Veggie Haters, how do you get your veggies in?



  • loopingcaterpillar
    loopingcaterpillar Posts: 157 Member
    just suck it up and eat them :) try cooking things differently, roast things you'd boil, mash things you'd chop, keep eating them till they're not so bad anymore. (i used to hate veg, i got over it)
  • onixrose
    V8 low sodium. I drink it room temp if I haven't gotten in my greens for the day. Goes down fast and actually tastes pretty good.
  • Melolicious
    Melolicious Posts: 71 Member
    Be willing to try something new. Our sense of taste changes constantly dependent on our diet. There are so many great tips and tricks and a great blender (I love my vitamix too) to make green smoothies so you taste fruit but eat veggies and get all the fibre to make you feel full. This might sound funny but you might want to look at cookbooks for moms of picky eaters - they are brilliant at disguising vegetables in meals to get kids to eat. One of my trainers has small children and I used her tips and tricks on my husband (also a non-vegetable eater) all the time.
  • jpuderbaugh
    jpuderbaugh Posts: 318 Member
    One thing I like to do to get my veggies in, is I heat up low sodium V8 juice, put some cheese crackers in it, and eat it like tomato soup. Or some cheese, depends on my mood. I also puree them and mix them in with meatloaf or enchilada sauce if I'm making enchiladas. Get veggie smart pasta sauce too. I don't like veggies either, so I've learned to trick myself with them as if I'm a child by hiding them.
  • seamatt
    seamatt Posts: 199 Member
    Stir fry is a banging way to force some of the veg in. I always treat myself to lots of chicken with my veg and try to disguise it with the taste of roasted breasts....
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I chop up celery and put it in tuna. I eat carrots with dip. Putting rice, chicken broth, and chopped up veggies in a rice cooker is quite good and you barely taste the veggies.
  • gissalm
    gissalm Posts: 41
    i do like them :blushing: - try oven roasting with olive oil, minced garlic, lime and salt and pepper, until they are crisp (brownish color) (broccoli and coliflower are the best for this method) then get them out and put some parmessan cheese, i swear you will love them :heart:

    you can do this with zuchinni, broccoli, coliflower,

    and for spinach try pan seared with olive oil and garlic and put it below some grilled fish, add lime salt and pepper and eat it with the fish its delicious
  • justmyalias
    justmyalias Posts: 153 Member
    i'm not a veggie eater either...
    i could eat (almost all) fruit all day long
    but veggies?? uh uh
    (starches - yep - corn, potatoes....)

    i eat most veggies raw and cannot tolerate cooked carrots (the flavor DOES change!), and i eat my green beans with LOTS of tobasco or hot sauce - the only way i can do it...

    as an aside.
    thankfully my kids love veggies!
  • joannathechef
    joannathechef Posts: 484 Member
    I love veggies but some people just don't.

    Make home made Turkey tomato pasta sauce with finely chopped carrots and celery added in - that with the oinion garlic and tomatoes give you load of veggies that taste great - make a huge batch and freeze portions for other meals. If you are low carb - use shredded cooked cabbage or spagetti squash as a pasta stand in.

    Make skinny pizza - use a whole wheat bagel thin or a small whole wheat pita and rub top with oilve oil top it with canned tomato sauce and ham or chicken sausage any veg you can stand, mushrooms, onions, slices peppers, olives and top with 1/2 ounce of low fat cheese - bake in the oven on a baking tray for 10-15 minute at 375 degrees - or until the cheese is bubbling yum yum

    Some people like Kale chips

    Make a soup - you can add shredded cabbage to a veg soup like minestrone (I skip the pasta and add kidney beans instead)
  • Halleeon
    Halleeon Posts: 309 Member
    People have already mentioned ways to get your veggies in, so I won't add to that. I will say that you can get past your repressed emotions over vegetables if you WANT to. Therein lies the secret. That and taking it slow and being willing to try different things, multiple times. Some times, it takes more than one attempt to re-train your brain.

    And yes, speaking to a counselor about this aversion is not a bad idea, or a joke. Our bodies and health are just as, if not more important than all of the other things we go to counseling for: relationships, finances, sexual issues, why is it a joke to consider speaking to one about the most important thing...YOU? Plus, you may find that the aversion you are having is not the core issue (obviously) and that in talking about the vegetables, you can get to that core issue and finally deal with it and move on...which may impact you in more positive ways than just embracing broccoli.

