Slow start...

I have been counting calories and trying to make good food choices for over a week now and I am seeing no results. I know these things take time... but is it normal to see NO results after a week and a half? I'm 5'1" and 170, and the scale hasn't budged. Ugh.


  • Evey_bee
    Evey_bee Posts: 77 Member
    A week and a half isn't really very my dismay also, these things don't happen overnight (I'm a pretty impatient person by nature haha!). Some weeks you lose, some weeks you don't.
    Stick to it (: You'll get there in the end! And it's worth the wait.
  • drakechic08
    drakechic08 Posts: 156 Member
    Forget about the scale and take all your measurements. Check them again in a month and you will probably suprise yourself.
  • jenhmmngsn
    jenhmmngsn Posts: 6 Member
    I feel your frustration! I have been logging religously for 25 days now and have only lost 1lb! The first couple of weeks I don't think I did as well and after talking to a trainer he suggested I change the time of day I eat carbs and increase my protein and lift more weights, so I am working on that now, but still frustrated when I do not see the number on teh scale move!! 5'7 CW 164, GW 140.