Dietitian? Therapist? Who can help?

I'm not sure where to go for help. I don't know where, how or why it started, but I began having very large binges on sweets. I zone out and eat extreme amounts of sweet food extremly quickly. There is no such feeling as full.

I know how to eat healthy, and besides the binges, I do. Fruits, veggies, fiber, protein, carbs... I get it, it is common sense. However, I just don't follow it.

I don't know what comes over me, what compells me to eat the sweets. It is just really bleedin delicious and as soon as I get the taste, I must have all of it and then more!

Up to a few years ago I was thin and fit and had a normal relationship with food. Then something just clicked and I can now put away a 1.5L tub of ice cream away without blinking an eye, and then go for seconds!

I know I need professional help. I have been trying to overcome this on my own for the last year and have only gained more weight. However, I am not sure where to turn. I feel like a dietitian might help, since it is food related, but on the other hand, what can the tell me or reccomend me that I don't already know. Plus, if I already have the information and can't succeed on my own, how will it help at all?

Then there is the thought of a therapist, since I have read many places that binging is usually emotionally related. However, I don't feel like there are any deep underlying reasons for it. Like I said, it is just really really good tasting!

I'm floored and lost. I want help but I haven't the slightest idea where to turn.


  • cthready
    cthready Posts: 12 Member
    I'm qualififed as far as I have a Cert 4 in Diet and Nutrition btu I have also lost a lot fo weight and dealt a lot of my eating issues in that journey, the first things I'd look at is sleep, are you getting enough sleep? If you are hten I woul ddefienetly go and get some counselling, also see if you can find someone who can test and address any hormone issues you might have? Natural therapies are always a good place to start.

  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Get professional help, compulsive behaviour like this may be symptomatic of undiagnosed depression or other mood disorder - basically self medicating with food.

    Many people are reluctant to seek help for mental health issues as they perceive it to be a sign of weakness or the old "it's all in your head, snap out of it!" Mood disorders are usually the result of chemical imbalances in the brain.
  • foodhore
    Thank you for the suggestions. I am getting enough sleep - usually 7-8 hours on weekdays and a good 10-12 on weekends.

    I recently had "routine" blood work done, last time I was at the GP. I am not certain what all they check for so I am not sure if hormones are in that, but everything they checked was normal.

    I think I might take a look into some therapists who deal with eating issues. It can't hurt! Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

    Thank you again for your responses. :smile: