Crap, someone kick me! Why am i doing this?

lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
I seriously thought of every freakin' excuse to not go to the gym today. I slapped myself back in to reality, got dressed, and headed to the gym. Why am I struggling so much lately with going? Before I just went, now I try to talk myself out of it and eventually think about how far i've come and go, but still, that scares me! I don't want to ever stop this and I feel like i'm slipping a little. What can I do? I guess I have to just keep remembering how far I have come and never give up and always convince myself to go. It's not that i'm not motivated to lose weight, it's just the whole excuses thing. I start to think of all the excuses of why today can be my day off when I promised myself that I shouldn't have days off except for weekends.

Do any of you struggle with this? Is that part of the phases? I'm at 4 months of consistant working out 4 to 5 days a week.

I will get over this crap, right?


  • lina1131
    lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
    I seriously thought of every freakin' excuse to not go to the gym today. I slapped myself back in to reality, got dressed, and headed to the gym. Why am I struggling so much lately with going? Before I just went, now I try to talk myself out of it and eventually think about how far i've come and go, but still, that scares me! I don't want to ever stop this and I feel like i'm slipping a little. What can I do? I guess I have to just keep remembering how far I have come and never give up and always convince myself to go. It's not that i'm not motivated to lose weight, it's just the whole excuses thing. I start to think of all the excuses of why today can be my day off when I promised myself that I shouldn't have days off except for weekends.

    Do any of you struggle with this? Is that part of the phases? I'm at 4 months of consistant working out 4 to 5 days a week.

    I will get over this crap, right?
  • abbychelle07
    abbychelle07 Posts: 656 Member
    I'm sorry you are having a bad time. I have been struggling too. I think, "I will take a walk before my daughter's nap." Then I fart around so long, I think, "Okay, I'll go after her nap." Then I think, "Or I'll go after dinner!"

    Yesterday I never went! :grumble:

    Today I am definitely going! It's not nearly as bad as all my excuses and complaining! The worst part is just walking out the door. Weird.

    Good luck, just think of all the progress you have made, and how you want to be a sexy mama!

    BTW, your daughter is so adorable!
  • FatDancer
    FatDancer Posts: 812 Member
    I'm not sure what to tell you Lina...I used to do the same thing before I started working out at home...especially when the weather was cold and wet...Dance and working out at home is what works for me...I don't have to wear a bra or shoes...I can blast my own music...I don't have to pack my gymbag or drive to the gym...I can workout and do the laundry similtaneously, etc.

    I do go to the dance studio, but that's in the evenings after the days work is done and I always look forward to it!
  • lina1131
    lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
    Yeah, I mean so far I have been going no matter what excuse I come up with, but this scares me because in the past I would start out doing this crap and then I would eventually go back to my old ways. I do not want to do that this time. I want to be this way forever! This isn't about losing weight for me anymore (well I mean I still want to lose weight), but this is about leading a healthy lifestyle.


    And thanks, I think she is the most beautiful baby girl in the whole entire world :bigsmile:
  • fynendandi1
    fynendandi1 Posts: 122 Member
    I am too. I went to the park today with Hannah and it has a track around the playground so I walk while she plays....well today I sat in the sun and read a book!!!! I should have walked for a half hour I mean dang we were there for two hours:ohwell:
  • latinmermaid
    I was feeling the exact same way you were today. I did go but I have been like this off and on for the past couple of weeks. I am sure we are not alone in this. It will pass it has for me before and I get motivated again. Keep your chin up!!!:bigsmile:
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    I say take things a bit easier. I find that since turning 30, my body tells me when it's had enough. I now exercise every other day, and I feel better for it. I still get outside for a walk to park, or to chase the kids, or play soccer, but a daily hard core workout is history.

    It might be your body's way of saying you need a day off! OR... you might just prefer to chill and not HAVE to workout, in which case JUST GET TO THE GYM!!!

    I think the bottom line is to not beat yourself up about it, but know when you're trying to make excuses, and push yourself to the do the right thing. What will you tell your daughter when she is 10 says, "Ah, I just don't want to go to school today."?
  • Lavendersunday
    Lavendersunday Posts: 458 Member
    When you try to sabotage your own success listen to music and it will move you out the door to the gym. Oh yeah...looking at an inspirational picture like a fit woman in a bikini helps too. Everyone needs their own emergency kit. Just be prepared...we all have those days. :wink:

  • nopogal
    nopogal Posts: 162
    I've been going through a similar phase the past couple months. It's been really tough. I started my motivational downward spiral during the last weeks of my half marathon training. I did the race and thought that would really boost my mood and get me back in the habit, but it didn't.

    The problem was that I was looking for some outside force to motivate me, but it really has to come from inside. Sometimes I think that I'm more afraid of success than failure. Failure's easy--I've been there, done that so many times...but success. I don't even know what that looks like, so I've been getting scared and started back down the road of my old habits. I'm still at that same point that I've been to before, so now it's time to get over the peak of this hill and finish what I've started.

    I can't say that I'm totally cured and there's no looking back, but I do feel a lot better, and slightly more motivated. It took me a few weeks to really kick it back into gear and it's a slow start back up. My biggest problem is watching what I eat. Exercise has been relatively easy for me, but recently it's been hard. So, my best advice is to take the time you need to conjure up that energy and motivation you need from within and don't be too harsh for missing some days at the gym. The biggest difference between my former setbacks and this one is that I haven't gained any weight back and that I allowed myself the time to take a much-needed break.

