8 glasses of water per day



  • Thanks for all your responses, guys! I try to drink more water, but it actually makes me feel sick if I try to drink more than I'm thirsty for. Oh and btw to that one response about the pee - mine is usually pretty light (except for after a daily vitamin!). It might have to do with the fact that I dont sweat very much, even when excersicing. Also I have a desk job and I dont get to walk around very often, I'm pretty much stuck in the chair which sucks. I actually like water though, if I drink anything else my mouth feels "sticky" and I feel like I need to wash it out with water.
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    I drink at least 64 oz every day. During winter (because it is so cold) I'll drink herbal tea (no caffeine/cals/carbs/sugar) and drink that for at least 32 of my 64.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member

    It takes a WHOLE LOT of water consumed very, very quickly to cause any problems..................The whole water intoxification has been blown way out of proportion. It is nearly impossible to do as the human body is made up of mostly water anyway.

    Why would anyone not want to replenish what they lose through moving, sweating, breathing, etc................

    OK, whatever. I don't beleive I did blow it out of proportion nor did I poo poo the need for water.
    I do not believe for one second that drinking an entire 1 litre glass of water, which was thrown around in here, wil do any good. I bet dollars to donuts that your body will flush most of that out and you'll receive less than the full benefit of drinking 1 liter of water over time.

    Believe what you want to believe and I will continue to believe what I believe and live what I know to be true.

    Healthy adult kidneys are capable of processing 15 liters of water or almost 4 U.S. gallons, per day. If one drinks the water in small quantities spread throughout the entire day there is no issue here. So, you see, it take a lot of water in a short time to get to the point of water intoxification................it is nearly impossible to do unless you are some type of endurance athlete that is sweating and only drinking water, which would take less because the electrolytes would already be lower than the average person.

    The human body is made up of mostly water anyway, so if this gets off balance, which is easy to do it cause a whole rash of issues.............

    Joint Pain
    Muscle Aches
    Dry Skin
    Over all achy feeling (headaches)
    Just to name a few...............

    Here are some of the benefits of drinking water, I am into the Natural scene and Naturopathic ways, so I read a lot of info from natural sites and research from those sites...................


    You will be amazed of the benefits of drinking water as follow:

    Lose weight: Drinking water helps you lose weight because it flushes down the by-products of fat breakdown. Drinking water reduces hunger, it’s an effective appetite suppressant so you’ll eat less. Plus, water has zero calories. Here are the further details on how to achieve fat loss by drinking water.

    Natural Remedy for Headache: Helps to relieve headache and back pains due to dehydration. Although there are many other reasons contribute to headache, dehydration is the common one.

    Look Younger with Healthier Skin: You’ll look younger when your skin is properly hydrated. Water helps to replenish skin tissues, moisturizes skin and increase skin elasticity.

    Better Productivity at Work: Your brain is mostly made up of water, thus drinking water helps you think better, be more alert and more concentrate.

    Better Exercise: Drinking water regulates your body temperature. You’ll feel more energetic when doing exercises and water helps to fuel your muscle.

    Helps in Digestion and Constipation: Drinking water raises your metabolism because it helps in digestion. Fiber and water goes hand in hand so that you can have your daily bowel movement.

    Less Cramps and Sprains: Proper hydration helps keep your joints and muscles lubricated, so you’ll less likely get cramps and sprains.

    Less Likely to Get Sick and Feel Healthy: Drinking plenty of water helps fight against flu and other ailments like kidney stones and heart attack. Water adds with lemon is used for ailments like respiratory disease, intestinal problems, rheumatism and arthritis etc. Another words one of the benefits of drinking water can improve our immune system. Follow this link for further information on how lemon water can improve your health.

    Relieves Fatigue: Water is used by the body to help flush out toxins and waste products from the body. If your body lacks of water, your heart, for instance, need to work harder to pump out the oxygenated blood to all cells, so are the rest of the vital organs, your organs will be exhausted and so are you.

    Good Mood: Your body fells very good that’s why you soul feels happy.

