Wedding in a month!!

I am going to get married in Nov and I wanna lose some weight any tips to shed weight fast? I have wide love handles and a chunky belly from the back I look tiny from the front not so much


  • snarf432
    snarf432 Posts: 91 Member
    Work your butt off really hard and buy some Spanx.!! Best of luck to you!! You did a great thing adn decided to come here...a big supportive bunch of people here!
  • EvaB93
    EvaB93 Posts: 101
    Drink lots of water, try the 30 day shred too !
  • lizblizz2012
    lizblizz2012 Posts: 196 Member
    High protein/low carb diet, plus as much exercise as you can handle. I got married in July and had to take water pills the week before my wedding just so that my dress would zip up. You have a whole month, I bet you could knock out 8-10 lbs if you REALLY buckle down.
  • Adina81
    Adina81 Posts: 252 Member
    30 day shred (its a miracle on a disk)
    jogging for 20 minutes a day (even if its just speed walking)

    You'll look beautiful regardless!
  • whats the 30 day shred?
  • Adina81
    Adina81 Posts: 252 Member
    Jillian Micheals fitness dvd.

    Not sure where you live but its pretty well accessible at any walmart or fitness store ($10 at most)
  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    Should have thought about this before now. Be smart, eat healthy, work out and be happy with where you are - a good pair of spanx goes a long way.

    you will be a beautiful bride no matter what.
  • ivonne56
    ivonne56 Posts: 42 Member
    You can find the 3o day shred online on youtube. I am working out to that now on youtube didnt buy it..
  • I would have thought about this sooner if I wasnt going to be leaving for the military so my big wedding next year got pushed but thank you
  • anna473
    anna473 Posts: 49 Member
    Do Jillian Michaels 30 day shred. It's available free on youtube. 3 levels, ten days on each level, take a rest day or two if you need it, tho you may want to push through if you've only got a month. I would add in a walk or jog too to burn a few extra calories. Good luck, and enjoy the day! I was not at my goal weight for my wedding and I have to say I surprised myself and felt beautiful regardless, really, the fact that it's your wedding day will make a wobbly belly the last thing on your mind. : )
  • I just started 30 day shred two weeks ago or almost and she really works...She is tough but worth it. Stick to it and you can do it. And don't forget lots and lots of water