I need HELP!!!

run4yourlife Posts: 379 Member
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
I have been trying to lose 10-15 lbs for over three years. Maybe that doesn't sound like much but I am so frustrated and quite frankly MAD at myself. I recently had 2 solid weeks of eating GREAT and the last 4 days I've been OUT OF CONTROL, eating compulsively and putting the weight back on in record speed. This is the cycle for me and I can't do it anymore. I guess what I'm asking for is to find people who have struggled with compulsive eating in the past who can encourage and support me and help me out of this trap I am in. What worked for you? Any suggestions? I am at my wits end! Thanks.


  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    It basically comes down to just not giving in and learing to deal with the feelings of deprivation. It's not a good feeling, but you get stronger the more you do it.

    A few tips:

    Plan your meals/ calories out the day before, and try your best to stick with that.
    Save room for a decent late night snack.
    Make sure you're eating enough.
    Drink your water.
    Get your daily recommended amount of fiber and protein to keep you full.
    Take a multivitamin so your body isn't craving any of those little micronutrients.
    Make every calorie count- no junk.
  • itzabug72
    itzabug72 Posts: 15 Member
    Hey... Losing that little of weight is always the hardest. Don't be too hard on yourself. 4 days is not that bad you can loose that pretty quick. I, just like I'm sure everybody else has days or weeks that are bad. Just forget about those days and move forward. Make the best of what you have. If it makes it easier try substituting the foods you love with foods a little healthier .
    Hope this help, even a little
    Good luck =D
  • I run. and i dont mean physicaly. I work in a coffee shop/ pastry shop, the treats are everywhere at my disposle. So i just start cleaning like crazy and drinking my water like crazy...then i get so preoccupied with having to pee every 15 minutes i forget about the delectable brownies. Or i look up pictures of the swimming suit i want or the vacation im taking and then somehow my will power kicks in.
  • itzabug72
    itzabug72 Posts: 15 Member
    Comment to the last msg... a good idea is to get a picture of your goal outfit or goal weight(if you have a previous picture of your self) and keep that around so every time you want to go all out, look at what your working towards.
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    It basically comes down to just not giving in and learing to deal with the feelings of deprivation. It's not a good feeling, but you get stronger the more you do it.

    A few tips:

    Plan your meals/ calories out the day before, and try your best to stick with that.
    Save room for a decent late night snack.
    Make sure you're eating enough.
    Drink your water.
    Get your daily recommended amount of fiber and protein to keep you full.
    Take a multivitamin so your body isn't craving any of those little micronutrients.
    Make every calorie count- no junk.

    Second all of brendalee's tips, they work for me too.
    Before I really got serious about my health, about 6 weeks ago, I was surely addicted to sugar, fat, chocolate etc and would regularly eat large amounts of sweets and chocolate. It was a NEED and quite compulsive.

    What really changed my life was that I started out my diet with a 4 day detox with recipes from the Martha Stewart website. It was low calorie but not one of those scary detox plans. Most importantly it was highly nutritious and seemed to reset my entire body. I lost the cravings for the first time in years. I then went straight into a low calorie diet and feel like a different person.

    Hope that helps. 'll be happy to share more detox details if you are interested.
  • run4yourlife
    run4yourlife Posts: 379 Member
    Thanks everyone for the tips and encourgment. I have tried many of these suggestions in the past and always seem to end up back where I started, but as always, here I am today and I will pick myself up, dust myself off and try, try, again. Perhaps this time I will plug myself into MFP a little more so I can get the support I was lacking. All I can do is say, today is a new day and I will do my best today and that is what I intend to do. I am going out for dinner with my cousin tonight and rather than feeling like that will jeopordize my plans to eat well or "I will start eating right tomorrow," I am going to go with the attitude that I can still go and but to stay mindful of what I'm eating, slow down and enjoy.
  • fayepatterson
    fayepatterson Posts: 12 Member
    I to am having a problem losing I have been trying now since the middle of December 2009 . I have only lost 5 lbs. I am trying to count calories now with this program . I don't know if a lot of it is my age or if it is the things I eat. I try to stay away from alot of starches. But on my daily food journal yesterday I had eaten way to many carbs. and not enough protein it seemed. I will not quit I will keep trying but it does get so frustrating. fpatterson:frown: :frown:
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