New and need some friends


So I am a 24 year old guy, going to try this out to see if I have any success. From skimming through the site, it looks like it has some positive support from all the users which I think I could use!!!

More about me and my goals:

I am 270 pounds and would like to lose about 55 and get down to 215.

I have a bigger frame and my body is meant to be large, but not as large as I am.
I have tried losing weight many of times by doing strictly cardio exercises. - I found it is much easier for me to just Lift weights and get bigger and stronger since that is what I am good at and I am still burning calories.

Now that I am signed on to here I am tracking my calories and am going to incorporate more cardio to stay below my calorie limits.

So I am looking for any friends that may be going through anything similar and maybe we can swap advice / support each other.

All friends are welcome!!!


  • nkfxo
    nkfxo Posts: 20
    This place is great for motivation!!! Just keep up the good work & you will see results. This site really does help! Add me if you need some extra motivation!
  • davekang
    quick tip is to keep your protein at least equivalent in terms of grams to your lbs if not more and balance your fat intake and carbs with the remaining calories, this will help you to grow whilst dropping excess weight