My vacation is coming up....

So, I'm kinda new to MFP and have only lost 7 lbs, so far. I am still learning about my food choices and how to plan my meals each day. I'm getting better, but I'm going on vacation next week and I'm afraid that I'm going to blow it. AHHHH!!! :sad: I love to go out and eat at all my favorite places, trying new restuarants, eating the things that aren't availble to me here at home.....that's what vacations are for, right? Having fun, no worries, relaxing, eating like crazy :laugh: Anyway....I need some motiavation guys. Help a girl out :happy: Thanks!!!


  • Vacation is SO hard when it comes to eating right. I honestly (and I know that this isn't the right answer-lol) wouldn't worry about it too terribly much. I mean, try to make good choices such as grilled over fried or blackened, veggies instead of fries, etc. but enjoy the local cuisine too. I'm the same, one of the things I look forward to the most on vacation is the food/restaurants. Perhaps that's why I have a weight problem to begin with??? Where are you going on vacation, btw?
  • Simone_King
    Simone_King Posts: 467 Member
    If you blow it. Lesson learned.

    It's a vacation have fun. Don't worry about the diet but still, try to eat right.
  • kcoftx
    kcoftx Posts: 765 Member
    I logged the entire month vacation and I was visiting foreign countries. It was a guess at best but here are a few tips I learned:

    1. I can't eat as often as I normally do because the calorie count for eating out, even when you eat less than you used to, is more than what it is when you eat at home. Thus I changed my eating times to reflect this.
    2. I walked a lot during vacation. I didn't log this in my exercise area, but rather I put it in my notes area. I knew I was guessing thus I figured this would take care of my discrepancies.
    3. The places you know about in advance, do your research. For example, McD's has a healthier selection and a very not so healthy selection. Know what you are getting.
    4. If you are stuck and have a menu that isn't that great, just stay away from free food that they serve up front (such as bread, chips, etc.) and make the choices the best you can.
    5. When there is a restaurant with good choices like fish, grilled chicken, veggies, etc. PICK IT because the rest of the vacation will be harder to work around.
    6. Pick your choices. If you really want something, you are on vacation. Pick it. Maybe split it with someone. Then other times when it is something you like but isn't OH MY I MUST HAVE THIS kinda thing, then pick the healthier choice.
    7. Drink lots of water.
    8. Be active. Make the vacation about what you do, not what you eat. You can enjoy your meals but it doesn't need to be the center of what you are doing while on vacation.
    9. Consider upping your calories to maintenance. Again, if you go over slightly, it's okay. You have extra activity that is helping you.

    Bottom line, make your vacation about activity, not food. Make choices when you can. Know that it won't be perfect. Enjoy yourself.
  • kayladean
    kayladean Posts: 16 Member
    Ok, Thanks for the replys. I just won't over think this.

    We are going to Panama City Beach, FL.....sun, sand, and sea!! LOVE THE BEACH!!! :heart:

    I can work in some exercise...walking the beach every night :happy:
  • kcoftx
    kcoftx Posts: 765 Member
    Some planning and mindfulness is a good thing. Over worrying about it--not so much.

    You can definitely get some exercise in! Walk in the water. If you have kids, play with them. If you like and can afford some water sports, check them out! Go snorkeling, kayaking, etc. There is a lot to DO! Don't forget to spend time shopping at the touristy shops.
  • mdb543
    mdb543 Posts: 219 Member
    I was in the same back in August before our vacation. After losing a ton of weight all year after my third child, I was scared that I would go on vacation and blow it and go back to my old routine. I'm not sure what kind of place you are staying at (we had a beach house with a full kitchen) and we decided to cook at home to stay with our diet. We did 1 cheat day where we went out to eat. It saved us money and I was able to stay on track.
  • kayladean
    kayladean Posts: 16 Member
    I don't know why or how I forgot this, but our condo has an EXERCISE ROOM! Duh...problem solved!

    Thanks again for the comments!
  • That's one of the best places for restaurants too!! That had been my regular vacation spot for years. . . this year we went to St. Augustine instead. I loved it so much better for our needs, but really missed the restaurants in PCB. Enjoy!! And like the others said, just try to make it an active vacation. . . all of the swimming, walking on the beach, riding jet skis, etc. burns lots of calories, so I think you'll be fine.
  • kayladean
    kayladean Posts: 16 Member
    PCB is our "go to" vacation spot.....and thanks, I'm sure we'll have a great time!!
  • SnowboardinTink
    SnowboardinTink Posts: 32 Member

    My profile says lost 3 lbs but I had lost 43 lbs (before emigrating and a 3 month vacation from my weigh scales!)

    Here's a cut and paste from a personal trainer's email (I used to go to bootcamp). I hope it's helpful....

    5 Reasons People Gain Weight on Vacation

    Vacations are a time to get away from the grind of everyday life – to indulge mind and body in relaxation and enjoyment.

    Unfortunately all that indulgence typically leads to a pound gained for each day that you're away.

    To help you combat these unwanted pounds, I've identified the 5 main reasons that people gain weight on vacation, as well as your strategic plan of avoidance.

    Reason #1: Not Having A Plan
    Let's face it, the vacation mindset is a set-up for gaining pounds. Your priority is to relax, and for most that means eating, resting and forgetting the gym.

    Your best line of defense is to keep your fitness goals at the forefront of your mind.

    Your Plan: Before you leave for your trip sit down and set a goal.

    A realistic goal is to maintain your current weight or to lose a pound or two.

    The simple act of bringing your fitness goal to mind before leaving on your trip will greatly reduce your chances of coming home heavier.