    Bottom line, if you're willing to invest in yourself, as it seems like you are, you will eventually be eating all the colors of the vegetables nature has to offer - maybe even enjoying them too.
  • deniseblossoms
    deniseblossoms Posts: 373 Member
    Sack up and eat them...........No, seriously.

    this is what I was thinking. keep your eye on the prize and there has to be something out there you like...steamed asparagus/ sauteed zucchini with some onions and garlic, sprouts, broccoli, peppers in your stif fry etc etc etc
  • thelaurameister
    thelaurameister Posts: 689 Member
    I enjoy vegetables, but my boyfriend HATES them. He doesn't have a weight problem, so that makes it even more difficult to convince him that he needs to eat vegetables. He also was tortured with it as a kid by his Step Dad...Somehow, his step dad thought that "if he forced them, he'd learn to like them". I personally think it was just a power trip and he only forced him because he could. Who makes a 9 year old kid eat an entire RAW onion!? Only a very very messed up person...But getting back on track. My boyfriend now has a very bad stigma with vegetables. I have yet to make anything with the main ingredient of vegetables that he will eat. He used to eat salads, but now he has really sensitive teeth and it's often too cold for him to eat. So now, his main source of vegetables is Chef Boyardee ravioli, which apparently has "2.5 servings of veggies per can". Not sure I believe that, and it's not a good nutritious serving of veggies since it's soooo processed. He also takes fruit and veggie vitamins. I wish he would just eat the real thing, but he can't/won't...And I'm definitely NOT going to force him to eat anything because I'm not his mom and he dealt with that enough as a child. I don't know how legitimate the fruit and veggie vitamins are, but I figure it has to be better than nothing at all, right?
  • LilEmm
    LilEmm Posts: 240
    How about lasagna w/ veggies for your boyfriend? Or pumpkin ravioli? that is soooo good!
  • thelaurameister
    thelaurameister Posts: 689 Member
    How about lasagna w/ veggies for your boyfriend? Or pumpkin ravioli? that is soooo good!

    Thanks for the suggestion! The issue with him though is that there are a lot of NON vegetable foods that he won't eat, either. He's a texture guy. He says that he can't handle foods with too many different textures in it, so he hates soups/chilis, and he doesn't like most pasta dishes. His main food staple is hamburgers (no veggies of course, just ketchup upon ketchup lol). I have tried the vegetable lasagna idea...He asked what I was making and I just said "lasagna", which I know he likes. Then he asked what was in it, and I didn't want to lie to him about it because he would have figured it out anyway when he ate it. But just mentioning "zucchini" and "onion" made him not even want to try it.
  • Mangomax
    Use onions as a base ... thinly slice half an onion and fry it golden brown in about half a teaspoon of cold pressed virgin olive oil ... add a crushed garlic clove or two, and throw in the diced/sliced veggies (beans, corn, carrots celery, mushrooms, tomatoes, broccoli peppers- green, red, orange, yellow, etc., etc.,) into the mix. Flavour generously with Greek Seasoning (available at a well known supermarket) and serve with any broiled or baked fish, lean meat, eggs (fried, scrambled, omlette), or crispbread.

    Try it ... I'm sure you'll like it!!!
  • Mangomax
    ...another thought .... EXCHANGE the boyfriend for one who is not at all fussy!!!!! :laugh:
  • thelaurameister
    thelaurameister Posts: 689 Member
    ...another thought .... EXCHANGE the boyfriend for one who is not at all fussy!!!!! :laugh:

    Hahaha, that would simplify things, wouldn't it? DAMN YOU LOVE lol
  • Mangomax
    Wellllllllll ... as they say in the US of A, "Keep it SIMPLE, stoopid", or "kiss" for short ... ahhhhhhh ... the good old days ......... :cry:
  • RSuta
    RSuta Posts: 60
  • angel_eyes17
    angel_eyes17 Posts: 103 Member
    fruit and veggie smoothie. I mix and match whatever I have on hand. Shredded broccoli, kale, shredded carrots, chopped up cauliflower, cucumber, apple, pear strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, kiwi... and almond milk and a sprinkle of cinnamon. I usually add 2 - 3 veggies and 2 - 3 fruits.

    This is interesting! How does cauliflower in a smoothie taste?

    If you chop the veggies up really fine (or if you have a Vitamix, which I don't) you hardly taste them. EXCEPT the broccoli. The taste of broccoli always comes through.