Exercise for handicapped folks??

Hi all,

Although I do not consider myself "handicapped" just because I have two verrry seriously injured knees (ACL and meniscus tears in both...can barely walk without pain), I tend to put on weight becuase of them (not being able to do much cardio, etc.).

Can anyone recommend safe yet effective exercises I can do sitting down, perhaps with hand weights...kind of a "workout in a chair" type thing?

I have been dieting for 2.5 weeks now and have only lost 1 miserable pound, and I know it's because I don't exercise enough.

Thank you.


  • Kelleybelley69
    Kelleybelley69 Posts: 43 Member
    Have you tried nordic walking its walking with poles and maybe that might help take some pressure off your knees and maybe only doing 10-15 mins tops a day for the first week to see if that helps or hurts more. I will ask the lady I train with to see if she has any ideas as well. DON'T GIVE UP baby steps will bring you back to where you want to be....
  • JanaCanada
    JanaCanada Posts: 917 Member
    Tried that last year...can't do it....too painful. Thanks anyway. :)
  • clairekeogh42
    clairekeogh42 Posts: 127 Member
  • Angie__1MR
    Angie__1MR Posts: 388 Member
    A guy in my gym is wheel chair bound...he trains everything but his legs...all kinds of arm and shoulder work, back, and chest...the guy is a beast!
  • LauriesTrying2BeFit
    LauriesTrying2BeFit Posts: 414 Member
    can u not go swimming? thats a great all rounder!
  • ladyluch99
    ladyluch99 Posts: 264 Member
    Here are a couple of articles you might find interesting. I don't have that problem but hopefully these articles will give you some idea of what you can or can't do in your situation. I hope this is helpful.


  • fit921
    fit921 Posts: 92 Member
    Have you tried swimming?
  • athryn
    athryn Posts: 59
    My mom has knee problems (she's actually just had her second knee replacement) and she does water aerobics, the swimming pool does a great job of providing support.
  • JanaCanada
    JanaCanada Posts: 917 Member
    A guy in my gym is wheel chair bound...he trains everything but his legs...all kinds of arm and shoulder work, back, and chest...the guy is a beast!

    OK, yes...this is what I need, but can;t afford a gym membership. I have hand weights at home. Wonder what your friend would recommend for me? (hint hint..lol)
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    Could you do dumbbells exercises?

    So Bicep Curls, shoulders press etc

    And core work? Sit ups, leg rasiers maybe

    Press ups? You could do Chest flys lying on the ground maybe?
  • JanaCanada
    JanaCanada Posts: 917 Member
    I don;t swim. Near-drowning as a child made me deathly afraid of the water.
  • Do a search for upper body cardio workouts. You can do shadow boxing sitting and it will give you a decent workout. Stationery bike may be good rehab for your knees but I suppose you would have gone through that with your recovery therapy. A table top bike is good to use for your arms.
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    You could do endless stuff on a stragiht back armless chair
  • Truemoose
    Truemoose Posts: 19 Member
    No mention of surgery to repair the ACL/MCL?
  • Angie__1MR
    Angie__1MR Posts: 388 Member
    A guy in my gym is wheel chair bound...he trains everything but his legs...all kinds of arm and shoulder work, back, and chest...the guy is a beast!

    OK, yes...this is what I need, but can;t afford a gym membership. I have hand weights at home. Wonder what your friend would recommend for me? (hint hint..lol)

    just go to Bodybuilding.com and look up some exercises...any of the exercises that work your upper body should be doable...you gotta put some work into this...seriously, it isn't that difficult.
  • JanaCanada
    JanaCanada Posts: 917 Member
    Could you do dumbbells exercises?

    So Bicep Curls, shoulders press etc

    And core work? Sit ups, leg rasiers maybe

    Press ups? You could do Chest flys lying on the ground maybe?

    Yes, yes, and yes!! THIS is what I'm talking about...but...what ARE these exercises? LOL Serioiusly, I am fitness lingo impaired. How many times do I lift the weights? Is it safe to do while sitting? At least sit ups I can do, though. :)
  • JanaCanada
    JanaCanada Posts: 917 Member
    just go to Bodybuilding.com and look up some exercises...any of the exercises that work your upper body should be doable...you gotta put some work into this...seriously, it isn't that difficult.

    Yeah, I don;t care how hard it is. I need it.
  • JanaCanada
    JanaCanada Posts: 917 Member
    No mention of surgery to repair the ACL/MCL?

    Had the meniscus outpatient surgery last year on one knee, then re-injured it. Canadian (socialized) medicine here...gotta wait my turn again. So, until then...need help now.
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    Ok, so straight back firm chairs

    Arms = Bicep curls
    Tricep Curls(over your head)

    Shoudlers = Shoulder Push
    Arms straight, lift the weights straight out in front to shoulder height
    Same as above put put to the side

    Try doing 3 sets of ten of each on those above(i know is very very basic, but it will give you a feel for it)
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member

    Try that site. Its has little pictures of everything, adopt the one you can do seated

    Enjoy and best of luck