23 year old female in desperate need of help

I will never get the help i need to do every time i exercise it gets so boring and then i go back to chocolate :( I don't know what to do anymore


  • allifantastical
    allifantastical Posts: 946 Member
    You need to get a good support system who will keep you motivated. Feel free to add me if you like.

    Good luck in your journey. It's hard, but it's worth it!
  • fedupwithit
    fedupwithit Posts: 27 Member
    Keep at it. Work Hard. And get friends to provide support. So feel free to add me if you like
  • lep_623
    lep_623 Posts: 193 Member
    you need to find an activity that is not boring to you... do you like hikes? baseball? basketball? dancing? find some type of physical activity that you enjoy (even if a little bit) and do it and try to mix it up and pump it up as much as you can! :) you can do this! it also takes discipline and determination to do something you don't want to do every day! Just know what you want and realize to get what you want you have to work for it.
  • Add me! You can do it! I'm also 23 and there's no better time for a change than now!
  • Anthemyst
    Anthemyst Posts: 5 Member
    Stop doing boring exercises! There must be something you enjoy at least a little which is also physical. Are there local parks you can walk around in? Try signing up for a local class in something you always wanted to try or think might be fun, like martial arts or ballroom dancing, whatever seems interesting. If there are any nearby universities they usually have a wide selection and an option for non-students.
  • Chocolate is my nemesis as well. I do my best to not have it around.
  • nkfxo
    nkfxo Posts: 20
    Joining MFP was the best decision. There are some amazing motivational people here that you become close with and you don't want to even let them down!

    You have to figure out what you really want. To be unhealthy or healthy.... It's so hard and there's times that cheating sounds so much better than eating a salad, but you gotta realize that it's not worth feeling like crap all the time when you do regret eating anything bad!

    Feel free to add me love, Ill help you through this tough journey!!!

  • Honestly, you just have to WANT to do it. And I don't mean imagining yourself skinny and thinking "that would be nice. I want to look like that."

    It's a mind-set thing. If you want it, you will work for it. And YOU CAN DO IT!! :happy:

    Set small goals. Always be positive. Be proud of every accomplishment (even if it's just choosing low fat cheesecake over normal cheesecake lol I love cheescake). And keep moving!! Take it slow. Too many peole rush it and that kills them.

    Good luck and feel free to add me! I'll do my best to keep you motivated.
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    Find something you love to do...walk , run, ride a bike, zumba hike, swim...there has to be something. Try new things until you find it.

    Losing weight makes you feel better then chocolate ever can!!
  • Pedal_Pusher
    Pedal_Pusher Posts: 1,166 Member
    ha ha...........it's all about self control.
  • indysteve
    indysteve Posts: 13 Member
    Does your gym offer a guest to exercise for free? I know the Planet Fitness gym here, allows me to bring a friend for free every time i work out. I'm in the same boat, if I don't have anybody to go with i loose interest. Just a suggestion .
  • LuckyTerrier
    LuckyTerrier Posts: 73 Member
    Find an exercise that you enjoy. Plan how much you need to do it (ie 30 min/day 6 days a week). Then make yourself do it even when you don't feel like it. Don't let any excuses get in your way. Remember that what separates successful people from people who fail is motivation to keep at it even when it's tough
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,010 Member
    I will never get the help i need to do every time i exercise it gets so boring and then i go back to chocolate :( I don't know what to do anymore

    I think you should exercise and have chocolate.
  • jonwv
    jonwv Posts: 362 Member
    Feel free to add me if you want

    I know you have probably heard this before but... you have to make the decision to make the lifestyle change, how bad do you want it. Will you struggle, yes...Will you have days you wont exercise or eat right...yes...but you have to keep pushing through it...you got this
  • Goal_Line
    Goal_Line Posts: 474 Member
    Exercise doesn't need to be boring. be creative. Ride your bike outside, go for a walk or jog at/to an interesting place.

    For gym work outs find a way to reward/motivate yourself. For example set a goal for each workout and reward yourself with a little chocholate if you achieve it.
  • LaStefany
    LaStefany Posts: 26 Member
    We all can, and we're all here for each other.
    Gosh, I just joined yesterday and I already feel extra-motivated and have found loads of encouragement. (:

    Find a workout that's FUN for you! I'm going to my first Zumba class next week and I'm pretty excited. (albeit, a little nervous/intimidated by the more coordinated people) It's supposed to be tons of energetic fun, though!

    Surrounding yourself with supportive people in the same boat as you will help a lot.
    You'll get excited about it! and, you'll find out it isn't so boring after all. (:
  • quitter1973
    quitter1973 Posts: 35 Member
    The best advice I've had so far is to make it a routine, second nature- something that needs to be done- like laundry or going to work.
  • slimmermomma
    slimmermomma Posts: 82 Member
    I have a huge weakness for chocolate too!

    You just need to focus, make a plan - and don't be afraid to change the plan when you feel like its not working. I started running, but then felt that was too much, so I started walking and felt I should add some weights - didn't really know how to do that, I got a video (30 Day Shred) so I had something to follow and keep me going (I love it and plan to buy another) - then I started biking since I didn't think walking did enough - I got bored with the biking (mostly cause my *kitten* hurt so much) and went back to running.

    It is all a process, just find something you like, try new things and if you feel your work out routine is getting stale try something new. This whole journey is about change, you aren't going to complete doing one routine over and over, it is a learning process.

    Have a fresh start and understand that there will be bumps but that is all they are, a bump that we get over, not a wall the stops up from moving forward!

    You can do this!!
  • Dub_D
    Dub_D Posts: 1,760 Member
    Unfortunately you have to do all the hard work yourself. We can't workout and eat healthy for you.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Set yourself some goals. Not weigh tloss goals, but fitness/exercise goals. For example, challenge yourself to run a 5K, 10K, half-marathon, and marathon. Or challenge yourself to bench 50 lbs or curl 20 lbs. Set deadlines. (Your goals can be completely different, find something that excites you). Then start working toward those goals. Assess your progress regularly. Many people who get bored with the same old exercise are pretty goal-oriented, and when you have a challenging, exciting goal you are working toward, you probably won't get as bored.

    Also, load up an MP3 with some good, upbeat, energizing music. That's the only way I keep running. :wink:

    Go ahead and reward yourself with a small amount of (dark) chocolate when you make a big step toward your goal. It's okay.