I just discovered myfitnesspal

Hi my name is Peggy I just discovered this site through a friend well I should say my daughters friend. So far so good. Looking forward to meeting new people that are like me trying to become a healthier person.


  • Welcome Peggy!

    This is a great site...someone has steered you in the right direction!!! Lots of us gals on here working toward a healthier lifestyle! Good luck with your new weight loss plan! Send me a friend request if you're wanting to add friends for motivation & support!!

    Welcome to a new healthier you!!!

  • mandy0688
    mandy0688 Posts: 335 Member
    Welcome peggy, this is a great site for support and please add me and i will give you all the support you need. Good Luck
  • Cryssy27
    Cryssy27 Posts: 42 Member
    Welcome Peggy! This is a great tool to aid in your weight loss goals!
  • nmleisa
    nmleisa Posts: 93 Member
    Hi Peggy! Welcome :). This is an amazing place...I especially like the success stories message board...reading about people's success keeps me going! Feel free to add me as a friend :)
  • Hey Peg, I'll have to check this out. Sent it to Mary as well.....Keep up the good work!!
  • welcome. i joined two days ago and i love it!!! just make sure to add everything and it will be your bf!! Good Luck
  • Valm0n
    Valm0n Posts: 88
    Welcome, and I wish you the best to reach your target ;-)

    Feel free to add me as friend :-)