late night binges...

Does anyone else have this problem? I do great all day and will go to the gym, then I either stay up and eat or wake up in the night and eat. Cereal is my 'drug' of choice. I can't have just one bowl though, it's 2 or 3. I've lost over 70lbs so far and the past 2 months I've been letting this get out of control.
Any ideas to help me out with this? I've let us run out of cereal for now, but we have kids so that's not a permanent option;-)


  • Brunner26_2
    Brunner26_2 Posts: 1,152
    There are several binge eating support groups on here that you can join. Hope that helps.
  • RockinSkiBunny
    RockinSkiBunny Posts: 152 Member
    Totally guilty of this. It takes a lot of strength and disclipline to stop.There have been times I just go to bed to avoid it.
  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    Not helpful, but I'm another one with the same problem, whether its cereal (3 big bowls is not unusual) or tortillas or sandwich thins. Just has to be something! I really need to break the habit and I tell myself that I'm trying, but actually i'm probably not trying as hard as I could. I can do great all day long, but once evening hits its bye bye calorie goal!

    I talked to my counsellor about it on Friday and I have referred myself to the eating disorder service locally and ordered a couple of books from amazon that the the EDS counsellor recommended when she rang on Monday.

    I have broken this cycle before, but i was anti-depressants then which have an appetite suppressant side effect. I need to learn to curb this behaviour on my own.

    So um, not helpful to the original question, but you are not alone :)
  • manenina
    I had this problem for a couple of weeks. After travelling a lot I had very weird eating habits. I was counting these calories and I actually thought this helped me get less hungry during the day! Btw, I was also eating cereal! Anyway, at some point I had to travel again and during the first night I had nothing to eat! I was going crazy! I had to wait until the hotel breakfast opened at 7!!!!!! Anyway, that night was terrible but the next day I didn't wake up in the middle of the night.

    I think it's really bad to wake up hungry, but I think this might keep your metabolism running better all day/night long instead of spending aprox. 10h starving! Just do not over eat!

    PS: I also tried protein shakes!
  • Lrdoflamancha
    Lrdoflamancha Posts: 1,280 Member
    I have this same problem
  • martamierzejewski
    Exactly my problem. I can eat well throughout the day, exercise, say 'no thank you' to all kinds of temptations. Once I am finished teaching for the night, at about 8pm, it all starts. I can eat more than my whole day's worth of calories combines --- in just 30 minutes!

    Two things come to mind: I don't eat enough during the day, hoping to save up calories, then binge at night. Another reason is that I am of the anxious type, so, as the day goes on, I get a little more stressed and use food at the end of the night as a way to calm myself down. I noticed on my diary that Monday-Wednesdays are always better than the rest of the week. I assume the stress builds over the week and subsides on the weekends.

    I think many people can identify with this problem. The key is to find out *why* we do it. Good luck!! :-)
  • auntkk28
    auntkk28 Posts: 55 Member
    I also struggle with nightime binging. I find that if I don't eat enough throughout the day and exercise too much my body lets me know so first I would ask if you're eating enough. Try drinkning a glass of water first, you may just be thirsty. I will just go to bed to keep from eating too late at night. Also try to buy healthier cereals like Kashi, the kids will benefit as well:)
  • CHANINE111
    CHANINE111 Posts: 42 Member
    My first ever counselling session is in 30min.. Hope someone can help me 2! Gained 10kg this year!
  • Dauntlessness
    Dauntlessness Posts: 1,489 Member
    I'm having the same issue. In the past, popcorn really helped because its so low cal. Honestly I get the butter kind because its about the same cal count...even sometimes lower than the smartpop stuff that's bland. -more fat though. I also find that eating fruit doesn't put the weight on like sugary snacks do. I hope that helps.
  • strevs58
    Can only suggest a couple of options that I find work for me....(btw, my weakness is HobNobs...can never eat just 1 or 2!!)
    Buy the Children a cereal that you don't like if you feel that need to have cereal in the house....personally switch them over to Porridge which not only comes in some good flavours these days but is actually better for them.
    The other option is to have a handy snacks for your self.....that to some extent you can consume to the cows come home but don't add much calories. I use carrot sticks, pepper sticks etc...and either buy a low fat, low cal dressing from the supermarket or make a quick one from all the recipies available (and if make can have a different taste every night) I'm afraid it doesn't cure the "binge" eating...just makes sure that all the days effort is not wasted ))
  • krenlw
    krenlw Posts: 11 Member
    Thank you everyone for your support! I figured I wasn't alone out there! I think I will look for some books and maybe even a support group, or class, or something!
  • apatheticLog
    apatheticLog Posts: 24 Member
    cereal is the devil. its so damn good! binge eater galore here.... honestly, the only way to stop binging is to be super insanely serious with not binging. reading a book, looking at your fat pictures, keeping yourself busy, reading these boards. just know your trigger points (aka cereal goodness) and stay far far away from it. maybe tape a photo of your heaviest on the box?
  • asaw00
    asaw00 Posts: 1,904 Member
    Lately my "drug" of choice is nutella on anything or last night just scoops of it alone. What has worked for me recently is a piece of fruit, banana or apple cut in half i tbsp of peanut butter spread over it and 1 tbsp of choc chips. I kinda hits every craving. then just water or the rest of the night. Good luck. Also brushing your teeth might help.
  • krenlw
    krenlw Posts: 11 Member
    Has counseling helped anyone? I find that I do this more when my life seems out of control. I know there are eating disorder counselors out there. Has anyone had luck with this?