strength training exercise help

Hello, I was wandering if someone can help me. I have recorded my strength training (made it up myself but used the exercises under weights etc) and when I record it in my daily exercise routine it doesn't record me burning any calories? Anyone know why? I can't put the calories in myself as I have no idea how many calories I burn when I do these.
Cheers, Vicki


  • Driagnor
    Driagnor Posts: 323 Member
    The problem is that it's very difficult to estimate the amount of calories that you're burning during strength training. It's based or the perceived effort for you to lift those weights, the rests you take between sets, whether you superset etc etc etc. For this reason, strength training doesn't include calories burnt.

    There is however a Strength Training cardiovascular exercise which gives you an estimate of calories burnt - I wouldn't place too much reliance on its accuracy and eat all of those exercise calories back however.
  • findfan4ever
    findfan4ever Posts: 153 Member
    Hi Vicki......that is a quirk I have, too. If you do a google search on "calories burned during weight training" you will get many sites that deal with the topic. I do recommend you pay attention to articles that are "reviewed" for accuracy and/or have credible refereces.