Anyone else feel like they are truly addicted to food?

Ever since I quit smoking, and probably even a bit before, I truly think I am addicted to food! It's almost like I have no control. This is SO frustrating, and I am so incredibly tired of battling this. Has anyone else felt like this and beat it?


  • Sarahkov12
    Sarahkov12 Posts: 48 Member
    Dont know if I would say I'm addicted to food but I am so totally an emotional eater. Anything can trigger stress eating for me. There have been times that I would go through a drive thru on my way home for a "treat". I would then hide the evidence and go home to eat dinner as usual with my husband! I know this is not normal behavior and have never told anyone this before because it's embarrassing. I wanted to say something since I noticed there weren't any replys yet. We are all struggling with something and for many of us on mfp it's food related. I find that whenever I need a boost I can go to the community and know that I am not alone! And neither are you. Keep up the effort because it is worth it, and feel free to add me to your friend list if you need another buddy :)
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
  • wreath7
    wreath7 Posts: 104 Member
    totally! i just feel like eating all the time and think about it all the time. it's ridiculous and seems obsessive.
  • ABrideToBE
    ABrideToBE Posts: 94 Member
    ME :sad:
  • deb3129
    deb3129 Posts: 1,294 Member
    For the absolute first time in my life, I feel like I WAS addicted to food,and now I am finally not!
  • brandypinky22
    brandypinky22 Posts: 22 Member
    I am 100% addicted to food. The hardest thing is unlike other addictions you can't just completely abstain. We all need food. I have really been trying to restructure my thinking. Usually, the first thing I think of when I am going somewhere is ooooo what will they have for food. It's hard and it's an everyday struggle but day by day I feel like my habits and self control are improving. So, I hear you!
  • KatKisses
    KatKisses Posts: 296 Member
  • Slove009
    Slove009 Posts: 364 Member
    Me.... As a baker, I love food of all kind. Tasting new food is truly like a drug to me. I see something I've never heard of before, smell somthing exotic to my senses, and I have to eat it..... It's so hard but that's why I have my hubby to help keep me on track!
  • Aimeebird1
    Aimeebird1 Posts: 133 Member
    Yep, The more i gym the more i want to eat... its like after an hour i've never eaten in my life. I hate it :( but what can you do...
  • Kari089
    Kari089 Posts: 126 Member
    I would say my emotions are tied to food..specially certain comfort foods. I can go for weeks without these foods and eat well but then I go back to them if I'm faced with a difficult situation. In that sense I suppose it is similar to an addiction. I haven't beaten it but I have reduced this behavior.
    For example, one of my favorite comforts is chocolate. So now I buy smaller packages with smaller pieces that in turn have less calories. I allow myself a few pieces a week and then I don't feel like I am so deprived I 'deserve' to have a large quantity in one sitting because I have avoided this for weeks. I'm still working on that though. Just take it step by step..find a way to compromise with yourself. Good luck! :smile:
  • a_mandolin_
    a_mandolin_ Posts: 336 Member
    Yes :( I'll eat anything - and all of it.
    Don't keep the bad food in your house? Ok, but you still need basic cooking ingrediants and I'll make some nasty concoction out of that and devour it all and still look for more! It seems the harder I try to eat healthy and diet, the harder it is to follow through.
  • stephb1128
    I feel the same way and as I was reading the post from earlier about the "treat". I have done this and I feel bad after and think oh it's just alittle and it wont matter. It does and I know that I have to control it. It really is an addiction.
  • kendzini13
    kendzini13 Posts: 36 Member
    I do! All the time! I will think about it once, and it will preoccupy me until I eat. And I eat, and I never get full! In fact, when I eat, I get even more hungry! Which is why fasting or things like that "work" for me, cuz if I don't eat, I don't get as hungry... But I find myself battling it every day, and I know it's important to stay alive and sustain exercise and all that important stuff, but it's just a bit much and I would really love it if I just didn't have such a horrible preoccupation with it all the time... #sigh
  • melsmith612
    melsmith612 Posts: 727 Member
    I'm definitely addicted to food but part of my problem is that I also really enjoy preparing food, it's almost like a form of therapy for me, so I often like making things that are gourmet in some way (as a challenge) and most gourmet style foods are not terribly healthy.

    I also have a severe sweet tooth but I'm okay with it... instead of satisfying it with a whole package of cookies plus a pint of ice cream and/or a bag of candy, now I buy myself one piece of candy at the store (usually something small... lately I've been obsessed with cadbury "scream" eggs) and indulge my sweet tooth without going so far over the caloric edge.
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    I absolutely feel that way about food. And the thing about 'beating it' is this: I can *think* I've beat it for weeks and months at a time, but my sick relationship to food can return out of the blue.

    Look at Oprah: She was slim and had apparently beat her demons for *years*. Food is comfort and joy for many of us, and we are surrounded by an abundance of it. Even when I am in tight control of my appetite, I know that I can lose that and go back to eating compulsively.

    Vigilance needs to be my constant companion.
  • zd04
    zd04 Posts: 1,160 Member
    totally! i just feel like eating all the time and think about it all the time. it's ridiculous and seems obsessive.
    Same here!!!!!!!!!
    And I can't resist myself against any kind of sweets!!!!!!!!
  • sassafrascas
    sassafrascas Posts: 191 Member
    Yes Yes and Yes, I know I am! Food is constantly on my mind. And when I am not focusing on loosing weight or being healthy then I graze and snack all day long. But the only problem about being addicted to food is that you do not crave broccoli or celery its the junk you crave. So I hope by staying away from the junk or truly limiting it in my daily diet I can keep it under control.
  • ruthiejewell
    ruthiejewell Posts: 134 Member
    Absolutely! Over many yo yo years of dieting I've learned I'm an addict and just like an alcoholic but with food. I've found low carb works best for me because once it kicks in, all those awful controlling cravings go. But low carb needs loads of reading and research first otherwise it could be a big failure. It also probably needs more time for cooking/prep. As long as i stay away from sugar/white flour/rubbish the cravings stay away. if I take a break I almost always binge on chocolate and chips/crisps and cakes etc and may not return to any attempt at weight loss for days/weeks/months. The famous "a little of what you fancy" has only spelt disaster for me! I'm surprised no expert has worked out why some of us are so addicted and invented a pill to block the urges!! There's enough money being spent in the diet industry. Good luck!
  • RHHMom
    RHHMom Posts: 34 Member
    Definately found I'm addicted to sweets. I have one taste and sometimes can't stop until I feel sick. Now I know to choose fruit when sweet cravings hit, and salty when I just want a budgeted fun food. I know I won't overdo a salty snack. Am I beyond the addiction - not at all, but I have it a little more figured out. I think most of us have some sort of trigger foods. If you can figure them out it should help a bunch. Good luck!
  • LisaKunz
    LisaKunz Posts: 73 Member
    Yep. Truly. Like an alcoholic or druggie or something. Hard to see myself ever beating it... One day at a time, as they say, right?