    Reason #2: Indulgent Snacking
    There's nothing like a vacation to cause you to throw all caution to the wind with indulgent snacking.

    Ice cream in the middle of the day, frozen coffee drinks topped with whipped cream, salty bags of chips and even a visit through a fast food drive thru.

    While these snacks may be fun, the damage will quickly catch up to you.

    Your Plan: Approach your trip with the strategy of indulging with control.

    If you really must have a sweet treat, then make it small and follow it up with a balanced, protein-filled meal.

    Another way to reduce indulgent snacking is to bring along your own healthy options.

    Dried or fresh fruit, unsalted nuts, health bars, cut veggies and low fat jerky are a good start.

    By filling up on these healthy snacks you will end up eating less when presented with a sweet or salty treat.

    Reason #3: Forgetting Portion Control
    You have no choice but to dine out while on vacation and whether you're visiting 5 star restaurants or fast food diners, you're going to face the same problem: large portions.

    While the easiest thing to do with a big plate of food is to simply eat it all—you are on vacation after all...right?—that isn't the best for your waist.

    Your Plan: Decide here and now that you will not indulge in large portions.

    When you order your meal ask the waiter or waitress to bring you a to-go box. Take half of your meal and place it safely into the box before you even begin to eat.

    This gives you no choice but to eat a healthy portion.

    If you would rather not carry around a to-go box then ask that your entrée be made into a smaller portion. If it is dinnertime ask for the lunch-sized entrée.

    Reason #4: Eating Too Late
    Who really wants to go to bed early while on vacation? The days stretch long and undoubtedly end with a nice big dinner.

    All these calories, eaten right before bed, will quickly land around your waist.

    Your Plan: Simply stop eating 3 hours before you go to bed.

    This easy trick is especially effective while on vacation.

    So skip that late night indulgence and wake up looking and feeling great.

    Reason #5: Not Exercising Enough (Or At All)
    Oh, groan, do I really have to exercise while on vacation?

    Yes, you do! That is if you want to look and feel younger and more alive.

    Too often exercise is looked at as work, but vacations are the perfect time to really enjoy a good workout.

    You won't be rushing home, trying to squeeze in a few minutes at the gym, but rather the vacation workout can be a relaxing and enjoyable experience.

    Your Plan: Look at vacation workouts as a treat, and make it a priority.

    Here are some ideas:
    • Virtually every hotel these days has some type of workout room equipped with cardio machines, dumbbells and a universal machine, so make good use out of it.
    • Vacations are also a great time to take your workout outdoors; take a run on the beach or do sprints, pushups and crunches on a grassy field. If you want more ideas of workouts you can do using just your body weight then give me a call or send me an email.
    • Make a conscious effort to be active everyday. Go on a brisk walk after your day's activities. This is a great way to see a new city, and also a great way to burn off extra calories. Take the stairs instead of elevator in your hotel and any other buildings you visit.
    • Go on a short jog in the mornings or evenings of your stay. If your hotel has a pool, swim a few laps each morning or evening.

    Enjoy your vacation! :)
  • kayladean
    kayladean Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks....I will keep this in mind! Great tips :smile:
  • KelliW_runner
    KelliW_runner Posts: 150 Member
    I've stressed about this many times but the reality is that it is nearly impossible to gain more than a pound or two over a week (unless you're totally out of control - and sometimes water weight adds more but comes off really quickly). More often, due to high activity levels, I maintain or even lose.

    If you're concerned about the pound or two, then just pick one meal a day to indulge. The walks on beach are great as walking in sand is harder than on pavement. Also, swimming in the ocean is good.

    If you like frozen drinks (dacquiris, margaritas), then just know those are very high in empty calories and meter them appropriately or alternate with water or lower cal drinks (some beers and wine or sangria).
  • Lisah8969
    Lisah8969 Posts: 1,247 Member
    I just got back from 5 days at Disney. The main reason I went (this time) was a 10 mile race on Saturday night. I brought more gym clothes and got in one more running day while there and literally hit the stationary bike at home 5 minutes after I walked in the door. I indulged in some good food while I was there. I made some better choices that normal and surprisingly found some new things that i like. I didn't log any of the ten hours a day walking through the parks since I only log activities that i do specifically for exercise, but I did log everything I ate. I think it helped with some perspective. When I first stepped on the scale (4 minutes after I walked in the door), I was up almost 7 pounds. I knew a lot of that was water retention and TOM so I didn't stress too much. Two days later on my "official" weigh in for the week, I was actually down a pound from the day I left for vacation.

    Just think about what you are ordering and enjoy! Don't stress about it.
  • I feel your pain, I have a cruise coming up after Thanksgiving and I am afraid I will go a little crazy. No MFP on the open waters! So, I have told myself I will enjoy myself, but no crazy Thanksgiving fill up before I go.
  • kayladean
    kayladean Posts: 16 Member
    Cruises are the devil :devil:! I swear I gained 5 lbs the last one we went on. Every turn you make, you're confronted with some kind of food - AND it's so tempting!! Good luck while gone! Have a great time!! :smile:
  • kristies73
    kristies73 Posts: 11 Member
    I have been struggling for awhile and have been up and down in my weight loss. I finally went down and I'm about to go on a week vacation to Legoland, Disneyland, and San Diego. I'm worried about it. I usually do pick the right choices when eating out, but probably tend to eat too much or snack in between on the wrong stuff. That added sodium really gets me. I know there will be a lot of walking but I'm worried about the food. So many things I'm looking forward to eating. I hope I at least stay the same after the few days of water weight go away.