Back...again *wince*

So this fall off the wagon was a lot longer than the last time, but being 5'0" and tipping the scale at 200 was not really on my bucket list, so it was time to get moving (and perhaps to show the mean lady at the gym that I could get healthy without her stupid personal training sessions that she made sound like it would be the only thing that could "save" me).

I started trying to eat better a week before I remembered that I had an account here and that I saw some really good results the last time I didn't slack off, so here I am again! I'm scared to really say much more or make any promises to myself or out loud since my accountability wasn't all that great before, as we can see...but I'm here. And I'm trying.

GOAL WEIGHT: 130 for now - which the assessment lady was kind enough to point out to me is still above what I should be considering my weight, but we'll just start with this. Baby steps.

Thanks to everyone and this board who was super supportive and encouraging the last time I was around harassing people :) And thanks in advance because you all are always supportive and informative!!!



  • nkfxo
    nkfxo Posts: 20
    You will get there, as long as you work hard! You got this!

  • kodibear123
    kodibear123 Posts: 185 Member
    Welcome back! You should be proud of yourself for "stepping up to the plate". You can add me as a friend if you want, I will support your efforts! :happy:
  • LCgymnast
    LCgymnast Posts: 258
    Good luck on your journey. We'll all be here pushing you along to achieve what you want. You can do it without that mean personal trainer. She sounds a little too high stung to think her way is the only way. Well I'll add you for added support and motivation. YOU CAN DO IT!!