Help?! Frustrated, gluten free and running

I recently have gone gluten free as I have Celiac Disease. Had a baby a year and a half ago. Started to diet in March and by June I was down 24 pounds. Then hit a plateau from being content with where I was. I went gluten free a month ago and eat anywhere from 1100 calories to 1300 a day. 2 servings fruit, 4 servings vegetables, 0-2 starches a day (usually skip them but since I started running am adding 1/4 potato once a day and 1 slice of bread a day or 2oz of brown rice) and 2 servings of protein and 6-10 oz of 1% milk a day (with coffee and splenda) daily I have a 100 calorie skinny cow for dessert I use low sodium Salt and pepper as my seasonings and I am not loosing any weight. I've been running 3-4 days a week with 45 minutes of weights after and am up a pound. Any advice??? I went on vacation and ate out at restaurants everyday with no exercise and maintained my weight.. Am I nit eating right? I read abs diet and try to incorporate green leafy vegetables into every meal. Oh and mostly raw as I know when you cook them it raises there sugar levels. Once a day one of my vegetable servings is cooked with olive oil. Thanks!
I want to loose 9 more pounds I am 5'8 and weigh 154lbs.


  • samblanken
    samblanken Posts: 369 Member
    Where do you get bread that is gluten free?
  • JV9000
    JV9000 Posts: 2
    Sam - Google "Udi's bread"

    Also, many grocery stores are opening up special foods section. Giant, in particular, has a lot of variety.

    kkb - Muscle weighs more than fat. If you're working out that much and you've leveled out, you may not drop more pounds but, in fact, gain a few. Also, and MFP will tell you, you need around 1200 calories a day, regardless of what your limit is, so your body doesn't go into starvation mode, and thus prevent you from losing weight. Eating between 1100 to 1300 calories a day, you dance around that.
  • jensfitpal2012
    jensfitpal2012 Posts: 145 Member
    You sound as if you are eating healthy.Sometimes we plateau when we do the same routine,try mixing up your workout,maybe run a little less,do some yoga,pilates,zumba. Good luck,you can do it,think about what you have lost already,that's amazing!:)

    To the person who wanted to know about gluten free bread,it's in the organic frozen section at the grocery store,or health food stores.Best of luck to you :)
  • monicalosesweight
    monicalosesweight Posts: 1,173 Member
    You should open your diary so that others can give you suggestions. I'm actually wondering if you're eating enough. You sound pretty active and I know that usually means you eat more and not necessarily less. Between weight lifting and running, what does MFP tell you should be your calorie level? You sound like it should be set to active versus sedentary. I suspect you may not be eating enough. That's why I suggested you open the diary so that others can give you some suggestions (particularly weight lifting friends and also runners) who are on a similar course of activity.

  • kkbmommy
    kkbmommy Posts: 29 Member
    Wow you guys are awesome! Not sure how to open my diary but will see if I can figure it out. I'm not always logging my stuff as I pretty much eat the exact same stuff daily. I just do it to check myself occasionally.
    As for the bread Udi's is sold at trader joes. It taste so much better than the low calorie bread I used to eat... Real treat.
  • kkbmommy
    kkbmommy Posts: 29 Member
    Okay so I did loose my mind yesterday after weighing lol the Starbucks was a bad decision but I wanted a treat I don't usually have.
  • jensfitpal2012
    jensfitpal2012 Posts: 145 Member
    It is ok to treat yourself.Good choice,love Starbucks!:)
  • kkbmommy
    kkbmommy Posts: 29 Member
    Thanks me 2 when I was loosing weight I was there 4 days a week but since going gluten free I can't have many of there drinks as they make me sick halfway through them. The lattes and americanos are about it besides plain coffe. I normally order skinny but let them even use whipped cream it was like a pumpkin pie w/o the yucky texture lol.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,412 MFP Moderator
    For someone who really doesn't have much to lose and you are active, 1300 calories isn't going to be enough. If you want, post your height, weight, job/lifestyle and workout routine and we can estimate your caloric requirements (I suspect 1700-2000). And since you have celiac's disease, then your diet should be more meat based (chicken, turkey, lean cuts of steak, bison, duck, lamb, and plenty of fish).
  • kkbmommy
    kkbmommy Posts: 29 Member
    Height 5'8
    Weight 154
    Lifestyle homeschooling two kids and holding down couch with a toddler
    Workout 3-4 days a week of 2-4 miles each followed by 45 minutes of weight training
    I'd say I'm not very active
    When I work out I run either on ground or treadmill depending on weather and then do weights, abs, legs and arms with 3 types of machines minimum for each body part 30lbs arms abs 50lbs and legs 80lbs with 3 reps of 12.
    Should I set it to active instead of inactive? I think the majority of the time I am VERY inactive lol
  • JV9000
    JV9000 Posts: 2
    It's probably all the caramel coloring messing with your Celiac's, at Starbuck's. Try the Passion Tea. I believe that's a gluten free option. Even if they sweeten it, a 16oz is 80 calories. No sweetener, and it should be zero.
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    First off, try to be more consistent in your logging. Your diary is missing a lot of days and there's a day that you don't have dinner entered at all and I can't tell if you skipped it or didn't log it.

    Second, if you're running, your body probably wants more calories. When I'm running I always need to up my calories or I will actually gain weight. That's right, I will gain weight eating fewer calories and lose weight when I eat more. I lost weight the best while running when I was netting close to 1700 calories a day (yes, netting, not just eating that amount total)

    At 5'8" and 154, you don't have a lot to lose at all, which is also another reason that you should be eating more. You want a smaller calorie deficit when you get closer to your goal weight. Again, my own personal experience has shown this piece of advise to be true. I could lose netting 1200-1300 a day when I was heavier, but once I got closer to my goal, I stalled and then gained until I upped my calories a bit.

