew!!!) and I am still tracking & logging daily just to look for patterns. I'll probably stop doing that after this week.

    I can't wait to be in shape enough to work out for 20-30 minutes at a time, consistently! Right now, I feel lucky to get through 10 minutes! This isn't just about weight - this about overall physical condition and mine SUCKS! I am so used to lbs just falling off of me.... but then, when I was smoking, I'd do that instead of eat. Go out in the yard, sweat for 6 hours over dirt, shovels, and bricks, eat 600 calories and smoke your way through the rest - yeah, I"ll bet it would seem like everything just magically disappeared. I'm not used to being intentional about this, so I'll probably post often asking for support. LOL

    Its crazy - I know alot about nutrition - I've just never applied any of that knowledge which is VERY different and lends itself to even mroe questions. Oops.. bfast is ready!!

    Happy counting everyone!! and thanks again!!! :-)
  • lwebsmfp
    lwebsmfp Posts: 297 Member
    I started recently too and have lost 6 pounds already so I'm very excited. It's a great site and you'll find a lot of support and encouragement here. Weight fluctuations are normal but don't let it stop you. Keep moving forward and don't give up. Be confident and determined. You can do it!
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