News anchor called 'fat' and responds with class :)



  • KittieLea
    KittieLea Posts: 1,156 Member
    I'm already over this story.
  • MNmuncher
    MNmuncher Posts: 20 Member
    One of my best friends is the news producer for that show! So proud of that whole team!! :) Spent quite a few years in that town myself. Very, very good message to all of us out there.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    I have nothing but respect for this woman. Shes got more heart than most people can claim and she has my support. She has the ability to lose weight, that jerk who wrote the letter will always be an *kitten*. (Excuse my language please)

    ditto...although I'd like to think the letter writer also has the capacity for change (like I said, I have hope :)
  • ConnieM20
    ConnieM20 Posts: 493 Member
    awesome response, brava!
  • jessababy22
  • sc0ttie
    sc0ttie Posts: 29
    Obesity is an unhealthy lifestyle that is/has become an epidemic in our nation, so how exactly is this guy a bully for privately telling her the truth. If he had tried to publicly humiliate her, then yes I would consider that being a bully, but to send her a private email stating his opinion is a far cry from what a bully is.
  • Faye_Anderson
    Faye_Anderson Posts: 1,495 Member
    Hey all,

    As you guys probably heard, a news anchor got attacked on air and got called fat and blablabla! just came across this video and thought you guys would like to see it! It's her response to the verbal abuse...Very inspiring :smile:

    Since when is someone sending a private email to a public figure considered being attacked "on air"? A man voiced his personal opinion to a public figure in a private email. The news stations posted the letter to their social media page, thus making it a public matter. A simple reply of "Hello Sir. You do not know me, nor do you know anything about my medical situation or history. Thank you for your concern. Have a nice day." BAM!! Done. But now, she has being obese in the same category as having a disability and acne. IMHO, her and her news station are as big a bullies if not bigger than the guy who sent the email. It's like, "Hey EVERYONE!! Some guy sent me a private email, stated his personal opinions and instead of handling it in a private way, I'm going to jump on my soap box and call him a bully...everybody rally around me and call him a bully too!!! He's mean and we're going to take a private matter and make it public!"
  • Jessvaliquette
    Jessvaliquette Posts: 111 Member
    I think it is funny how some men on here have a weight issue that they are trying to deal with but any time I see a post about weight or being fat they are always the first to bash fat people, holy get a grip on your own issues and stop passing judgement on someone else's weight loss battle. You are obviously dealing with a lot of insecurities of your own. Dude you aren't skinny yourself so stop bashing over weight people already.
  • affleckf
    hmm... i have mixed feelings on this. I say cudos to her but seriously. It seems like the new channel was running out of material and needed something so there were like " hey! someone called you fat! half of the american population is overwieght, they can relate." so the did a few minute slot on it and tried to shape it around bullying. But personally if it was me, and i wanted to do it "classy" i wouldnt broadcast it on natinol tv. Id send a responing email with a big FU in it and call it a day. She caused more embarassment for herself by passing it around and showing it to the public. Maybe that man was actually concerned for her well being, and also im sure he didnt mean for the rest of the world to see it when he sent a personal email, he could have easily posted it to the channels website, facebook page, his facebook page.....
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    For my grad school I wrote a paper on workplace bullying. Bullying encompasses far more than force or coercion, as someone stated earlier in this thread. There is the pysical, verbal and psychological. I'm sorry people think that the term bully is overused but there really is a lot of it going on, at schools and the work place. Bullying has caused at least 3 suicides in NYC, and not kids, adults who were bullied at work & couldn't take it anymore. Being bullied can be devestating to someone's self-confidence.

    I have followed this story from the beggining. I am from LaCrosse and encountered it on my facebook far before it went viral/nationwide. From everything I have gathered, Jen used this as a catalyst to talk about bullies after much support was received on facebook. She was going to leave it alone but it bothered her husband so much he posted about it. She saw the support she received and thought of it as an opportunity.
  • Lyerin
    Lyerin Posts: 818 Member
    I wonder how many male news anchors Mr. Krause sent emails to? I bet there were none.

    I don't think he was being a bully. He was rude and condescending, even in his response. I also don't think her response was indicating that *she* felt bullied. I believe her point was that talking in that manner, we are teaching our kids that it is okay to say hurtful things to one another, which can lead to bullying. It's not that obesity isn't a serious issue or that it shouldn't be addressed or that we should ignore that obesity is an epidemic. It's that it isn't the place of random strangers to feel the need to call a person out on his or her appearance, and it certainly isn't appropriate to lecture strangers on how their weight or appearance is damaging the rest of society.
  • affleckf
    I think it is funny how some men on here have a weight issue that they are trying to deal with but any time I see a post about weight or being fat they are always the first to bash fat people, holy get a grip on your own issues and stop passing judgement on someone else's weight loss battle. You are obviously dealing with a lot of insecurities of your own. Dude you aren't skinny yourself so stop bashing over weight people already.

    hmmm, I am def not a man. Perhaps the men are just more realistic and dont try to kid themselves.... we are all here cuz were fat right? I love how some people are allowed to have an opinion and others cant cuz its not the right one...LOL
  • kristothae
    simply amazing. Nothing but sheer respect for her
  • mlandrethsf
    mlandrethsf Posts: 30 Member
    Just shared it on Facebook. It is so true that people learn to bully. I hear children repeat what their parents say all the time. We need to set high standards for our own behavior if we are going to set high standards for the behavior of others.
  • mlandrethsf
    mlandrethsf Posts: 30 Member
  • Jessvaliquette
    Jessvaliquette Posts: 111 Member
    @affleck- not meant to say can't have opinion but every time I see this person on any forum it is always about saying how he is disgusted with fat people but he isn't skinny, I just don't like this judgement based on weight, everyone on this site is here for support and help on getting to a healthy weight and I don't understand why he is always so negative towards bigger people (i'm so not skinny), I think we are allowed to not be attracted to whatever we want but instead of insulting someone because of their weight they should be judge by their character, that's all. Never meant that we can't have our own opinions just sad to see that we are all here to relate to people that are struggling, well not all, but a lot are struggling with the same issues and it would be nice if instead of the insults people just gave either constructive advise and help.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Was it bullying by reading his email and name on the air?

    I thought that was classless.

    That's all I've got, rip away...
  • know_your_worth
    know_your_worth Posts: 481 Member
    hmm... i have mixed feelings on this. I say cudos to her but seriously. It seems like the new channel was running out of material and needed something so there were like " hey! someone called you fat! half of the american population is overwieght, they can relate." so the did a few minute slot on it and tried to shape it around bullying. But personally if it was me, and i wanted to do it "classy" i wouldnt broadcast it on natinol tv. Id send a responing email with a big FU in it and call it a day. She caused more embarassment for herself by passing it around and showing it to the public. Maybe that man was actually concerned for her well being, and also im sure he didnt mean for the rest of the world to see it when he sent a personal email, he could have easily posted it to the channels website, facebook page, his facebook page.....

    ^ AGREED.

    Not only that, but IMO it was defensive. Almost insecurity based. Why acknowledge this one guy's opinion with that "YOU DON"T KNOW ME!!" attitiude. Really? Does his little email really mean THAT much to you that you decide to rant about how you're fat and you know it and nobody knows you. Okay....? Good to know that some random strangers opinion of you gets under your skin like that. Way to have confidence in yourself lady. And I don't mean that image of "confidence" that she's trying hard to come off as.
    I don't understand why people are praising this woman. :huh: