31 y/o, trying to drop 65 lbs - fruitless efforts!

Hi everyone, I'm a 31 year old full-time worker who is trying to drop 65 pounds... quickly, but safely.

I guess I'm here in hopes of getting some encouragement, to encourage and motivate others, and lose weight!

Here's what I'm up to currently: Tapout XT. I started August 25th @ 239 pounds, so I've only dropped 3 pounds in six weeks. Epic fail! For anyone who doesn't know what Tapout XT is, if you know what P90X is, then... it's pretty much the same thing.

I'm not following their nutrition guide, but I am watching what I eat (averaging 1700 cal/day). My current BMR says 1800, plus the 30-45 minutes of workouts 6x week should add up (I'm a sweaty mess at the end)... but obviously there isn't much improvement here. :frown:

I know I'm gaining muscle, but I haven't lost any inches... barely any weight, and my clothes are definitely not fitting any better. I want to drop this fat off my body to show off the muscular physique I'm building beneath!

Any words of wisdom would be appreciated!!!


  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    Here's the problem: "quickly but safely."

    Safe, healthy weight loss is a slow process. Be Patient, and open up your food diary so people can get a better idea of how to help.
  • T1mH
    T1mH Posts: 568 Member
    Track everything, especially at first. You'll be surprised by how much the little things add up. Don't give up. I know your not seeing results but are you feeling anything? Do you feel more energy? Do you feel stronger. Keep it up and the weight/inches will follow.
  • T1mH
    T1mH Posts: 568 Member
    Oh yeah and prepare yourself for a long road ahead.
  • Melo1966
    Melo1966 Posts: 881 Member
    I started my journey last year at 238 went down to 200 in 12 weeks with the help of my local gym doing the biggest loser, which I won. I maintained my weight loss but with not tracking I only lost a few more pounds. I am back to journaling and lost 3 lbs in a week. There is no long term quick weight loss 2-3lbs is safe and effective. My advice would to drop your calories to 1300-1500 to see more results and drink lots of water. Water equals weight loss. Also track Protein (50-70g) and Fiber (20-30g). The workouts are good and at work go for walks during breaks.
  • Antonella64
    if what your doing is not reducing inches id be looking at my diary. id reduce my intake then eat more on other days to shock the body. id increase my exercise drink more water something has to change it could be the food your eating too. but dont give up. good luck!
  • APBTChampion
    APBTChampion Posts: 93 Member
    Thank you!

    I haven't been keeping a food diary, but I do track everything in terms of calories throughout the day (I have a tendency to lose notebooks and whatnot, so I just have a little tracker on my phone for calories). I do know I need to eat more fruits and veggies, and I can admit to being a carb junkie.

    When I say I want quick weight loss, I'm thinking more like 2 lbs per week (not 5, 10, whatever outlandish number people throw out there). I also am well aware that people lose weight faster at the beginning, because they're heavier... perhaps that's what is frustrating me now. I'm thinking I will be losing .00001 pound per week later on down the road!

    I am feeling stronger, though I have less energy now than I did when I started. I may need to make a trip to my doctor to have my medications adjusted (I have hypothyroidism, PCOS, and insulin resistance... which, if my meds aren't working properly, it may stall me out).
  • Antonella64
    I Found by reducing sugar and carbs i dropped faster and increased my salads and vegies . i cant eat as much as my bmi i dont drop and your right as your closer to goal it slows down. i walk heaps and that not only aids my weight loss but has changed my shape . using mfp cal tracker has been the best weight loss tool. it will work xx
  • APBTChampion
    APBTChampion Posts: 93 Member
    What kind of tracker do you use? I thought about getting the BodyBugg, but I don't want to have to pay a subscription fee every month... I'd like to get something that will be more than just a pedometer, because knowing what my body should be burning (via the tracker) during workouts and throughout the day would help me adjust what I'm eating, too!
  • Antonella64
    i only use mfp to add my cals and i have a fitbit. the fitbit moitors my eating exercise and my sleep . but i dont sync to the app i add only my exercise cals which average around 400 but i burn around 2000 cals a day but i still only eat around 1200 cals a day . this works for me . if your tired get some vitamins. and see a dr. hope this helps
  • Julicat6
    Julicat6 Posts: 231 Member
    3 suggestions that will hopefully help.
    1. Really track it and at first measure everything:-) When I first started trying to lose I joined Weight watchers and after losing close to 50 lbs am trying to switch to MFP and see if I can continue to lose without the meetings( I want the Money for doing Zumba classes;-) I was surprised at how much I was misjudging portions.
    2. Lots of water, as I increased my activity my hunger was also increasing, water helped.
    3. Keep trying, don't get discouraged. Working out and eating better is a good step, even if the weight doesn't move right away it will start to drop if you just persevere.
    Good Luck
  • kookeepup
    i only use mfp to add my cals and i have a fitbit. the fitbit moitors my eating exercise and my sleep . but i dont sync to the app i add only my exercise cals which average around 400 but i burn around 2000 cals a day but i still only eat around 1200 cals a day . this works for me . if your tired get some vitamins. and see a dr. hope this helps

    Hi Antonella64,

    How do you like your fitbit? I'm considering getting one but saw saome bad reviews which made me change my mind. I also do weight and strenght training but it frustrates me not knowing how much I'm burning. If fitbit can do that for me I just might get one! Your insight is much appreciated.
  • Antonella64
    Hello I do like my fitbit ! I wear it all day and it monitors my total days activities .when I walk I push the start button and stop when I finish and the same when I sleep as this breaks up all my activities ! It calculates all my climbs my cals and my steps and my sleep pattern! I don't sync it to mfp as it would give me 2000 cal burn and it's easier for me To add the total exercise to my daily diary! I love it !