Sad about no soreness.. say what??

I started doing Jillian Michael's Body Revolution last Thurs but made Mon my first official day. Now, those first days my body felt as if it had been used as a punching bag. I did Cardio the third day and it took out all the soreness. But now there's barely any soreness anymore on the following days. Soreness makes me feel like Im doing a good job and I loved how it made me feel. I felt like I had really did something. But now.. Im not getting that soreness. There is a little tiny bit in my thighs but that's it. Am I not doing the exercises properly anymore or has my body just adjusted? When I did the cardio the first day, it hurt like nobody's business but then went kind of numb. Is it the adrenaline? The exercises are still difficult for me, so its not like Im doing them with ease now. Im still cursing and sweating during, it's just the after effects that Im not getting anymore. Should I aim to make them harder? Never thought Id say Im sad because Im not sore after working out. lol.


  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    soreness is just soreness. it is not an indicator of a good or bad workout. just keep trying to do more reps or weight or whatever they use to measure progress on that dvd. soreness means nothing
  • RellaBelle
    RellaBelle Posts: 70 Member
    Oh! Ok! Well thank you for that.. Ill do like you said and just keep pushing with each workout. Thanks bunches!
  • bcf7683
    bcf7683 Posts: 1,653 Member
    When I switch to a new lifting routine, I always know that after the first day of each new workout I'm going to be so sore it hurts to even sit on the toilet. But once my body adjusts, it's not quite as taxing as it was the first time. Your muscles are getting used to the exercise. The reason it hurt so much the first week or so is because your muscles weren't used to that activity. If you keep doing it, your muscles will start getting used to those movements/exercises=less soreness. I still get sore after each workout, but nothing like when I first started lifting.
  • Stressing your muscles causes them to partially break down and re-grow stronger. This can hurt. Some soreness the day after exercising can mean you’re doing it right. A lot of soreness the day after? Can mean you overdid it. Its good that you are pushing yourself, just overdo it and end up causing more damage than good!! Good Luck!