Completely new to this!

Hi all! Well, I literally joined myfitnesspal yesterday and I'm determind to lose some weight by eating healthily and increasing the amount of exercise I do... problem is I've turned into a bit of a couch potato recently and need the motivation to get myself going!
So, if anyones in the same situation, or wants/will give encouragement I'm here! :)


  • quitter1973
    quitter1973 Posts: 35 Member
    I did as well. I started working out Monday and went again this morning. Intense workouts but I feel its going to be a life changer. I'm in my late 30's and feel its time to change who I am. Good luck and I will be here doing the same thing!
  • SherrieC123
    I am new too. I joined yesterday just all of a sudden had the urge to really make a change. I have lost weight before but here I am again. This time I hope is different. I am walking my daughter to school each day there and home so 20 minutes 2 times a day 4-5 times a week should help. Not sure once the snow flys do not like cold but I am determined.
  • Granny107
    My suggestion is find something you LIKE to do so it doesn't feel like something you HAVE to do. I like dancing so I buy dance videos. I also like riding bike but that is seasonal and we are coming to the end of that season on the East Coast. Hope that helps!
  • Evette7
    Evette7 Posts: 156 Member
    You started so a good chunk for the battle has already been won! It's not easy, I've restarted probably a hundred times but in the end it is beyond worth it. Welcome to MFP! I am going to send you a friend request! Mutual support From people who know what you are going through is always a huge plus!
  • RenewME_2013
    RenewME_2013 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm on my 3rd day and feeling the same way... lets do this together. Add me as your friend and we'll learn together :)
  • dancecrazygirl12
    Wow thanks everyone for the support so far! Encouragement is the way forward! I enjoy dancing, and do go to a class one evening a week for an hour and a half. Trouble is I'm an emotional when I'm happy, sad, stressed! Put on quite a few pounds over the last 6 months are so, and it's time to change!! Thanks again people!