    Reduce the Risk of Cancer: Related to the digestive system, some studies show that drinking a healthy amount of water may reduce the risks of bladder cancer and colon cancer. Water dilutes the concentration of cancer-causing agents in the urine and shortens the time in which they are in contact with bladder lining.
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    Good to have you back, Lioness. We could all benefit from your informative posts!
  • katielouhoo
    katielouhoo Posts: 676 Member
    great list of benefits.
    getting all that water in daily was one of the biggest challenges i faced when i started dieting 5 1/2 months ago.
    seriously, a few sips of water (even when thirsty) and i didn't want anymore.

    so, i did start keeping a bottle on my desk at work that i can refill (20 oz)
    i commited myself to emptying my 16 oz water bottle every time i exercise (6 days a week), my work out isn't done until my water is finished.
    and i figured out how many oz of water are in the glasses i use to help me track at home
    i try to get in at least, at least half of my required water before lunch and the rest before dinner.

    now, 5 months later it is easy to be at 64 oz by 3pm; but honestly, last fall i would still fall short of 64 oz a day, even if i added in coffee, tea, etc, any liquid i was drinking. i have never tried to be a marathon drinker (downing huge amounts at a time), that didn't work for me. i was noticing this last week that now when i pick up a glass, i rarely drink small sips. when i pick up a glass and drink, i often get 1/4 to 1/2 a cup of water in just a swallow (what a change!!!)

    commit yourself to try. then slowly add a glass or two a week until you get there. you & your body need time to adjust. i now find my body functions well with more water and wants it, making it much easier to get over that 64 oz daily.
    keep working at it, & it will improve. -katie
  • Well, anything that doesn't have caffeine (which acts as a diuretic in large quantities) counts as "water" to me soo its fairly easy for me to get all of my water in!

    I especially LOVE freezing tea and making slushies! Best afternoon treat. Especially here in sunny SoCal where it was 75 degrees today! :]
  • I only have a hard time getting my 8 cups a day if I don't have a water bottle around. After my car wreck I was forced to keep a water bottle at my bed side because the doctors insisted I needed lots of water, and that was very true. I was always thristy. I've keep the bottle around after I got better. It holds a little over 24oz. When I started getting serious about lossing weight (before finding out I had a bone infection) I started carrying around the bottle again. I realized the more water I drank the less hungry I was. Turns out I was actually thristy and not hungry. (Odd fact - over 70% of people mistake thirst for hunger) If I forget the bottle though, I find myself hardly wanting water and instead munching on snacks, so I've made it a habit to keep it on my coffee table in front of me at all times. I fill it up at least 3 times a day now.
  • deedeehawaii
    deedeehawaii Posts: 279 Member
    I posted a while ago that needing to drink 8 glasses of water per day is a myth. Here is the link to that thread: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/78813-needing-8-glasses-of-water-a-day-a-myth

    If you head to that thread, get ready for some lively discussion.
  • The recommendation of 8 glasses per day has not actually been studied in a prospective manner. As far as I can tell, there is no true evidence behind it. I personally don't bother.

    Since my kidneys and brain are perfectly capable of regulating my sodium and water balance and sending me the proper signals, I drink when I feel like it.

    I agree with this - drink when you feel like it. I happen to feel like it a lot and probably drink the 8 glasses per day, whether it is in water, tea, or broth in soup. I may even drink more. But as a diabetic, I am frequently very thirsty and keep water nearby at all times. Whenever I go for a drive or a walk, I am sure to have at least a small bottle of water with me, even just one of those little ones. I've also learned that having some gum or a lozenge will help if I don't have water handy.
  • July24Lioness - in these 2D worlds, it is very easy to misunderstand what is written and read.

    What you wrote or copied or however your post is generated is and was like my thoughts on the matter. Unfortunately, my grammatical skills are no where near accomplished. I had thought that my sentence as follows pretty much matched what your second paragraph had said.
    "There is such a thing as too much water too, but I beleive it's a lot and depends on what you're doing.... especially if you're exercising and loosing nurtrients without replacing them...." Was it vague, sure, but it also wasn't absolute on being negative about drinking water.
    It seemed to me that you read that I said, and now I'm blowing the water intoxication theory, and forgoed reading the rest of what I wrote or tried to gather some understanding of it, and fired off with a response that I can only take to mean, what I added to the conversation was worthless.

    The main exception I took to this water intake was that people were saying they get their "8 glasses a day" by simply getting 32oz glass, filling it, and chugging the whole thing until it is done - seemingly while standing in the same spot. I don't see the benefit in doing this because most of that water, will go straight through you and out the other end.
    I also mentioned that it was better to sip it throughout the day. Twice in fact. Just like you did e.g. "If one drinks the water in small quantities spread throughout the entire day there is no issue here."

    So, perhaps, rather than reading a single sentence, try reading the whole post and if you feel the need to quote about something, try quoting, in context, what it is you are referring too.
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