hello everyone

my name is kelli and awhile back i started using mfp but i slowly went away i have trouble staying motivated on this whole eating right and exercising but 2 weeks ago i challenged myself yes thats right i did !

and i am so proud to say today marks 2 weeks and i am down 5.2lbs!

any encouragement is appreciated
also here are some pictures see a difference?



  • ChrissyMaez
    ChrissyMaez Posts: 117 Member
    That's awesome!! Keep up the good work!! I started getting serious a few weeks ago (off and on really all year tho) but I have lost 6 lbs in the last few weeks and it feels GREAT!! So happy for you :happy:
  • kelli1023
    kelli1023 Posts: 19 Member
    yeah i was always on and off but not its the real deal i wont give i cant!

    and also good for you i'm here if you ever need any support
  • Nice work! keep it up!

    I am in the same boat but less far along.

    I have had the app for some time but just started using it yesterday. I think I will do the same and get some photos going so I can have some nice before and after shots!

    I'm not looking forward to the 'Eating right"
    but i think i'll have an easier time getting to the gym... I hope!!

    Feel free to add!