I can't do this alone!

Hi everybody!

My name is Stef and I'm 20 years old. I've recently made a goal for myself to lose 35 lbs in 4 months.
I always hear how having an online community helps with weight loss so, after all my failed attempts at getting healthy alone I finally decided it was time to try this.

Naturally, I'd love to get to know you all! (:
How has this online community helped you reach your goals?


  • MissJenova
    Hi! Welcome :happy:

    I've sent you a friend request. The community has helped me just by having support. Knowing there are people on here that support me and that, in turn, need my support has kept me motivated.

    Even if I had 0 friends here though, just tracking has helped me immensly.

    As for your goals, YOU"VE GOT THIS! Always be proud of the work you have done, even if you don't necessarily get where you wanted to be right away.

    Good luck!!!
  • MissJenova
    Bumping to get some adds for her!
  • Aello11
    Aello11 Posts: 312 Member
    welcome .. you can add me :)

    MFP tracking has helped a lot...I have a much better idea of how many calories are going in my mouth now :tongue:
  • BakedGoodsLover
    BakedGoodsLover Posts: 12 Member
    Hi there - I'm new to this site too! Feel free to add me as well... I hope I see some progress at Monday's weigh-in... this is hard work! But a lot of people seem to feel that tracking on MFP really helps...so here is to trying something new since I've been stuck at a plateau for the last couple of months!
  • jamielynn020610
    jamielynn020610 Posts: 128 Member
    I am in the same boat. I have been struggling to lose the last 14 lbs that I need to lose and I can't seem to do it. I eat less than 1350 calories aday, I walk a 1.5 miles per day and do 50 stomach crunches in the morning and at night. But I don't seem to be losing any and I am getting VERY frustrated. I don't seem to get alot of help at home anymore from my hubby and kids. And I really have no friend support where I live. I am the type of person who really needs motivation. I am not happy being 144 lbs. Just a year ago I was 128. HELP!! I really need help with foods to eat and encouragement.
  • El_Ivers
    El_Ivers Posts: 9 Member
    Hi, I am new here too! feel free to add me as well. I am trying to lose about 20lbs after gaining it during the last 3 years. Good Luck!
  • asra425
    asra425 Posts: 14
    feel free to add me as well. Its hard to keep with it without people encouraging you, so the more friends on here the better!
  • LaStefany
    LaStefany Posts: 26 Member
    Thanks so much everyone! I'm loving all the positive energy here! :D

    "I am in the same boat. I have been struggling to lose the last 14 lbs that I need to lose and I can't seem to do it. I eat less than 1350 calories a day, I walk a 1.5 miles per day and do 50 stomach crunches in the morning and at night. But I don't seem to be losing any and I am getting VERY frustrated. I don't seem to get a lot of help at home anymore from my hubby and kids. And I really have no friend support where I live. I am the type of person who really needs motivation. I am not happy being 144 lbs. Just a year ago I was 128. HELP!! I really need help with foods to eat and encouragement."

    It is hard to stay motivated and losing those last few pounds is the hardest. You can push through it! I'm thinking you might need to add an extra 30-40 minutes of cardio to your workout each week to give you that extra umph! (: Also, you might be gaining muscle, at this point do you think using tape measure to track your inches lost might be better than using the scale?

  • chrissylovescj
    chrissylovescj Posts: 117 Member
    Hey there!

    Glad you decided to join us!! I love the accountability that MFP encourages. Instead of staring at the fridge wondering what I might snack on, I'm on MFP looking at other peoples successes and cheering others on. It's a great distraction for unhealthy temptations. I LOVE IT!!!!
  • ilovephysics
    ilovephysics Posts: 6 Member
    Hi everyone :)

    Feel free to add me as well! I also feel like I am doing this alone. I am in my 30s and all of my friends have babies and toddlers and husbands. It's hard to find someone to work out with and share recipes.
    I'm 5'8" and 183 as of last Sunday. I am at an all time high, and I just want to fit into my clothes again and be a rockin porn star for my boyfriend!

    Let's motivate each other!
  • chynatowngirl44
    chynatowngirl44 Posts: 94 Member
    Hi welcome, I know that you can acheive whatever you put your mind to and the key is to COMMIT to doing it, don't make excuses for not doing something, treat it as a job or a priority...it has to be done. I find that this site helps to make me accountable for my actions and what I do or don't do. If I chose not to exercise today I cannot ***** and complain about the weight that I am not losing. If I eat crap all day, I cannot complain either about getting bigger. It is funny that when you open up your food diary to others to view you become a bit moer self conscious about what you are feeding your body everyday. Almost like your friends are watching you, use that to your advantage. The support system on here is fantastic as well. Add some great quality friends who will help to motivate you along the way, and you can learn from. I hope this helped even a little bit. Enjoy the fruits of hard labor hun