    So, good luck finding that internal motivation. I think everyone on this site has had a similar experience and is cheering you on! :flowerforyou:
  • lessertess
    lessertess Posts: 855 Member

    It sounds like your exercise routine is in a rut. It's become boring. Try switching it up with something new. Either add in a class or video that is challenging, take spinning, go hiking in a beautiful area, try canoeing.....etc. With spring coming you should be able to add some variety.

    Also, if you can find an exercise buddy so that you can motivate each other.

    Good luck!
  • Fab140
    Fab140 Posts: 1,976 Member
    Take it a bit easier.....and maybe switch up the routines! Maybe you're just tired of running on the treadmil/elliptical/whatever you do! Try doing Tae Bo at home, or I like to throw on Carem Electra's Cardio Strip tease when I'm wanting to not do anything. It's fun, get your blood pumping, and lifts your mood. Do a couple of sets of lunges and crunches and pushups (o my!) afterward if you need more burn.

    Your body and mind work together to tell you when something isn't working. Just listen, take a deep breath, and try something new.

    :flowerforyou: Good luck!
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    I think we all get into that rut the important things is to get back on it!!!!

    I usually motivate myself but just thinking about my goal or even better imagining my best friend ( I have known for 9 years he is an avid runner) who is my inspiration in life to keep going.
  • lina1131
    lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
    The thing is, I don't have time to exercise at home. I work full time and i'm a mother to an 18 month old. When I get home, my evening is 100% dedicated to her. I can't make exceptions for that! I workout during my lunch hour at work.

    Today I did try something new and holy crap I burned a lot of calories doing it - jump roping. I think i'll be changing up my routine! :bigsmile:
  • winwin
    winwin Posts: 134 Member
    yes, those days, I put on my headphones and block out the other noises. By the time the first song is finished I am ready to work it.

    I like what nopogal said about failure and success. How many times do we let ourselves fail because it's easier. I didn't even realize how many times I have done it with a good excuse, when I don't have time or interest in finishing something. Not just excercise, but that too. Thanks for the eye opener.

  • MontanaGirl
    MontanaGirl Posts: 1,251 Member
    I've developed a theory. When you (I, we, anyone) make a commitment the "universe" has to test it. By universe, that can be outside forces, our own whatever, inertia, you get the idea. At anyrate - you don't know how strong your commitment to a change is until it is tested. So your commitment to a lifestyle change is being tested right now. Mine too, by the way!! So do you give in and give up or do you take a stand, draw a line in the sand and go for it?? I really think that is what part of the process is about.

    So, here we go together. Take a deep breath. Say, out loud, "I am doing this. I am commited to becoming healthier and happier. I will not give in to the forces that want to drag me back to where I was. I am making this change and I am doing it. Nothing and no one is going to stop me from my commitment to become healther and better." And go do it!!

    Just my thoughts :flowerforyou: And doing something different is always helpful - even just buy yourself something new to work out in and trying something new - Way To Go!
  • lina1131
    lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
    Thank you so much guys! :heart:
  • CASIMIR2003
    I just started all this and it is so wonderful to see that you went ahead and worked out and even though you were struggling in the beginning you still jumped that hurdle! Thanks!
  • Valjas_
    Valjas_ Posts: 29 Member
    I agree with all of the advice given so far. I will add that it is important to realize that missing one day at the gym is nowhere close to missing a week or even 2 weeks of working out, which would obviously have the potential to reverse progress. Especially if you are working out consistently 4-5 times per week. If you were only working out once or twice per week, it would have more of an impact, but I think if you are averaging 4 or 5 times then you should not lose any progress by missing a day. And in fact you should allow yourself a day off here and there.

    What you are seeking is a healthy body, mind and soul. Too often we focus just on the body and we forget about keeping a healthy mind and soul. The reason I say this is that we get so motivated to lose weight or get in shape (good) that we become uptight and stressed (bad) about how we are going to get it done. Allow room for days off, even plan for it. This will alleviate any feelings of failure or set backs, which have the potential to send you into a workout ending depression.

    I personally do not believe in fad diets, etc. But rather in total lifestyle change. Meaning you incorporate healthy activities and nutrition into your life for its entire duration. So you have to realize that in that lifetime there will be days you won't get to workout, some by choice and others most likely will be out of your hands (i.e. long work hours, medical condition, kids out of town sporting event, etc.) It is bound to happen more than once in your lifetime.

    Always remember that nothing gained easily is worthwhile, and therefore challenge yourself. But also remember that any challenge no matter how hard it is should also be fun. If it ever starts to lose that quality then re-evaluate and adjust so it is once again.
  • lina1131
    lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
    I do realize that there will be days I can't go to the gym for whatever reason comes up, but today I just didn't want to go and that is what scared me. I have one cheat day a week, I take full advantage and I have still lost 28 lbs.

    I am just scared that i'm going to lose total motivation and quit. And, i think it is because anytime I have ever been on a diet I have quit right around this time because I start to feel comfortable. I am feeling the signs of too much comfort and I want to stop now before it goes out of hand. This is the first time though that I have made a lifestyle change and not starved myself to lose weight, so that is good.