    Because of a smaller deficit, you will want to be extra on top of logging your calories, since it wouldn't take much to make your deficit disappear on small bites through the day that aren't logged.

    Also, once I got a BodyMedia Fit awhile back, I realized that I should have my settings here set at Lightly Active instead of Sedentary to give me a proper amount of calories here. I had set it to Sedentary because I have a desk job and felt like I never did that much outside of scheduled workouts, but once I got my BMF I saw that trying to only net what MFP was giving my on Sedentary was putting me at an over 1000 calorie deficit. Reduced that deficit and saw improvements as well.
  • kkbmommy
    kkbmommy Posts: 29 Member
    Thanks a bunch!!
    Really weird to think I need to eat more cause I weigh less?!
    Thanks for all of your advice. As of today I am adding more calories to my day. Which seems to be very difficult. So much easier to starve yourself than to eat alot of healthy food. I don't usually eat cheese or very little carbs so I'm going to have to add more of those. Really scary but I hope it works. Thanks again!!!
  • Jester522
    Jester522 Posts: 392
    Cals too low.

    Try a tbsp of coconut oil 25m prior to running.

    And go lift weights.
  • kkbmommy
    kkbmommy Posts: 29 Member
    What does the oil do?
  • Jester522
    Jester522 Posts: 392
    Medium Chain Triglycerides are a category of saturated fats with hydrocarbon chains 6-10 carbons in length. MCT's metabolize very quickly in the liver and hit the system pretty quickly as an energy source to increase energy expenditure via beta-oxidation of free fatty acids and use of ketone bodies. You won't feel the same satiety compared to other oils but it doesn't stimulate secretion of certain hormones and enzymes like CCK.
  • EccentricDad
    EccentricDad Posts: 875 Member
    I went Gluten Free in April of this year and I have found that because of my many years of intestinal inflammation, I was malnutritioned in many vitamins. Try to track your potassium intake (women should hit 3500mg minimum daily men 4200mg), be conscious of your magnesium intake and hit 500mg minimum, and take a multivitamin to get the vitamins you're not getting from food.

    Something to think about, while carbs (breads) taste great and they are in virtually every recipe that we know of, do you really want to lose 400 calories a day on nutrition-less bread? Gluten free breads are NOT fortified, and are rarely ever made from whole grains; so if I were you, I would eliminate the breads and save them for ONLY special occasions. In it's place, start eating a seeds/nuts regime and DON'T BE AFRAID OF THE FAT because fat doesn't make you fat (but overeating does).

    Lastly, weigh everything. A digital scale is $20-$40, get one and use it like you're an OCD sufferer.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,412 MFP Moderator
    Height 5'8
    Weight 154
    Lifestyle homeschooling two kids and holding down couch with a toddler
    Workout 3-4 days a week of 2-4 miles each followed by 45 minutes of weight training
    I'd say I'm not very active
    When I work out I run either on ground or treadmill depending on weather and then do weights, abs, legs and arms with 3 types of machines minimum for each body part 30lbs arms abs 50lbs and legs 80lbs with 3 reps of 12.
    Should I set it to active instead of inactive? I think the majority of the time I am VERY inactive lol

    You working at home with two kids probably puts you at lightly active. You probably do more than me and I sit behind a desk. for 2 hours and commute over an hour each way. And then on top of that, you then workout.

    Based on your stats, I would have you eat 1850 calories every day and do NOT eat back exercise calories as it's already in your TDEE. I also generally suggest 35% carbs, 40% protein and 25% fats. This should fit in pretty good with your intolerance because you will be able to eat a lot of meats and get most of your carbs from veggies.
  • monicalosesweight
    monicalosesweight Posts: 1,173 Member
    Gluten free breads are NOT fortified, and are rarely ever made from whole grains; so if I were you, I would eliminate the breads and save them for ONLY special occasions. In it's place, start eating a seeds/nuts regime and DON'T BE AFRAID OF THE FAT because fat doesn't make you fat (but overeating does).

    There are some decent breads out there now with fiber. You don't have to totally eliminate them...just look for the healthy ones. I've found muffins made of flax seed and all sorts of others too that are decent. Yes - there are some junky ones but sometimes you really want that pizza and it's not the same without the crust. Is it a main staple of ones diet? No...just admit, I tend to eat tons of rice now instead of breads. I do eat more nuts too. Fair warning - you'll need the scale to weigh the nuts. You're going to be shocked at the calorie counts on them. I was surprised at my portions.

    I do find it ironic that you mentioned regular breads are fortified...guessing that means remove the vitamins and they'd also be worthless? Grin. just hit me that the logic led in that direction. It tickled my funny bone. By the way, if you eat right, you won't miss the breads. I don't anymore.

    I also agree with EccentricDad about the magnesium. It's a common deficiency. You can buy some nice ones at Walmart that are about 500 mg for two tablets. It's one of those areas you do need to supplement - especially if you have a water softener system. I would recommend also adding Vitamins D and Vitamins B (or a multi-vitamin that hits everything). I like mine individually as I can take stronger ones that way.
  • EccentricDad
    EccentricDad Posts: 875 Member
    I do find it ironic that you mentioned regular breads are fortified...guessing that means remove the vitamins and they'd also be worthless? Grin.

    How else are they going to make us eat their low nutritional value field yield? They fortify it because it's cheaper to feed a civilization fortified food then it is to produce the real stuff and make it affordable. Think of it, we live in a country where there is an abundance of food and no population control; ever wonder if we're going to run out of food? I have. I see we eat cloned animals (man made livestock) and they genetically mutate crops (not cross breed) to provide better yield (man made crop fields). The end result? Food that can easily be renewed and can hit our stomach to keep us "alive" (but results in malnutrition and disease).