Dumping diet soda



  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    For those who have given up diet pop, what do you do for caffeine in the mornings..? I drink Diet Dr Pepper - - one in the morning and one around 3pm at work.......and i've tried to quit before, but then i'll have a night of not sleeping well, and need to be AWAKE in the morning for work.....not sure what to do (and please don't say exercise in the morning to wake yourself up - - i can barely get dressed......) lol
    Again, referring to my previous post, what's the damage drinking Diet Dr Pepper or coffee? I drink coffee because that suites my taste but how is ANY calorie-less drink relevant to the quest of losing weight?

    Strictly in terms of weight loss the differences will be somewhere between minimal and zero unless the individual can claim with certainty that something about diet soda caused a significant change in energy balance.
  • So, I read a lot... probably more than I should. Anyway, one of the articles I read not to long ago was saying that any aritficial sweetener is "bad" for you. Take out the chemical compounds that create these things and their health risks, and consider this. According to the article, when you use a fake sugar, you trick your mind into thinking its getting sugar. Now, this has a nasty side effect of... HEY... you just gave me my sugar, where is that energy sugar delivers. Since the fake sugar has zero calories, your body craves something... anything... that has calories. This is one of the BIG pitfalls that people who diet fall into. All of a sudden, after having a diet soda (or pop depending on your geographical location) you find yourself hungry...

    Regular soda is loaded with High Fruitcose Corn suryp, Diet soda is full of chemicals producing the sweet sensation... Since cutting all of this out of my diet... I dont have the constant urge to eat.
  • i cant live without diet soda, and good on you :)
  • Excuse my ignorance but I don't follow. I never drank diet soda because I can't stand the taste of artificial sweeteners, but I always thought a diet soda was essentially an equivalent of a glass of water.

    What am I missing?

    I don't know how much is hype and how much is true, but I've read a number of studies about it. Everything from diet soda can lead to diabetes and obesity, to it's just fine. From what I have managed to understand, supposedly the soda tastes sweet, so it triggers your brain in to believing you're eating/drinking something sugary and to stand by for the sugar to hit the system. The problem there, is no sugar hits the system, so the brain kinda freaks out and screams "WHERE'S MAH SUGAH??" It then triggers you to crave something sweet ... which you eat .. and wash down with a diet soda .. and well, you know; lather, rinse, repeat. Nobody (to my knowledge) has been able to prove or disprove this particular theory, but it seems to be out there in abundance.
  • I don't know how much is hype and how much is true, but I've read a number of studies about it. Everything from diet soda can lead to diabetes and obesity, to it's just fine. From what I have managed to understand, supposedly the soda tastes sweet, so it triggers your brain in to believing you're eating/drinking something sugary and to stand by for the sugar to hit the system. The problem there, is no sugar hits the system, so the brain kinda freaks out and screams "WHERE'S MAH SUGAH??" It then triggers you to crave something sweet ... which you eat .. and wash down with a diet soda .. and well, you know; lather, rinse, repeat. Nobody (to my knowledge) has been able to prove or disprove this particular theory, but it seems to be out there in abundance.

    I should also add ... within about 2 weeks of quitting diet soda, I suddenly realized that my sweet tooth had died down quite a bit. While I used to have these near panic-inducing moments when I just HAD to have something sweet, and no fruit in the world was going to cut it for me ... now days it's more like a momentary throb, and I can move on with my day.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    For those who have given up diet pop, what do you do for caffeine in the mornings..? I drink Diet Dr Pepper - - one in the morning and one around 3pm at work.......and i've tried to quit before, but then i'll have a night of not sleeping well, and need to be AWAKE in the morning for work.....not sure what to do (and please don't say exercise in the morning to wake yourself up - - i can barely get dressed......) lol
    Again, referring to my previous post, what's the damage drinking Diet Dr Pepper or coffee? I drink coffee because that suites my taste but how is ANY calorie-less drink relevant to the quest of losing weight?

    Strictly in terms of weight loss the differences will be somewhere between minimal and zero unless the individual can claim with certainty that something about diet soda caused a significant change in energy balance.

    The direct effects of the calories are zero as SS notes.
    However, caffeine does seem to have an effect on metabolism, peripheral circulation and cardio function as well as being a slight appetite suppressant.

    Also, secondary effects of caffeine can certainly effect how we do on healthy eating. Irritability to depression for some people - how does that affect outlook and lifestyle? Only you can tell.

    I love coffee, I'm having a cup right now, but I need to cut back.

    Consider: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/002445.htm
  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member
  • i stopped drinking soda and started drinking a cup of coffee so i wouldn't bleed out from caffeine loss.. now i'm off both.

    and i'm sad to say... although i don't crave it anymore. i miss it. oh soda i miss you. especially at dinner.
  • postcall
    postcall Posts: 12 Member
    I am not being sarcastic but can someone point me to a study that shows a causative effect of diet soda. Caffiene in general is good for weight loss and the entire tricking you to eating more is only applicable if you decide to no longer count calories or watch what you eat. Any "DIET" food is more frequently used by people with obesity or diabetes for example Slim Fast usage is probably linked to both despite not being the cause. I could also see a stronger correlation between watching tv/computer use and obesity.
    I do agree however that from a nutritional standpoint it is not beneficial however does it really do harm. Give it up if you want to but I really wonder if that energy could be better spent elsewhere. There are already several things I dont eat such as Gluten, most dairy and several types of fruit all for legitimate medical reasons so I am pretty careful when it comes to adding or removing things from my diet. Again please if you can link or cite a study I would appreciate it.
  • mclandry89
    mclandry89 Posts: 19 Member
    soda is completely pointless. great job getting rid of it! i haven't had it in going on 3 months. i used to crave it, but now i crave water, green tea, and coffee. i wish i could get rid of caffeine, but it is just not happening! that will be my next goal after No Scale October!!