Check on my diary.....I cant break this 2 year long plateau



  • blueeyedangelar
    blueeyedangelar Posts: 119 Member
    CHECK OUT my food diary. Yes I know I drank a lot of beer on Sunday and Mondays (kickball)...I have tried cutting out all alcohol before and it didn't help.

    Everyone says I need to eat more but I am not hungry.......I am going to try drinking a protein shake in the morning with breakfast?? maybe?

    So are you thinking that a deficit bigger than the 1000 MFP already put in there would be better?
    I notice you don't usually eat back exercise calories.

    So since your method failed, and you are eating at maintenance level right now for your level of exercise, ready to make a change?

    Use this spreadsheet linked in this topic, and the group the topic is in, to move forward and benefit from your workouts.

    Suggest increasing calories 100 per day for a week. Then another 100 another week, ect.

    of course you aren't hungry, your stomach has shrunk and your metabolism has obviously slowed down.

    Protein shake before bed would be better for ya.

    Just remember, you feeling full has no bearing on your body being fed fully.

    Thank you so much! I will check out the spread sheet .
    I have always been under the impression not to eat before bed, but I will start having a protein shake and see what happens.

    By adding 100 calories a day mean I should eat 1423 or Mon and 1523 on Tuesday and 1623 on Weds...and etc....because by end of the week I would be up to 2000+ Eck!
  • blueeyedangelar
    blueeyedangelar Posts: 119 Member
    idk what you do for exercises? But if it's minimal kick it up a notch!!! or 3 :) Try out P90X it's great for at home and you can modify moves until you're stronger. Or if you like to leave the house and go to the gym so you can focus and not get distracted (that's what i like to do) get a trainer or just look up strength exercises before you go and start doing them along with cardio.

    My mom used to pack a gym bag in her car when she was getting in shape and go straight after work because if she came home first and relaxed she would never get up and go.

    As regards to you're diet, it seems you do pretty well for breakfast (kashi and yogurt)
    But try for more natural stuff. When getting yogurt check the carbs and sugar because some flavored yogurts have alot! There's one brand called "Carbmaster" I believe has half the carbs its not as smooth but good for diets.
    Try and cut out salt as well. You can't cut it all out because salt is sneaky, but if you cook never add it.
    Way more veggies too and fruit. Try eating snacks during the day (banana, apple and peanut butter) small things like that to keep your metabolism up throughout the day.

    Hope this helps :) sorry it's long don't want to leave anything out.

    I am actually recovering from a knee injury a month or so ago, but I usually run a 2 to 3 miles or so 3 times a week or more. and I have been meaning to get back to the gym, I have just been so busy with Kickball.
  • blueeyedangelar
    blueeyedangelar Posts: 119 Member
    You have great calorie intakes...

    :huh: I disagree.


    OP you are barely netting 600 cal some days. If you don't want to eat then be happy with your wight as it is. Your body is saying enough is enough I'm not letting go of any more because you are punishing me. Stop punishing your body and it might start being nice to you.

    I am going to check into reseting my metalbolism using the eat more lose weight group

    Thank you all so much!!!
  • blueeyedangelar
    blueeyedangelar Posts: 119 Member
    It looks like you are not eating enough. When you do this for extended periods of time, metabolism slows down and sometimes hunger goes away. Pick a day this weekend to intentionally overeat 2xbmr. How much do you weigh?

    I weight between 144-149. I try to have a cheat day once a week and it usually helps me lose a pound or so but I gain it right back.
  • blueeyedangelar
    blueeyedangelar Posts: 119 Member
    stop the 10pm snacks and eat these earlier in the day. your metabolism is slowing down at this time

    I need to change the time I actaully dont eat after 9.
  • blueeyedangelar
    blueeyedangelar Posts: 119 Member
    You may not be eating enough - especially on days that you are exercising heavily. There was one day where you had eaten a total of 1300 calories, but you had also burned 700 through exercise (which you didn't eat back.) That's a huge's like netting 600 for the day. If you aren't hungry enough to eat food and a protein shake with breakfast will help you add calories, then I say go for it. Good luck! :flowerforyou:

    ETA: Your pic = :laugh:

    Thanks it is our Kickball Jerseys
  • jesspi68
    jesspi68 Posts: 292
    stop the 10pm snacks and eat these earlier in the day. your metabolism is slowing down at this time

    I need to change the time I actaully dont eat after 9.

