14 lbs gone, 15-20 to go. ADD ME!!

HI GUYS! Last December I decided that I wanted to lose weight. I was 5'7", and roughly 165 pounds. Not TOOO heavy, but definitely NOT pretty lookin' on a ruler shape.. I jumped into weight loss successfully and was able to trim down to 152 by April. That was a solid 4 months for 15 pounds.

May-September I progressively started to fall off the band wagon, and I ended up going back to my bad eating habits and stopped exercising all together. What happened? The scale didn't move up, my muscles deteriorated, and my body percent fat went back up. So, although I didn't see a change in the scale, I saw my hard work drop and I am TIRED of being an unhappy girl in my body. I am 21 and I deserve to feel young & beautiful... you can only live your 20's once, so I'm doing this and making it a lifestyle change for good.

Here's the problem: I'm back into my regimen of eating right and exercising, gaining some muscle, (The scale is now 155....)
and I want my motivation back!

I am looking to friend high energy, motivating people. Losing your last 15-20 pounds isn't easy. And I wanna run that path with someone!!! LETS GO!! add me!


  • karbhat
    karbhat Posts: 50 Member
    I'm looking to lose the last 15 pounds too! adding!
  • Add me if you like. I'm 24, thought the same thing! Want to get myself fit and healthy whilst I'm still young and have the rest of my life to stay fit and healthy!

    I need to loose 7lb to get into 'normal' BMI and my over all goal is another 26lb to get a 22 BMI and stay there.
    ValRAAAAY Posts: 270 Member
    I started in September of 2011 weighing in at 206 (GASP!!!) (I'm 5'7")

    I reached my goal weight Wednesday morning--160!!!

    Contemplating on whether or not I want to lose 10 more...or if I just wanna tone up what I have!!!

    Add me if you want!!!

    This is a GREAT site with LOTS of motivation, LOTS of great people, and LOTS of fun!!!


    *ETA height...
  • KaylieDawn
    KaylieDawn Posts: 11 Member
    I'm in exactly the same boat! I'm going to add you!
  • Jessicao33
    Jessicao33 Posts: 189 Member
    I want to lose more like 50 pound I start sep 26, 2012 and I want people to help member also...so I hear you when u want people to keeps going. Add me please I will help u..I been walking 7 days a week and working out 5 days work. I am cutting or already have to very little crabs and candy is very hard to cut but I do have it...no soda since feb 2012.
  • Good job and good luck! :)