    I actually don't think this is true. Pretty sure you can eat whenever you feel like eating as long as your not binging in the evenings.

    Also the post where they said increase 100 per day for a week, I think they were meaning if you are currently at 1200 go to 1300 for a week, then the next week go to 1400
  • 168lbs
    168lbs Posts: 6
    I'm new to all this but......

    1. it looks like your body could be in starvation mode, by what came to mind by looking at your food intake.
    2. your not eating enough "Fresh" vegetables, salad, fruit.
    3. Your eating too much processed foods.

    Also it's a shame that MFP does not give us more colums, so we could see your sugar intake too, its a well known fact that processed foods can carry huge amounts of sugar and salt, to make them palatable for us to enjoy :(
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    You may not be eating enough - especially on days that you are exercising heavily. There was one day where you had eaten a total of 1300 calories, but you had also burned 700 through exercise (which you didn't eat back.) That's a huge's like netting 600 for the day. If you aren't hungry enough to eat food and a protein shake with breakfast will help you add calories, then I say go for it. Good luck! :flowerforyou:

    ETA: Your pic = :laugh:

    Thanks it is our Kickball Jerseys

    Kickball sounds fun! I haven't played since I was a kid. I wish they had adult kickball leagues where I live. that would be epic,
  • 168lbs
    168lbs Posts: 6
    You have great calorie intakes...

    :huh: I disagree.

    Your calorie intake is not good - its toooo low, sorry .....
  • dawlschic007
    dawlschic007 Posts: 636 Member
    CHECK OUT my food diary. Yes I know I drank a lot of beer on Sunday and Mondays (kickball)...I have tried cutting out all alcohol before and it didn't help.

    Everyone says I need to eat more but I am not hungry.......I am going to try drinking a protein shake in the morning with breakfast?? maybe?

    So are you thinking that a deficit bigger than the 1000 MFP already put in there would be better?
    I notice you don't usually eat back exercise calories.

    So since your method failed, and you are eating at maintenance level right now for your level of exercise, ready to make a change?

    Use this spreadsheet linked in this topic, and the group the topic is in, to move forward and benefit from your workouts.

    Suggest increasing calories 100 per day for a week. Then another 100 another week, ect.

    of course you aren't hungry, your stomach has shrunk and your metabolism has obviously slowed down.

    Protein shake before bed would be better for ya.

    Just remember, you feeling full has no bearing on your body being fed fully.

    Thank you so much! I will check out the spread sheet .
    I have always been under the impression not to eat before bed, but I will start having a protein shake and see what happens.

    By adding 100 calories a day mean I should eat 1423 or Mon and 1523 on Tuesday and 1623 on Weds...and etc....because by end of the week I would be up to 2000+ Eck!

    Just add 100 calories per week (not day). Week one eat 1423 per day, week 2 eat 1523 per day, etc. until you reach your goal calorie intake. I'm 5'3 and run 3 to 4 miles 4x times per week and eat around 1700 - 1800 calories. If I work out harder or for more days, then I bump it up a few hundred calories to make sure I NET at least my BMR. I also use that spreadsheet Heybales suggested and it works very well!
  • blueeyedangelar
    blueeyedangelar Posts: 119 Member
    CHECK OUT my food diary. Yes I know I drank a lot of beer on Sunday and Mondays (kickball)...I have tried cutting out all alcohol before and it didn't help.

    Everyone says I need to eat more but I am not hungry.......I am going to try drinking a protein shake in the morning with breakfast?? maybe?

    So are you thinking that a deficit bigger than the 1000 MFP already put in there would be better?
    I notice you don't usually eat back exercise calories.

    So since your method failed, and you are eating at maintenance level right now for your level of exercise, ready to make a change?

    Use this spreadsheet linked in this topic, and the group the topic is in, to move forward and benefit from your workouts.

    Suggest increasing calories 100 per day for a week. Then another 100 another week, ect.

    of course you aren't hungry, your stomach has shrunk and your metabolism has obviously slowed down.

    Protein shake before bed would be better for ya.

    Just remember, you feeling full has no bearing on your body being fed fully.

    Thank you so much! I will check out the spread sheet .
    I have always been under the impression not to eat before bed, but I will start having a protein shake and see what happens.

    By adding 100 calories a day mean I should eat 1423 or Mon and 1523 on Tuesday and 1623 on Weds...and etc....because by end of the week I would be up to 2000+ Eck!

    Just add 100 calories per week (not day). Week one eat 1423 per day, week 2 eat 1523 per day, etc. until you reach your goal calorie intake. I'm 5'3 and run 3 to 4 miles 4x times per week and eat around 1700 - 1800 calories. If I work out harder or for more days, then I bump it up a few hundred calories to make sure I NET at least my BMR. I also use that spreadsheet Heybales suggested and it works very well!

    Thanks that makes more since.

    I used the spread sheet and got two different TDEE. ( i really need to measure myself to get an accurate number.....which I plan on doing tonight)
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Thanks that makes more since.

    I used the spread sheet and got two different TDEE. ( i really need to measure myself to get an accurate number.....which I plan on doing tonight)

    Considering there are about 5 TDEE calc methods, you may indeed mix them up. Hence it states, choose one.

    Perhaps I should re-arrange the order by potential accuracy, or just state it somewhere. Suggestions taken for sure.

    3B, 2, 3A, 1A, 1B.

    If no FitBit or Bodymedia, even easier - 1A, 1B.

    Take that TDEE estimate to the lower section.

    Now 3 options for deficit, depending on what you plan on doing. Lifting may be lowest, but if you have no intent of lifting heavy, then not correct for you. If not obese and that deficit isn't the biggest, no correct. Ect.
  • blueeyedangelar
    blueeyedangelar Posts: 119 Member
    Thanks that makes more since.

    I used the spread sheet and got two different TDEE. ( i really need to measure myself to get an accurate number.....which I plan on doing tonight)

    Considering there are about 5 TDEE calc methods, you may indeed mix them up. Hence it states, choose one.

    Perhaps I should re-arrange the order by potential accuracy, or just state it somewhere. Suggestions taken for sure.

    3B, 2, 3A, 1A, 1B.

    If no FitBit or Bodymedia, even easier - 1A, 1B.

    Take that TDEE estimate to the lower section.

    Now 3 options for deficit, depending on what you plan on doing. Lifting may be lowest, but if you have no intent of lifting heavy, then not correct for you. If not obese and that deficit isn't the biggest, no correct. Ect.

    1A = 1584
    1B = 1406 Lightly active
    3A =,2162

    I used a different one and got 1912....

    Does 1900 sound like too much??
  • blueeyedangelar
    blueeyedangelar Posts: 119 Member
    Or should I average and do 1714??
  • blueeyedangelar
    blueeyedangelar Posts: 119 Member
    I averaged all 4 and got 1764?
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    1A = 1584
    1B = 1406 Lightly active
    3A =,2162

    I used a different one and got 1912....

    Does 1900 sound like too much??

    So this is why you choose just 1, you'll confuse yourself.

    3A is using a device then that bases it calorie burns on the foundation of the Harris BMR calc.
    They of course don't know your more accurate Katch BMR calc based on bodyfat%.
    You can look at the BMR section to see how much separation you have there.
    If a lot, that makes 3A not that accurate.

    So 1A. As long as you were honest with planned time spent doing different workout levels.
    That's the one I would go with to start with.